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@Hyperion The teams have secured the area, no exigencies have occurred.

Reaffirm the position of your ministers my lord and bring order to this land.
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@all to da new house of Empror @Hyperion
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I do not appreciate your tone good sir. Perhaps you forget that I am my Lord @Hyperion's knife in the shadows- his hand which doth bring down despair upon his enemies with great malice. I take my orders from the Emperor himself. You would do well to watch yourself unless you wish to find yourself painfully transfixed in the middle of the night only to have a blade slide in between your ribs to pierce your bosom deep.

Son, I've got veritable proof to suggest that you've been stealing adult sized pampers from the Royal Stores each day of your last 20 days of Special Forces Training so unless you want the People of Naswaristan & its soon-to-be deposed Emperor to see with their own eyes the toughness of their Knife-in-the-Dark, I'd rather not threaten me ! :D
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da national anthem postd by @A.Rafay on old naswar corner just nw :rofl:

Naswar sar zameen shadh baaad
Keshwarey yakeen shadh baad
Tu neshane azme alishan arzey naswarabad
Kowate akhowate naswary awam!
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