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Once you’re Pakistani, there is no going back to India

WTH is a go tus?

you done parroting your crap out....now kindly stop quoting me....Repeating something out of ignorance isnt going to get you far!
Showing you reality is not called ignorance. Indeed, it would be you who is ignorant if you are blind to what not just India but so many other nations are doing with respect to Pakistan. And indeed ignorant if you are blind to simple logic.
WTH is a go tus?

you done parroting your crap out....now kindly stop quoting me....Repeating something out of ignorance isnt going to get you far!

Thank you for a much politer answer....

So india is showing care to Pakistanis? less care of such sort would do those with relatives on your land good :tup:
No, India doesn't care what is anyone's citizenship status outside of its soil. So, it is already caring less (that is, zero) about how others treat the dual-citizenship factor. All issue starts once people of pakistani origin apply for Indian visa.

I dont know how many Pakistanis will have relatives in N.Korea, Uganda ...

Even the country repeatedly spewing discrimination (Australia) hasnt stooped to your level :enjoy:

Oh just so you know ....the whole article is related to PAKISTANI AMERICANS....what you are talking about or trying to bring in Pakistanis with Pakistani passports is gaga land and off topic

Now dont post this now that you are caught being practicing denial mode for PDF indians 101

You are now being silly. Many Pakistani Americans also have Pakistani citizenship in addition to US ones - i.e., dual nationality. All such persons can apply only on their Pakistani passport, something that even the UK government clearly mentions on their website. Those who have renounced Pakistani citizenship are required to give proof of the same before applying on their U.S. passports which then should take about 6-8 weeks to process provided no red flags are raised.

From the article:
Adding further insult to injury, India requires Pakistani Americans to file their visa applications using their Pakistani passports and not their American ones.
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other thing is Pakistanis are allowed to have dual citizenship I believe. They can be American and Pakistani both by nationality, please update if there is any change.
u got a big prejudice against us.
i have noted that this has been repeated a no. of times here on pdf,,,,,,,but if we look at facts,,,how do u attribute the increase in no. of minorities in India aftr partition. n the opposite in Pakistan.,,,doesnt this simple fact proves that we r actually secular n moderate(atleast to a degree,i suppose)

well,,,,cant we say the same,,,we have much more to show thn u do.

this i agree with

no one is disputing the fact that muslims(ttp or neothr grp)r killing more muslims thn othrwise,,,,maybe it has somthng to do with the fact that they claim to do all of in the name of religion.

same??well,,let me just disagree.

ideally yes:-)

i am pretty sure that an ordinary Indians meets a person belonging to othr faith lot more often thn u do,,,,,hence its not a big deal for us,honestly

is this supposed to be a big deal??
contrary to what u believe to be true about India n Indians,,,,we r not as bad as u think we r(i may as well say,better thn arabs any day:D)
let me just say that u guys have very little amount of interaction with ppl of othr faith compared to us,,,
about ur mamu,,,,,,my bhanjis dai ma is muslim,,both parents work,,she takes care of her

well while i cannot reply point to point i will like to address a few things...
Your focus seems to be on the fact that India have more people from different faiths, true,, but having a larger population do not makes one a secular nation. There are literally hundreds and thousands of cases where Hindus have claimed india to be a HINDU state and have been involved in act of violence against people of other faith, and, it is not only Muslims. The only point is that while all these discrimination they keep on saying that no we are a secular state and we have more Muslims than Pakistan, again, having a larger population do not makes you a moderate country. It is the actions that speak. What was done to Christians, Sikhs, Muslims and many other minorities.

Secondly i never said that having some affiliation with a person from other religion is a BIG THING here, :) i was just pointing that just like SOME Indian Muslim and Hindus are living together in peace, there are SOME Muslims and Hindus here as well living together. The QUANTITY do not matter a lot because of the massive difference in population. The problem is there are a few bad sheeps, on both sides. These are the ones creating all the unrest. If TTP bomb a mosque and claim to do it in name of Allah, that DO NOT MAKE this an ISLAMIC act, it is just deception. Just like a Hindu killing someone from lower cast is,,,

The point was simple that we can improve the situation on both side of border, even if we do not improve it across order. That will help the people at least. There is no prejudice against anyone, just a sense of disappointment on what things WE ARE BOTH doing, one in name of Islamic Country and other in name of Secular state....
From the article: Adding further insult to injury, India requires Pakistani Americans to file their visa applications using their Pakistani passports and not their American ones.
And the very basis of my argument!

I am free to point out the biasedness of India's practice as right of my freedom rest of the butthurt Indians can say whatever they want in response and yet still be far from reality!

You are now being silly.

No, India doesn't care what is anyone's citizenship status outside of its soil. So, it is already caring less (that is, zero) about how others treat the dual-citizenship factor. All issue starts once people of pakistani origin apply for Indian visa.
And yet we have Indians actually replying to that :tsk:

All issues start with the discrimination level of Indians

Showing you reality is not called ignorance. Indeed, it would be you who is ignorant if you are blind to what not just India but so many other nations are doing with respect to Pakistan. And indeed ignorant if you are blind to simple logic.
Thank you for admitting to be a biased nation with half a century old grudge!
It is immensely illogical for people to talk about Pakistanis without ever talking to one or ever being in Pakistan...

2ndly, It is further illogical to talk about people you dont know...I am a Pakistani national with Pakistani passport and I have traveled more countries than you...So before basing your life from your shitty media I suggest you crawl out from under the rock!
2ndly, It is further illogical to talk about people you dont know...I am a Pakistani national with Pakistani passport and I have traveled more countries than you...So before basing your life from your shitty media I suggest you crawl out from under the rock!
I don't care how many countries you have been to or not put a step outside your village in Pakistan.

This is a fact of a Pakistani passport. And there is a reason why most countries want fewer Pakistanis coming to their land. It is not out of thin air that so many countries in the world decided they want fewer Pakistanis traveling to their country.
Pakistani passport third worst for international travel - The Express Tribune

There is no bias, there is only accepting reality. Pakistanis are considered security threats and so by virtue of being security threats, Pakistanis are discouraged from entering different countries. If it was only India, your statement might have been correct - that of a bias. As the link above shows, most of the world feels the same way about Pakistanis - transforming what you call a 'bias' to a 'fact'.
I don't care how many countries you have been to or not put a step outside your village.
If repeating what I said in your own words makes you understand better than suit yourself :enjoy:
This is a fact of a Pakistani passport.
And I have it hence none of your biased discrimination stands! No matter how many

There is no bias, there is only accepting reality.
I dont see you accepting reality of cases like me which are common enough to nullify your blind hatred spewing out! :enjoy:

Pakistanis are discouraged from entering different countries.
Leave it to an Indian to show their hatred tell you what:


Oh yea before you counter anything I can see the desperation reeking....Even I dont read ANY Indian media...it really is lovely how Indian readers boost our reader amount for our media....And were an article AGAINST india....it would be rendered useless and lacking worth ...Interesting another point at discrimination index! :coffee:
If repeating what I said in your own words makes you understand better than suit yourself :enjoy:

And I have it hence none of your biased discrimination stands! No matter how many

I dont see you accepting reality of cases like me which are common enough to nullify your blind hatred spewing out! :enjoy:

Leave it to an Indian to show their hatred tell you what:

Oh yea before you counter anything I can see the desperation reeking....Even I dont read ANY Indian media...it really is lovely how Indian readers boost our reader amount for our media....And were an article AGAINST india....it would be rendered useless and lacking worth ...Interesting another point at discrimination index! :coffee:
Again, all your ranting is pointless when put in the light of facts.
A research is put up for all the world to see. Your anecdotes of whether or not you have a Pakistani passport mean absolutely nothing on an online forum. What matters is published research like the one in the link I gave you.

As I said before, its not discrimination, it is simple precaution to keep our citizens safe. All the ranting in the world will not change that, nor make it unfair. If Pakistanis were not a security risk, the above said link would have stated something very different, the fact that they are, leads us to be cautious.And not just us, a large number of countries feel similar to us.

You reap what you sow.
Again, all your ranting is pointless when put in the light of facts.
And the very fact I am not in Pakistan with a Pakistani passport with hundreds like me is fact so wake up and stop making the media your new god!
A research is put up for all the world to see.
The research doesnt show how they rated it...Just that countries need visa...and just coz we dont asskiss like india doesnt make anything impossible for us...So while your country have a higher index and still sit under a rock in India and are denying fact from statistics is the fact....

What matters is published research like the one in the link I gave you.
Money can publish any range of crap...I can churn any amount of researches...and that again is a fact

Here is a VERY good example:
Publishers withdraw more than 120 gibberish papers : Nature News & Comment

The publishers Springer and IEEE are removing more than 120 papers from their subscription services after a French researcher discovered that the works were computer-generated nonsense.

Over the past two years, computer scientist Cyril Labbé of Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble, France, has catalogued computer-generated papers that made it into more than 30 published conference proceedings between 2008 and 2013. Sixteen appeared in publications by Springer, which is headquartered in Heidelberg, Germany, and more than 100 were published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), based in New York. Both publishers, which were privately informed by Labbé, say that they are now removing the papers.

Doctor faked AIDS vaccine research just to get federal money -- vaccine fraud happens more often then you might think - NaturalNews.com


Would you like me to go on...

You see we are thought to counter such crap and be vigilant of what we read and not digest everything fed to us...Oh wait who am I wasting my time trying to educate :coffee:

Hundreds of open access journals accept fake science paper | Higher Education Network | The Guardian

Hundreds of open access journals, including those published by industry giants Sage, Elsevier and Wolters Kluwer, have accepted a fake scientific paper in a sting operation that reveals the "contours of an emerging wild west in academic publishing".

The hoax, which was set up by John Bohannon, a science journalist at Harvard University, saw various versions of a bogus scientific paper being submitted to 304 open access journals worldwide over a period of 10 months.

Fake Cancer Study Spotlights Bogus Science Journals

The world is not lacking in ways to brainwash one who is half brain dead!
According to the US Code Title 42, Chapter 21 of civil rights,

“Discrimination against any person ‘based on age, disability, gender, race, national origin and religion (among other things) in a number of settings—including education, employment, access to businesses and buildings, federal services and more’ is prohibited.”

Yet the Indian consulate carries out this blatant discrimination most unabashedly on US soil against US citizens.
Obviously a waste of writing space, since it is obvious foreign sovereign entities are outside the purview of many rights.

500,000 US citizens of Pakistani origin cannot be held accountable for a handful of miscreants who also happened to be of Pakistani origin.
Also obviously 18 mil Pakistanis cannot be held responsible for a handful of miscreants, but that is the sad reality. Countries are allowed to be obsessive in protecting their citizens. The author should also find out what restrictions are there on persons of Indian origin in visiting India. It is mostly tit for tat.
And the very fact I am not in Pakistan with a Pakistani passport with hundreds like me is fact so wake up and stop making the media your new god!

The research doesnt show how they rated it...Just that countries need visa...and just coz we dont asskiss like india doesnt make anything impossible for us...So while your country have a higher index and still sit under a rock in India and are denying fact from statistics is the fact....

Money can publish any range of crap...I can churn any amount of researches...and that again is a fact

Here is a VERY good example:
Publishers withdraw more than 120 gibberish papers : Nature News & Comment

The publishers Springer and IEEE are removing more than 120 papers from their subscription services after a French researcher discovered that the works were computer-generated nonsense.

Over the past two years, computer scientist Cyril Labbé of Joseph Fourier University in Grenoble, France, has catalogued computer-generated papers that made it into more than 30 published conference proceedings between 2008 and 2013. Sixteen appeared in publications by Springer, which is headquartered in Heidelberg, Germany, and more than 100 were published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), based in New York. Both publishers, which were privately informed by Labbé, say that they are now removing the papers.

Doctor faked AIDS vaccine research just to get federal money -- vaccine fraud happens more often then you might think - NaturalNews.com


Would you like me to go on...

You see we are thought to counter such crap and be vigilant of what we read and not digest everything fed to us...Oh wait who am I wasting my time trying to educate :coffee:

Hundreds of open access journals accept fake science paper | Higher Education Network | The Guardian

Hundreds of open access journals, including those published by industry giants Sage, Elsevier and Wolters Kluwer, have accepted a fake scientific paper in a sting operation that reveals the "contours of an emerging wild west in academic publishing".

The hoax, which was set up by John Bohannon, a science journalist at Harvard University, saw various versions of a bogus scientific paper being submitted to 304 open access journals worldwide over a period of 10 months.

Fake Cancer Study Spotlights Bogus Science Journals

The world is not lacking in ways to brainwash one who is half brain dead!
Stop these pathetic attempts to show that papers are retracted. Till the time these are, they will continue to be accepted. Just for your information, its not just one organization that has conducted such a research, others have to the same conclusion. That Pakistani passport is one of the worst in the world for traveling.
There are hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis abroad ofcourse. That does not in any way remove the fact about WHY Pakistani passports are bad for traveling easily.

This also ties in with Indian experience and data that Pakistanis are a threat to peace and order. Which is why our Government requires that Pakistanis not to pass themselves off as solely some other nationality. It is a fact, it is not illegal,if it was, US Government would have been legally obliged to end it in US. That they have not should tell you soething.
And the very basis of my argument!

I am free to point out the biasedness of India's practice as right of my freedom rest of the butthurt Indians can say whatever they want in response and yet still be far from reality!

You keep running away from your argument. You were arguing that India was defining US citizenship, so I pointed out that a large number of those could also be defined as Pakistani citizens and held Pakistani passports making India well within her rights to have them apply as Pakistanis. You are free to point out any bias you feel, no one cares one way or the other.

The point of being "butthurt" makes no sense, it is Pakistanis & Pakistani origin people protesting, the butthurt is certainly nowhere else.

Though we have very strong security reasons to DENY visas to US- Pakistani citizens
but DO you know why the US CANNOT do anything about this

The answer is that in India ; US embassies ALSO deny visas to so many people
including tourist visas

We dont complain

SO the US too cannot complain


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