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Pakistan and India join SCO! Anti-USA alliance grows

Fingers crossed but definitely, definitely, there's a lot of potential.
Good news.

BRICS is a joke. Nothing will ever get done in BRICS and once India joins SCO, nothing will get done in that either. Just look at the recent WTO veto by India.

There is a reason India is excluded from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

India has a strange policy, they seem to naively think they can be pro-West and pro-Asia at the same time, which is unrealistic given the way that world affairs are evolving. The West merely sees Asia as another (or actually, the most important) continent to exploit by playing divide and conquer games.
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how is kerala and Kochi? is it as bad as I think it is?
Havent been to Kochi yet.
We live in truchur.

Right now theres water everywhere,lot of greenery,some mosquitoes and lot of NRIs around....errr I meant GELF ppl. :D
i like everything about kerala though I wish ppl used a lil less oil on their hairs.:P

Better than roaches ? :o:

What should we call you then Cockroach Rani ? :sarcastic:
You Apsooo King!!!! :haha::haha::haha:
For a long time, China's position was no India in SCO unless Pakistan joins too. Now it looks like Russia acquiesced to our demand. In SCO, Pakistan and India are equals so India will never be able to dominate South Asia like their dream Arkand Bharat.

equal? on what basis? what kind of economy up-gradation Pakistan will do?
What happened to all the Indians kissing USA and Japanese cheeks? Sounds like a slap in the face.

We create our foreign policy only for our national interest .Comments made by some Indians here cant be taken as the benchmark of our foreign policy.About pro -USA.Well yesterday an American foreign secreatary came here and gone with empty hand of WTO.
Havent been to Kochi yet.
We live in truchur.

Right now theres water everywhere,lot of greenery,some mosquitoes and lot of NRIs around....e

oh trichur, i visited the zoo and that krishna and shiva temple there. Great city.
If Pakistan and india can work together than ......... " Why this kolaveri D ?
I am in favour of this anti-USA alliance but first Pakistan and India has to solve the issues between them. I am sure a great alliance of all major Asian countries will break the monopoly of west.

Because how can they put embargo on us? This is the time to show them that we are not relying on them.

For god sack, can we put all thing on backburner and look at our current national interest.
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