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Pakistan and India join SCO! Anti-USA alliance grows

Good news.

India has a strange policy, they seem to naively think they can be pro-West and pro-Asia at the same time, which is unrealistic given the way that world affairs are evolving. The West merely sees Asia as another (or actually, the most important) continent to exploit by playing divide and conquer games.

True. Indians are the most pro-West and pro-Anglo Saxon people on earth. They worship the West more than Westerners worshipping themselves. You got to be a true arse kisser to do that.

They are the only country that enjoyed living under colonial rule. Every other country hated being under colonial rule and did their best to resist the colonial powers but India quite welcomed it. This is why India was so easily colonised for such a long time.

Heck, India wasn't even a country with central government rule until the British created modern day 'India'. It took until the arrival of the British to create a country called 'India'. I think that is why the Indians love the Anglo-Saxons so much as they gave the Indians a country they never had before.

British gave Indians everything from democracy, to British language, to British laws, to British education system, to British bureaucracy and corruption.

India is like a Western agent inside Asian groups like BRICS, SCO, etc. They will do everything to slow and disrupt the organisations to please their Western masters.
For god sack, can we put all thing on backburner and look at our current national interest.
National interest can be achieved by doing that.

Don't know for you if akhand baharat is the national interest!!
What happened to all the Indians kissing USA and Japanese cheeks? Sounds like a slap in the face.

Why ...we will kiss every one at the same time who gives up economic and long term benefit...Even if Pakistan provides us any benifits we will alligned with them...There is not any permanent friends dear...It is just your interests...
True. Indians are the most pro-West and pro-Anglo Saxon people on earth. They worship the West more than Westerners worshipping themselves. You got to be a true arse kisser to do that.

They are the only country that enjoyed living under colonial rule. Every other country hated being under colonial rule and did their best to resist the colonial powers but India quite welcomed it. This is why India was so easily colonised for such a long time.

Heck, India wasn't even a country with central government rule until the British created modern day 'India'. It took until the arrival of the British to create a country called 'India'. I think that is why the Indians love the Anglo-Saxons so much as they gave the Indians a country they never had before.

British gave Indians everything from democracy, to British language, to British laws, to British education system, to British bureaucracy and corruption.

India is like a Western agent inside Asian groups like BRICS, SCO, etc. They will do everything to slow and disrupt the organisations to please their Western masters.
:fans::fans:..come on go ahead tell us more.
What happened to all the Indians kissing USA and Japanese cheeks? Sounds like a slap in the face.
Don't talk through your hat! Indians never kissed the Americans. Just because we bought a few fancy military hardware from them doesn't mean a fuk. It's purely a business deal where they are concerned and a favor we are doing them after they kissed us. Because for every $1 billion purchases we make, 50,000 jobs are created for the Americans.

So it's not a case of Indians kissing the Americans but the other way around where America has been begging us to buy from them to bolster their military-industrial complex and to keep their production lines going.

So now you know who is kissing who's a$$...
SCO is like one of those facebook groups you join and forget about it until you receive a message from the Admin about the closure of the group.SCO is nothing like NATO,it's just another chai biscuit group.

BRICS,SAARC and ASEAN should be our focus.
SCO is like one of those facebook groups you join and forget about it until you receive a message from the Admin about the closure of the group.SCO is nothing like NATO,it's just another chai biscuit group.

BRICS,SAARC and ASEAN should be our focus.
It will take time to mature.....Have faith.
FFS india/china/pakistan/russian trolls trolling the whole world!:mad:

*run everyone run*
It is easier to align along line of economics than it is on defense agreements. The trust factors are still not at a point where Russia and China can agree on military alliance.

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