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Pakistan Army warns India against 'misadventure'

Now really buddy. You are supposed to be an administrator in this forum. That would entail you adding quality posts which enhances the value of this forum. What do you think, that the IA if faced with an armed hostile population would simply treat that population with all the civic rights expected of an unarmed population during warfare? You do realize that the Geneva Convention rules permit any army when faced with hostility by civilians during warfare to treat those civilians as armed opponents and to attack them accordingly ? Your post displays the height of a reckless attitude by a civilian whose nation is facing hostilities for whatever reason from a neighbor. Also, in my view, it is an insult to your armed forces and an unnecessary insult if stats are to believed when it comes to the Pakistani armed forces
Before that we will unleash up and Bihar towards u and also bengal ,who have more population and weapons than pak and it's army combined and I haven't yet talked about punjab and haryana.
What kind of ppl you are? This gun culture will kill your Nation... It seems you are ready for Civil war..

What kind of ppl you are? This gun culture will kill your Nation... It seems you are ready for Civil war..
the guns are mostly in our houses for thiefs but it can be used for cross border thiefs also..
Radiness is not. Pakistan is in the top 5 most heavily armed civilian populations/capita. Arm bearing Pakistani citizens outnumber Germany's total population. Arms owned by civilians are worth in a Billion dollar figure and we mainly use a single cartridge for our assault rifles.

In 65 we had sticks and stones, now every Pakistani home atleast owns one fire arm. If India carries out another adventure, its Army will be culled like mosquitos by simple demographic firepower difference. India will have to fight all of us, not just our Army.
Read carefully
Number of guns per capita by country - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pakistan No. of guns per capita 11.6 (Per 100 households)
India No. of guns per capita 4.2 (Per 100 households)
Now you should compare no. of households both countries have and also another fact....North Indians have more weapons in houses then total population of Pakistan #hellyeah and you'll face us first
Pakistan Army is never short of men, they must treat India how it ought to be treated. Pakistani nation is ready to fight shoulder to shoulder with the Khakis. Call us to arms!

Yeah? when are you signing up? :azn:
Do remember that Ol'soldiers saying: every bullet has its victim's name written on it.

Bravado is not in short supply, in this season.........
its Army will be culled like mosquitos by simple demographic firepower difference. India will have to fight all of us, not just our Army.
What kind of arms do the civilians carry? Besides do you really think that untrained civilians with no strategy can just shoot and kill soldiers of a disciplined army? If any thing this will result in a much bigger blood bath for the people as the soldiers will start shooting people on sight.
What kind of arms do the civilians carry? Besides do you really think that untrained civilians with no strategy can just shoot and kill soldiers of a disciplined army? If any thing this will result in a much bigger blood bath for the people as the soldiers will start shooting people on sight.

He also thinks that civilians who hold a couple of firearms will have the unlimited firepower that the army will. He probably think that ammunition will auto-regenerate.
He also thinks that civilians who hold a couple of firearms will have the unlimited firepower that the army will. He probably think that ammunition will auto-regenerate.

Maybe they will be using amoebae for ammo. How can we even assume that those rag-tag guys will even be able to aim straight?
Doing "Hawai-Firing" at weddings is one thing, this is quite another thing.
Radiness is not. Pakistan is in the top 5 most heavily armed civilian populations/capita. Arm bearing Pakistani citizens outnumber Germany's total population. Arms owned by civilians are worth in a Billion dollar figure and we mainly use a single cartridge for our assault rifles.

In 65 we had sticks and stones, now every Pakistani home atleast owns one fire arm. If India carries out another adventure, its Army will be culled like mosquitos by simple demographic firepower difference. India will have to fight all of us, not just our Army.
It is funny that you would try to derive a "war fighting" capability by mentioning the number of civilians carrying arms in your country. It would rather be a cause of worry given the current taliban situation in your country.

Anyway, it is now a clearly stated modus operandi of the GoI that any firing across the IB or the LoC from Pakistan will be retaliated very heavily from India. It may now mean a lot to you on this forum but that is how it will be as a response from India. Now if you think that retaliation by the IA or BSF for any cross border / LoC firing is misadventure, so be it.

And the way things have been rolling out, so far it has not been India which is running around to UN or to P5 or all and sundry. Since that you mentioned Germany, probably Pakistan can try to ring up Merkel to see if she wants to take the Pakistani call.
Stop crying in front of the UN and the US. Show us what have you got.
India will never attack Pakistan.... Yes there will be small skirmishes in boarder which will be fought at local level.... Nothing more than that.... I dont think Pakistan will try another Kargil (or similar operations) in another decade..... so let us relax and enjoy life......

@Horus I have seen you speaking about civilians with guns in few threads... You know what? they will never be used against IA..... Because IA will never invade Pakistan, and future war(if any ) will be fought in a different level, and role of Infantry is going to be less compared to previous wars...... more over India has no intention in holding pakistani territory.....

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