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Pakistan carries out airstrikes along AfPak border

Drones won't help much unless enemy is concentrated outside populated areas. MRAPs and other armored vehicles will help. That kind of procurement will require time and money.
Go and watch videos where army is ambushed
Its 99% rough terrain on patrol with pickuo trucks with no armour
Just look at video of the recent attck
The csuslities would have been zero had they had maxpro or any turkish MRAPs..
They could have hunted the perpeturators if they had a near by drone by calling support

Rather then we hunting them its them..because they are better equipped then pakistan army with night googles

Only our brass with BMWs is better equipped..you can ban me but that is the reality
You can fool me that i dont know anything but you cant fool turksh american or british army..you cant tell them that drones and MRAPs dont work

Sell a few thunders or dont buy 4 type 54 if you dont have money
Hell no need for turkish gunships just buy MRAPS..we saw what happened to gunships in ukrain war..they were mostly sitting ducks to antiair shoulder launch weapons

Dear, like i said, in this strike we have 30-40 TTP killed, more wounded....imagine...it took six TTP guys only to kill 140 odd APS children. And here you have killed or neutralized maybe 60 -70 of them.....if we use maths again, it means ten times APS destruction averted, no?

Moreover, the way you are calculating collateral damage, let me give you another perspective to work on....

There were probably 1000 Pakistan soldiers employed on ground, they were supported by gunships and PAF jets who have otherwise limited visibility to whatever is there on the ground. And ALL this big machine, in this strike, managed to kill or neutralize 60 odd TTP guys, with only 6 civilian deaths. Isnt it good enough?

Dear, civilian killing is always disapproved, but it should not stop us from waging war against our enemies.
If this true then good kill
Just 6 civilians is very low since they always keep there families with them
Guys, lets not take a jab at entire Pushtun/Afghan nation. Our fight is with terrorists and terrorist only and we would continue to help the common Afghans irrespective of their ethnic background. Do not go down to the level of people who rejoice deaths of civilians and take a delight in the misery of common people.
Fighter Jets (F16
Pata chala abb ki bari Taliban yeh dekh raha hoon


You sound very much like an adolescent who just found deen.

Look. IEA supports TTP. TTP kills innocents. TTP also kills Pakistani soldiers. What is Pakistan supposed to do? Let them kill us?

A lot more nuance is needed but all you can manage is telling others about your interpretation of Quran in a very narrow sense. TTP are fitnah & dealing with them has really taxed us over the years. TTP operatives use their families as human shields & kill our civilians indiscriminately. So in order to respect Quranic injuctions as you see them, we ought to just let them kill us? Wow, what a discovery....

I hope you know what fitnah means & that fitnah is worse than murder according to Quran. Those who spread fitnah must be dealt with. I can give you multiple examples from Islamic history of how fitnah was handled. In just the last century (late 40s, early 50s), a caravan of Pakistani hajis was looted by the Arab Bedouin. Guess what King AbdulAziz did to them and their families?

We do not live in an era of sword warfare when you had to be in physical contact with the enemy. In technological warfare, there are civilian casualties, particularly when used as human shields. You just have to live with this fact. Any deaths that occur are on the people who spread fitnah, not those who act to stop them.

Don't comment on my deen. And I don't care how I sound.

TTP was created due to us supporting US war on terror. The cost of that war was humongous for Pakistan. We are where we are due to that war. There were no winners of that war, except the US. Pakistan has lost decades of growth and maturity due to it. The real root cause of that fitna would be USA. The 2nd fitna would be those who unnecessarily assisted USA in this genocide. NATOs crimes on Afghan soil are well documented. Australian soldiers killing for "sport". We were supplying food & resources to NATO. If NATO & US was doing such a great job. Why would Pakistan support their withdrawal from Afghanistan? We could have simply asked them to also bomb TTP personnel? When they asked Pakistan to do more. Why we didn't do more? We should have done more because it was our interest isn't it? Answer is simple. Our generals couldn't hold up against US pressure back then. They are bending against US pressure again. Looser is the region, not Americans. They didn't loose much, we have lost completely under the watch of our most scared, the most patriotic army. They successfully destroyed economy of the only nuclear powered Muslim state in the world. The probability of having an Islamic currency to break dollar's global hegemony was successfully destroyed. We on the other hand, have US sympathisers who are happy to work against national interest as long as they get paid some dollars.

There are other ways to diminish remnants of TTP. Otherwise we maybe looking onto another conflict. Only time can tell.​
Don't comment on my deen. And I don't care how I sound.

TTP was created due to us supporting US war on terror. The cost of that war was humongous for Pakistan. We are where we are due to that war. There were no winners of that war, except the US. Pakistan has lost decades of growth and maturity due to it. The real root cause of that fitna would be USA. The 2nd fitna would be those who unnecessarily assisted USA in this genocide. NATOs crimes on Afghan soil are well documented. Australian soldiers killing for "sport". We were supplying food & resources to NATO. If NATO & US was doing such a great job. Why would Pakistan support their withdrawal from Afghanistan? We could have simply asked them to also bomb TTP personnel? When they asked Pakistan to do more. Why we didn't do more? We should have done more because it was our interest isn't it? Answer is simple. Our generals couldn't hold up against US pressure back then. They are bending against US pressure again. Looser is the region, not Americans. They didn't loose much, we have lost completely under the watch of our most scared, the most patriotic army. They successfully destroyed economy of the only nuclear powered Muslim state in the world. The probability of having an Islamic currency to break dollar's global hegemony was successfully destroyed. We on the other hand, have US sympathisers who are happy to work against national interest as long as they get paid some dollars.

There are other ways to diminish remnants of TTP. Otherwise we maybe looking onto another conflict. Only time can tell.​
Though I am sorry that I engaged you, I feel that I should continue this streak for one more exchange.

1. Who told you that USA gained anything? I need to give them a good shut-up call for spreading fake news.

2. Pakistan was more a victim of circumstances during times of dictatorship than anything else. There was room to negotiate & maneuver (& a civvie govt would have done much better), but Mushy just collapsed & agreed to everything.

3. In a very round-about way, you can blame USA. But a lot of Muslims had much to do with that also. We must not externalize blame. This is lazy & dishonest. You don't get to make statements just like that.

4. Don't make excuses for TTP. What they did was horrible & far beyond what was done to them. Do you condone killing of civilians, church bombings, kidnapping for ransom, drug trade, etc...? Do you? Because that is what TTP did.

5. When you bring in deen, you do not get to make boundaries as though no one can challenge your opinions. You do not get to play victim here.

6. Under Mushy (& later too) Pakistan did get USA to punish TTP. If you do not know, then do read & learn a thing or two.

7. Targeting TTP is our compulsion, not an American dictation. Stop confusing so many things together.

8. Stop describing things in apocalyptic terms. Yes, Pakistan did suffer, but we wrecked our own economy. I will not get into how it happened here, but do not blame outsiders for our own problems.

9. You need to explain this: "The probability of having an Islamic currency to break dollar's global hegemony was successfully destroyed". It is very easy to be dismissive, but I want to know what makes you think that you can make such a statement. So how can you substantiate this. What was in the works that clever conspiring Americans spoiled?

10. Who do you think are US sympathizers in your view & how are they working against national interest. I would also like to see some receipts of the dollars that they received.

11. What are the ways to deal with TTP that you speak of? If you think that they just need a hug to stop being terrorists, be my guest & go to them to hug them. That would be very instructive for all of us. There is a risk that we might lose you, but I am willing to sacrifice your presence here for a noble cause.

Do answer the above, especially # 9 & #10.
Despite Pakistani establishment recent actions that led to imposition of anti Pakistan and financially corrupt Sharif family on Pakistan, I support Pakistani military actions against TTP terrorists

TTP kept attacking Pakistani state and Pakistani soldiers and they need to be punished for that
Please read more about history. Yes Kashmiris fought, the Pakistani army wasnt in Kashmir then as the British general didn't send them against the Indian attack, it was the qabali people that went in great numbers and fought later the Pak Army joined I believe after jinnah ordered them to.
Try reading my post again.
Civilian deaths are regrettable. Should be avoided as ,uch as possible
But, when you are employing aircraft ordnance (500-2000kg weight), the sad fact is that some will get affected.
So army wants to continue that futile WOT for any 20 years?

As long as the Americans show appetite for this war the army will happily oblige.

Families of the TTP militants will not be spared anymore. Taking shelter in Afghanistan rather than in Pakistan tells you a lot.

TTP members and supporters are sitting in assembly and parliament. Guess what, these people enjoy support from Western powers.
Don't comment on my deen. And I don't care how I sound.

TTP was created due to us supporting US war on terror. The cost of that war was humongous for Pakistan. We are where we are due to that war. There were no winners of that war, except the US. Pakistan has lost decades of growth and maturity due to it. The real root cause of that fitna would be USA. The 2nd fitna would be those who unnecessarily assisted USA in this genocide. NATOs crimes on Afghan soil are well documented. Australian soldiers killing for "sport". We were supplying food & resources to NATO. If NATO & US was doing such a great job. Why would Pakistan support their withdrawal from Afghanistan? We could have simply asked them to also bomb TTP personnel? When they asked Pakistan to do more. Why we didn't do more? We should have done more because it was our interest isn't it? Answer is simple. Our generals couldn't hold up against US pressure back then. They are bending against US pressure again. Looser is the region, not Americans. They didn't loose much, we have lost completely under the watch of our most scared, the most patriotic army. They successfully destroyed economy of the only nuclear powered Muslim state in the world. The probability of having an Islamic currency to break dollar's global hegemony was successfully destroyed. We on the other hand, have US sympathisers who are happy to work against national interest as long as they get paid some dollars.

There are other ways to diminish remnants of TTP. Otherwise we maybe looking onto another conflict. Only time can tell.​

ttp were created by Pakistan's enemies in order to worship indian hindus and be their slaves in creating unrest and instability in Pakistan.

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