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Pakistan, I’m watching, with dread in my heart. Are my fingers crossed?

I think this should be translated and plastered everywhere.


  • 20200520_025427.jpg
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Pakistan needs heard immunity and cocooning of those who are immunocompromised and have multiple co morbidities. Social distancing and lock down will not work for countries like Pakistan.

Great...did herd immunity worked for UK....as suggested by BJ?
To use Sweden, a country that is very sparsely populated , with a first world health system, and the ability to act quickly with test isolate and TREAT in outstanding hospital facilities with Pakistan that is densely populated vague minimal testing regime and fourth world hospital facilities is some sad stupid joke
It's a ridiculous situation that I expect to backfire horribly. I hope and pray I'm wrong.

There has to be some common sense. Pakistan is devoid of sense most of the time. It certainly isn't common. People queuing outside shopping malls. Nobody needs new Eid clothes. Many other stupids examples (political and religious jalsas).

We don't need total lockdown but we do need to take precautions. Agriculture for example should have continued - farmers are isolated in fields. The same is true for construction and other outdoor work.

Let's shops and banks etc open, but have people queue with distance in between them.
Agriculture had been carrying on as per normal.
No one in the villages has been observing lockdown.
It's only the towns and city's where any kind of lockdown has happened.

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