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Pakistan: Indo-BD defence deal

90% BDeshi show attitude if they come to know I'm from Pakistan
The Ravaged People of East Pakistan

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August 5, 1971, Page 33 The New York Times Archives

A planetary catastrophe Is taking place in Asia, a human disaster so massive that it could bathe the future in blood, not just for Asians, but for those of us in the West as well. Yet the response of the global community has been minimal at best In the United States, the official response has been worse than minimal and morally numb.

I have just returned from Calcutta and the border of East Pakistan, where I conducted interviews with refugees avalanching into India as a result of the. West Pakistani's genocidal attack on theme Since March 25, West Pakis tani troops have bombed, burned, loot ed and murdered the citizens of East Pakistan in What can only be a calcu lated campaign to decimate them or to drive them out of their villages and over the border into India.

Part of the time I traveled with a Canadian parliamentary delegation. We saw babies skin stretched tight, bones protruding, weeping women who told us they would rather die today in India than return to East Pakistan after the tragedies they had witnessed, total wretchedness of refugee camps, and the unbelievable magnitude of this forced human migration—6.7 million refugees pouring into India within a matter of four months.

I saw Indian villages deluged by masses of destitute refugees, every available inch crammed with bodies seeking shelter from the blistering sun and the torrential rain. I saw refugees still streaming along the roads unable to find even a resting place. I saw mis erable Indian villagers sharing their meager food with the latest frightened and hungry arrivals. I saw thousands of men, women and babies lined up, waiting patiently under the sun for hours to get their rations. These piti ful few ounces of rice, wheat and dahl provide a level of nutrition so low that it will inevitably create protein breakdown, liver illness, and a variety of other diseases in addition to the cholera, pneumonia, bronchitis that are already rampant. I saw Indian re lief officials struggling heroically, and with immense personal sympathy, to cope with the human tidal wave—and to do so on a budget of one rupee a day—about 13 cents per human.

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It is now clear that famine will further devastate East Pakistan this fall, and that millions more will seek refuge in an India already staggering under the burden.

Under these circumstances, one is forced to protest the callousness and stupidity of American policy. On the one hand we promise India $70 million in relief funds. On the other, we con tinue to supply arms to the same West Pakistani generals who launched the bloodbath, so that they can terrorize even more of their subjects into flee ing across the Indian border. The House vote this week to suspend aid, including military sales, to Pakistan is belated recognition of our sorry role.

In terms of realpolitik, the continu ation of military aid to West Pakistan is supposed to buy us influence with the ruling junta, and help offset Red Chinese influence. (Ironically, the Red Chinese are also aiding the West Pakis tani generals.)

Yet the heaviest stream of refugees is pouring into West Bengal, which is not only India's poorest and most over crowded state, but the most politically unstable, Between Calcutta and Bon goan on the border, some 50 miles dis tant, I saw scarcely a house that didn't have a hammer and sickle painted on it. Maoists, anarchists, and conven tional Marxists attack each other and the less radical parties with violence as well as rhetoric. Strikes, demon strations, and political assassinations are already a daily occurrence. West Bengal, even before the invasion of refugees, seemed about to explode.

By shipping arms to the West Pakis tanis, we are partially responsible for pouring millions of hungry, sick and angry refugees directly into this tinder box. This vastly increases the likeli hood of a bloody upheaval on the In dian side of the border as well, in which the power of Maoist movements could only grow. Thus, even if one un questioningly assumes the necessity to halt the spread of Chinese Communist influence, our policy seems idiotic. We hang on to the shreds of influence in West Pakistan at the cost of losing it in India. Worse, we pave the way for a bigger, bloodier and even more bit ter Vietnam in Asia.

But there is a simpler, less political reason why our aid policy must be changed. On grounds of simple human ity, the failure of our Government to express official concern for the rav aged people of East Pakistan, its alli ance with the undemocratic generals of Islamabad, and its cruel insistence on sending still more arms to the kill ers is morally repulsive.

The emergency in East Pakistan de mands a more than minimal response. We need to pump immediate life‐sav ing baby food, powdered milk, anti biotics, anticholera vaccines and simi lar supplies into India. But beyond that, decency and political realism both demand an immediate end to the arms shipments.
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Wow! What you guys do to Kashmiris when they want independence from you? You meet them with hugs and kisses? They want independence, Bangalis wanted independence as well. If what you do is correct then what we did to Bangalis is correct as well. If we did any injustice, you guys are doing that in Kashmir.
Now Kashmir is a disputed region. Bangladesh wasn't. It was a province where riots supported by India and Russia were disturbing the stability of a sovereign state. In any country, any region, any religion, the punishment for traitors is a death penalty.

1) stop comparing India and Pakistan.
2) The east Pakistani Bengalis were not asking for freedom - they were asking for their right to rule over all of Pakistan, having won national elections fair and square. The west pakistani military and leaders were racist bigits who did not want to abide by the election and jailed Mujib!

What Indian army is doing in J&K is keeping cross-border vermin from sneaking in and keeping their separatist thug friends in check. What Pak army did in East Pakistan was a genocide of its own population.

if you compare the two again it is simply a confirmation of desperation to hide from the truth.

Given that india have 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists scum roaches and then thousands of police and paramilitary, India sure is committing a genocide.

It is stupidity to bark like a mongrel when one don't know the basic ground realities,

Pakistan Army had only 42k troops which in no way were capable of killing civilian masses, their main priority and objective was to protect civilians and keep indian invaders out. Also to make sure the infiltrating mutkia terrorists are send to hell.

Pakistan Army fought bravely given the fact that the mainland was literally completely cutoff from enemy territory on 3 sides as well as enemy waters and airspace. No army can sustain if cut off from mainland and supplies plus the millions of population been brainwashed, tons of terrorists send by enemy who is next door, as well as the enemy troops with full force. That's the only victory you guys can acheive.

The shameful terrorism by india in IOK is so henious and full of hatred that they are now using humans as shield in IOK -read civilian tied to army jeep-.

then stop barking like mogrel and get some facts!
What Indian army is doing in J&K is keeping cross-border vermin from sneaking in and keeping their separatist thug friends in check.
By not developing mash it for the past 70 years, by deliberately sliding their HDI,and by spending huge funds ( God knows where they end) in corruption. And by emolyoing AFSPA and also blocking UN inspector entry too
1) stop comparing India and Pakistan.
2) The east Pakistani Bengalis were not asking for freedom - they were asking for their right to rule over all of Pakistan, having won national elections fair and square. The west pakistani military and leaders were racist bigits who did not want to abide by the election and jailed Mujib!
What Indian army is doing in J&K is keeping cross-border vermin from sneaking in and keeping their separatist thug friends in check. What Pak army did in East Pakistan was a genocide of its own population.
if you compare the two again it is simply a confirmation of desperation to hide from the truth.
You're totally incorrect pertaining to the both. Kashmir is a Muslim majority region which doesn't want to live under India. They want independence because of your cruelty and human rights abuse.
Begalis were traitors. They wanted independence. They didn't want to rule over whole of Pakistan. If that would have been the case, Army would have helped him form the government. Mujib was a traitor. He had this slogan and mission to liberate Bangladesh. He was funded by Indian government. It was an act of terrorism from your government. They had an organized armed uprising from within Pakistan which is unethical, unprofessional and against international laws.
What you're doing in Kashmir is again against human rights. You're killing innocent unarmed people who have rejected Indian rule, that's it. You've many more insurgencies within India, which proves that there is something wrong with all Indian governments.

I dont think CIA had a role....the Soviets (indian allies) did. Without soviet support, materiel and arms the campaign could have failed.

I think Pakistani leadership was also foolish to calculate that the Americans would have directly intervened if things seemed they were getting beyond point of no return

at any rate --- I still say "good riddance".....we should be providing same intensity of support to Kashmiris who are fighting for their freedom
today india is working hard to apply same method planting seeds of disorder so is usa. we have the worst leaders.

asma jahanghir, hassan nisar, hamid mir, marvi sermon, christine fair from hudson institute (defenitily funded by rockfeller/rothschild), also brookings institute, tarek fatah, anp party etc. Their is the talk of breaking pakistan into smaller pieces and thier are paid groups shouting slogan and banners saying they want seperation.
These bas tard groups are growing. isi should eliminate them now.

I dont think CIA had a role....the Soviets (indian allies) did. Without soviet support, materiel and arms the campaign could have failed.

I think Pakistani leadership was also foolish to calculate that the Americans would have directly intervened if things seemed they were getting beyond point of no return

at any rate --- I still say "good riddance".....we should be providing same intensity of support to Kashmiris who are fighting for their freedom

usa created the soviet power alot of people dont know this, why does soviet weopens etc look so similar ? why because usa was providing training and machine tools and templates/designs. soviet was another zionist paradise.
1) stop comparing India and Pakistan.
2) The east Pakistani Bengalis were not asking for freedom - they were asking for their right to rule over all of Pakistan, having won national elections fair and square. The west pakistani military and leaders were racist bigits who did not want to abide by the election and jailed Mujib!

What Indian army is doing in J&K is keeping cross-border vermin from sneaking in and keeping their separatist thug friends in check. What Pak army did in East Pakistan was a genocide of its own population.

if you compare the two again it is simply a confirmation of desperation to hide from the truth.

then stop barking like mogrel and get some facts!

1) of course, no comparision as india invaded Bangal as well as IOK.

2)Don't try to be expert like rest of your country men. There were several factors involved. Mujib was a traitor who went to tripura and agartala in order to create a plan along with RAW in 1967. He was under the radar of the Pakistani security institutions. His demands were that he will move naval and army head quarters to Bengal, which was a clear sign of his poisonous plans, imagine a scenerio having those hq's in that land during 71 war. There were several factors which is why he was not qualified to be a PM. High positions in the past were granted to Bengalis such as Hussain Suharwardy, Iskandar mirza, etc.

3) 7 lakh indian occupier terrorists scum roaches are just committing genocide in IOK, your nation is occupier and history proves no invader last in invaded territory for ever.

4) Now stfu and don't bark like a mongreal, already enough of your offtopic barking rant.
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today india is working hard to apply same method planting seeds of disorder so is usa. we have the worst leaders.

asma jahanghir, hassan nisar, hamid mir, marvi sermon, christine fair from hudson institute (defenitily funded by rockfeller/rothschild), also brookings institute, tarek fatah, anp party etc. Their is the talk of breaking pakistan into smaller pieces and thier are paid groups shouting slogan and banners saying they want seperation.
These bas tard groups are growing. isi should eliminate them now.

usa created the soviet power alot of people dont know this, why does soviet weopens etc look so similar ? why because usa was providing training and machine tools and templates/designs. soviet was another zionist paradise.

My dear Pak Friend,

Pakistan is not going anywhere.... NO, it is not going to break up.
If anything CPEC is binding it together much stronger than ever before.

It is all about the economy. Mismanagement, neglect and outright destruction of economy by the ruling elite of Pak is to blame first and far most.

Yes, fifth columnists are causing harm, along with the anti-Pak national media... but Pak is here to stay.

BD is in tight corner... if it goes too much into indian embrace then end for the ruling elite. If it stays away from indian embrace more internal troubles caused by indians...please, don't forget india controls BD water.

Just like Indus water... something more important to ponder upon!

I say Pak wish BD all the best and move on...

China needs BD to be neutral. Integeration of South Asian economy into the Dragon's is the focus. So, if your Friend wins, you win.

CPEC must be the focus. All else is distraction.

Must not waste time to BD elite's allegation... the BD elite has to do this on behlaf of india and to win elections.

All the very best to United Forever Pak!
I have just returned from Calcutta and the border of East Pakistan, where I conducted interviews with refugees avalanching into India as a result of the.
says a lot itself from calcutta,from where all these journalists, who were banished from Dhaka took refuge and wrote what Indians told them.
But words of Dad must be taken as holy words.
what do you say about loot,plunder and rape done by Bahin's and IA after 16 Dec..shshshshsh Master does'nt wishes to hear that...

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