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Pakistan is number one partner of the USA

I have never seen a thread boomeranged so badly to the thread starter.

Then you must see some threads started by another 'friend' from a nearby Island to change your opinion.
Read in another thread that a USA drone strike in Pakistan killed 80 people.

And yet Hafizz seems very proud about USA ties with Pakistan.
Who else will do this for USA.
1) Create Jihadi camps on your soil to fight USSR.
2) Give bases to bomb Afghanistan.
3) Supply route to Afghanistan.
4) Permission to bomb Pakistan using drones.
5) Let USA drive your foreign policy.
6) Give airbases for future use, even after war is over.
7) Have decent diplomatic and non diplomatic staff.

Basically these are some services that Pakistan provides to USA. Yes you are important.

By Jihadis... do you meant General Dostam and alikes.... who are running present Afghan regime?
I thought it is india which offered its logistics and military support to invade Afghansitan.
Oh man..! Pakistan has now got the US of A behind it..! Oh goodness what are we poor ally-less Indians to do now? Look at me, I am green with envy literally..:cheesy:
Oh man..! Pakistan has now got the US of A behind it..! Oh goodness what are we poor ally-less Indians to do now? Look at me, I am green with envy literally..:cheesy:

if all issue's are settled , one day India and pakistan could be allies, but america can never be any body's allies , america is only interested in america 's interest nothing else
you guys are lucky that usa is not your ally otherwise it would have been more devastating than pakistan ........ we do accept we are enemy of each others what we do to each others in front of us and front of everyone but what usa does to us even we cannot see untill it happens...

Interesting!! can u explain the bolded part :pop:
Pakistani armed forces aint no joke...even if they dint go nuclear i dont think US will ever risk it...US just cant accept so many casualties!!
Unfortunately, acetophenol is right.

After 9/11 event, Pakistan was the first nation to be threatened like this:

We'll bomb you to Stone Age, US told Pakistan - Times Online

When it comes to US military power, no nation has a chance against it. Top brass of every nation knows this. 1991 Gulf War opened eyes of many nations. Vietnam was soon forgotten.

It is absolutely true that Nuclear deterence has helped Pakistan on many difficult occasions.

US is very untrustworthy nation. India should learn a lesson from Pakistan.

Now US is planning to militarily encircle China via a string of allies in Asia. This is why India has been chosen and being offered carrots. You Indians should be careful of this game. Do not be a pawn in American games.

You Indians should try to resolve your disputes with your neighbouring countries. Only in this, salvation of India lies.

also the area. Pakistan is too big for us to fully capture
Don't fool yourself. Technology has no limits.

US has occupied Iraq and Afghanistan simultaneously in WOT. And it is also fighting extremist elements in some parts of Pakistan (e.g. provinces near Afghanistan).

In geographical terms:

Iraq + Afghanistan = 437072 sq km + 647,500 sq km (1084572 sq km in total)

Pakistan = 803940 sq km

What happens during occupation is that invaders establish military bases and occupy important regions. The unoccupied regions are subjected to military operations, when necessary. This strategy is cost effective. A country is never fully occupied in geographical terms and neither this is required.
News is already out about the sham of the Indo-US nuclear deal. They tried to convince India to buy American military hardware.
Take my advice: don't buy their equipment.

They may use it as leverage and pressurize India to accept more US demands just so you can receive the equipment you already paid for.
News is already out about the sham of the Indo-US nuclear deal. They tried to convince India to buy American military hardware.
Take my advice: don't buy their equipment.

They may use it as leverage and pressurize India to accept more US demands just so you can receive the equipment you already paid for.

Appreciate your concern.
Don't worry we know how to distribute the 'lollipops'. We have had 63 years of practice with various people/countries on how to get things without getting knotted up in to alliances. That is helping now.
Having the US backing PAkistan is like having Nazi Germany backing Israel and Jews.
Or Israel backing Syria and Iran.

But then with Zaardari the sellout anything can happen. Like the realse of Raymond DAvis.
Having the US backing PAkistan is like having Nazi Germany backing Israel and Jews.
Or Israel backing Syria and Iran.

But then with Zaardari the sellout anything can happen. Like the realse of Raymond DAvis.

why we only blame poor zardari? he cannot move alone without approval from army. kayani attended secret meeting with american generals in qatar to release davis.

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