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Pakistan to turn up the heat on Kashmir again

Pakistan foreign office should come under stupid and funny section.
Nah someone spanked the axxes of civil government to do their job properly on serious issues, if spanking not enough then boots is alternative:wink:
On topic. It's seems foreign affairs department wake up and let's see how loudly they speak.
I don't get it. Whats the point? Pakistan knows very well that India will not part with even an inch of Kashmir. Unless there is a military intervention, no amount of pleading to U.N or any other committee can make any difference. Yet we see the same thing every couple of months.
Read indian posters it's seems we already heated the issue:rofl:
Pakistan to turn up the heat on Kashmir again


Govt decides to forcefully internationalise longstanding Kashmir dispute in move which is likely to perturb India. PHOTO: AFP

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan seems to be increasingly upset over recent regional developments in the wake of US President Barack Obama’s visit to India and has decided to forcefully internationalise the longstanding Kashmir dispute in a move which is likely to perturb New Delhi.

The first indication that Islamabad is all set to push ahead with its decade-old principled stance on Kashmir came on Thursday when a top Pakistani diplomat invited the envoys of the five permanent members of UN Security Council and other European countries to the Foreign Office to brief them on the issue.

Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry told the envoys of these powerful countries that Pakistan would continue to support the ‘indigenous struggle’ of Kashmiris by extending “unflinching political, moral and diplomatic support to Kashmiri people.”

A statement issued here by the Foreign Office quoted the foreign secretary as telling diplomats that recently held elections in Indian-administered Kashmir could not substitute for a UN-monitored plebiscite. He also voiced Pakistan’s concerns over Indian attempts to alter the ground situation through demographic changes.

Aizaz emphasised that the resolution of the Kashmir dispute was pivotal for ensuring peace, security and stability in the region. Paying tribute to the sacrifices of the Kashmiri people in their struggle for self-determination, the foreign secretary stressed that the resolution of this long-standing dispute must be ensured in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions. For years Pakistan seemed to have shown flexibility over its position on Kashmir issue in an effort to find an ‘out of box’ solution to the longstanding dispute. But recent developments including the hardline position taken by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government and visit of the US President, during which key agreements were signed, appear to have compelled Islamabad to change its stance.

The foreign secretary, according to the official statement, underscored the crucial role of the international community in helping to bring about a sustainable and lasting solution to the Kashmir dispute. He drew attention to the continuous rights violations by Indian forces in the disputed territory and the plight of the Kashmiris, “of which human rights organisations and the international community are well aware.” He expressed the hope that the international community would continue to remain engaged on this vital issue.

Aizaz also stated that while remaining firm on its just stance, Pakistan is committed to a meaningful and constructive dialogue with India to resolve all outstanding issues, including the core issue of Jammu and Kashmir. He conveyed Pakistan’s concerns on certain agreements which according Islamabad would have detrimental impact on the strategic stability in the South Asian region.

At her weekly news briefing, FO spokesperson Tasnim Aslam said India’s massive acquisition of weapons further complicated the regional strategic stability. “India’s defence spending has increased by 12% in 2014-15 and stands at US$ 38.35 billion. India has been the top buyers of arms for the last three years. In this backdrop, the US-India 10-year defence agreement can only add to the conventional asymmetry and hence strategic instability,” Tasnim told reporters.

She maintained that Pakistan has been proposing a three pronged Strategic Restraint Regime consisting of conflict resolution, nuclear and missile restraint, and conventional balance.

“Pakistan firmly believes that confidence-building and arms reduction in the regional and sub-regional context to be of paramount importance,” she stressed.

About the recent visit of army chief General Raheel Sharif to China in the backdrop of regional developments, the spokesperson termed China as a global power and said it is a ‘factor of regional stability.’

“We are engaged with China very extensively and we believe that globally and regionally China has an important responsibility and role to play for peace, stability, prosperity and development,” she said.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 30th, 2015.

Indians, we need to know from your leaders two things :
1 : why Indians are administrating part of Kashmir
2 : what your defense spending increases are spent on and where those new assets are stationed and directed at.
Indians, we need to know from your leaders two things :
1 : why Indians are administrating part of Kashmir

Because Kashmir is a part of India.

2 : what your defense spending increases are spent on and where those new assets are stationed and directed at.

What assets?
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Well it's not like they've got anything better to do is it? In 8 months of office Modi has visited Brazil, Australia, Japan, Nepal, Bhutan, Fiji, Germany and the leaders of the UK, US, China, Netherlands, etc have all visited India on all occasions India has signed deals with them and progressed as a nation. In the same time what has Pakistan done?

Pakistan is free to do what it likes but all it is doing is perpetuating notion that Pakistan has nothing interesting to say. Day by day Pakistan is becoming isolated on the world stage so all this really is just falling on deaf ears.

It's all rather pathetic it really but I don't mind, if Pakistan's leadership feels their efforts are more worthwhile spent on this hopeless cause then on developing and progressing Pakistan as a whole then I can't say Pakistanis don't deserve all the lack of progress they moan about constantly.

Meanwhile India keeps surging ahead....
Because Kashmir is a part of India.

Not according to the borders displayed by google maps.

What do you base your claim on Kashmiri territory on?

What assets?

The assets you bought with your 12% increase in Indian "defense" spending ofcourse. The pakistanis are complaining, and they're right to do so if you're buying gear that's gonna get pointed at the Pakistanis.

Well it's not like they've got anything better to do is it? In 8 months of office Modi has visited Brazil, Australia, Japan, Nepal, Bhutan, Fiji, Germany and the leaders of the UK, US, China, Netherlands, etc have all visited India on all occasions India has signed deals with them and progressed as a nation. In the same time what has Pakistan done?

Pakistan is free to do what it likes but all it is doing is perpetuating notion that Pakistan has nothing interesting to say. Day by day Pakistan is becoming isolated on the world stage so all this really is just falling on deaf ears.

It's all rather pathetic it really but I don't mind, if Pakistan's leadership feels their efforts are more worthwhile spent on this hopeless cause then on developing and progressing Pakistan as a whole then I can't say Pakistanis don't deserve all the lack of progress they moan about constantly.

Meanwhile India keeps surging ahead....

Ya careful you dont end up as arrogant as the Chinese who are oppressing Tibet and Hong Kong, and want to oppress the Taiwanese.

You could f-ing start by giving the Kashmiris under your governance the right to regular (at least every 10 years) referendums about being ruled by Indians or letting themselves be ruled by kashmiris.

Why is it that all the larger countries that prosper become arrogant and expansionistic? This is something worth fighting.
Not according to the borders displayed by google maps.
What do you base your claim on Kashmiri territory on?

Accession of the state to Indian union by the last ruling King of Kashmir to India.

  1. The Instrument of Accession is a legal document executed by Maharajah Hari Singh, ruler of the princely state of Jammu andKashmir, on 26 October 1947. By executing this document under the provisions of the Indian Independence Act 1947, Maharajah Hari Singh agreed to accede to the Dominion of India ."
The assets you bought with your 12% increase in Indian "defense" spending ofcourse. The pakistanis are complaining, and they're right to do so if you're buying gear that's gonna get pointed at the Pakistanis.

Ohh those assets...as in Sukhois, frigates, Destroyers etc, which are being bought from Indian defence budget..they will be stationed in India and pointed at both Pakistan and China..to deter any misadventures.
You could f-ing start by giving the Kashmiris under your governance the right to regular (at least every 10 years) referendums about being ruled by Indians or letting themselves be ruled.
Why? Does any state anywhere else in the world get 10 yearly cycles such as this? This state will never be at peace until cross border terrorism stops once and for all, then prosperity will come and then this whole Kashmir issue (as far as India is concerned) will be over.

Pakistan's instance on keeping Kashmir "on the boil" is entirely self serving and detrimental to the interests of the Kashmiris. This won't last forever. One way or another India will end this hold Pakistan has on its state. The power gap is only increasing year by year.

Why is it that all the larger countries that prosper become arrogant and expansionistic? This is something worth fighting.

What's expansionist about India's policy on Kashmir? it hasn't taken even an inch of Pakistani territory since 1947, it is the nation that has been attacked on 3 separate occasions.
The assets you bought with your 12% increase in Indian "defense" spending ofcourse. The pakistanis are complaining, and they're right to do so if you're buying gear that's gonna get pointed at the Pakistanis.
Let the Pakistanis complain. India's budget can be spent on what it likes at under 2% of GDP it is, proportionally, one of the lowest defence spenders in the world.

You think the high end military gear India is buying comes cheap? Anyway most of it is being acquired with an eye on China, Indian military planners switched their attention to the Eastern neighbour long ago when the conventional military gap became so vast.
Why? Does any state anywhere else in the world get 10 yearly cycles such as this? This state will never be at peace until cross border terrorism stops once and for all, then prosperity will come and then this whole Kashmir issue (as far as India is concerned) will be over.

Pakistan's instance on keeping Kashmir "on the boil" is entirely self serving and detrimental to the interests of the Kashmiris. This won't last forever. One way or another India will end this hold Pakistan has on its state. The power gap is only increasing year by year.

Ya, India won't budge, Pakistan won't budge. That's the road to endless conflict that might on occasion explode into mass suffering. Whatcha gonna say then, "they started it?"

You Indians claim to be "better" than Pakistanis all the time on this Pakistani forum, why don't you prove you're better by being the first nation on earth to institute the regular referendums i asked for and so prove to the world that the people you're administrating in Kashmir actually support you Indians ruling them.
Oh wait, the UK does that with their "common wealth". My Netherlands does that with their "antilles" former colonies.

What's expansionist about India's policy on Kashmir? it hasn't taken even an inch of Pakistani territory since 1947, it is the nation that has been attacked on 3 separate occasions.

Whenever you put some kinda claim on any land outside recognized borders (aka : google maps borders), you're being expansionstic. You yourself admit the Kashmir issue generates terroristic problems in your own region.
I've told you how you can show some kinda real will to end that terror risk.

You Indians on this forum, all of you, can from now on at least stop claiming India is a better nation than Pakistan.
Your agent here has just proven you're NOT.
There have been free and fair elections in Kashmir and the people have spoken they want peace and prosperity why else the Indian army getting tipped off from the locals? :rolleyes: on militant activity

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