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Pakistan wants to join NSG, MCTR, Australia group, Wassenaar Arrangement

Actually this same calculus is what will get Pakistan its waiver soon no doubt. If we leave the rhetoric of unsafe standards and export of sensitive technology aside the ultimate thing is interests and China or even USA will get Pakistan what it wants if they make a good bargain. Most of the Indians after getting the waiver are in the thought process that India got this only because of our clean record (which is an added asset no doubt). As Agnostic has pointed out this waiver has opened a "pandora's box" no doubt. Its the war of mighty nations at work here and we are letting them use us as pawns for scraps.

Also this is waiver is not fair for other nations who are signatories of NPT. Lets shut this pandora box for good. How about we develop our own fuel, both civil and weapons grade, from the mines we recently discovered.

How about giving these NSG group of nations a middle finger and tell them thanks but no thanks. IT IS NOT OUT OF BENOVOLENCE THAT THEY ARE DOING THIS, THEY NEED OUR MONEY.
Also this is waiver is not fair for other nations who are signatories of NPT. Lets shut this pandora box for good. How about we develop our own fuel, both civil and weapons grade, from the mines we recently discovered.

How about giving these NSG group of nations a middle finger and tell them thanks but no thanks. IT IS NOT OUT OF BENOVOLENCE THAT THEY ARE DOING THIS, THEY NEED OUR MONEY.

Too late its already opened, there is no going back now.
But two major differences should be noted as well

(1) India's official govt. policy is still No First Use including NFU against China.
Given that neither China nor India have the majority of their military deployed against each other (which is the case with Pakistan and India), and the fact that India enjoys a massive conventional advantage over Pakistan, the NFU policy is meaningless, nor does the NSG or IAEA or any other international treaty/body call condition anything to a 'declared NFU'.

(2) India has not supported insurgencies and/or terrorist groups in China unlike the history that Pakistan has.
India has supported insurgencies and terrorists in Jungadh, Baluchistan, East Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
Given that neither China nor India have the majority of their military deployed against each other (which is the case with Pakistan and India), and the fact that India enjoys a massive conventional advantage over Pakistan, the NFU policy is meaningless, nor does the NSG or IAEA or any other international treaty/body call condition anything to a 'declared NFU'.

Well that's applicable to any country talking peace but developing a rapid stockpile of nuclear weapons as if Martians are going to attack them anytime soon.

India has supported insurgencies and terrorists in Jungadh, Baluchistan, East Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

Huh? :blink: why would we create terrorism in our own city? Care to explain?
Also this is waiver is not fair for other nations who are signatories of NPT. Lets shut this pandora box for good. How about we develop our own fuel, both civil and weapons grade, from the mines we recently discovered.

How about giving these NSG group of nations a middle finger and tell them thanks but no thanks. IT IS NOT OUT OF BENOVOLENCE THAT THEY ARE DOING THIS, THEY NEED OUR MONEY.

True I agree. We've played by these slavish rules for too long and hold little respect in the eyes of our peers and rivals. Time to play by our own rules. The definition of a power is when it plays by its own rules. That is the only thing I respect about China's government. They give a rat's a$$ about what some government is thinking and go ahead with their work. But to do that, first we need to kick this weakling slave and corrupt government (UPA) out in elections. They've crossed all the previous lines of spinelessness and corruption set world around.

Maino Madam makes Zardari look like an ultranationalist.
Well that's applicable to any country talking peace but developing a rapid stockpile of nuclear weapons as if Martians are going to attack them anytime soon.

Huh? :blink: why would we create terrorism in our own city? Care to explain?

As if india is not developin more nukes? r the aliens going to invade india?

Jnagarh case is still pending in UN...
But to be fair, if the US had not cut out a special one off waiver......anyway, how is that whole thing coming along?

The need for US to cut out a special offer to India should tell us about out ability. In contrast, Pakistan despite being a ally in WoT for a decade still doesn't cut it. Not to mention, the nuclear proliferation by Pakistan will always haunt it when going for such group memberships.
Well that's applicable to any country talking peace but developing a rapid stockpile of nuclear weapons as if Martians are going to attack them anytime soon.
Which is why raising 'NFU' is irrelevant to the discussion - it is meaningless.
Huh? :blink: why would we create terrorism in our own city? Care to explain?
Junagadh was not a part of India when India extended support to the rebels/terrorists fighting in Junagadh, after the ruler had officially acceded to Pakistan. India subsequently invaded and annexed the region against the objections of Pakistan.

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