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Pakistani girls fear US blackmailing

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The whole "news" article reeks of bullshit and everyone's eating it up.

Th US embassy officials would never engage in such unprofessional behavior. Spiked juices....seriously? :rolleyes:
No it was on a news channel here in UK too...
Read the article a few times it's a sensationalist piece, it seems fabricated. The source is "news tribe", what rubbish is this?

Until a proper source reports this which I don't see how we can put our trust in this.

I do have an idea why don't some of us call the US Embassy in Islo and ask about if they are hosting an event at the US embassy for scholarships to the US for Pakistani students. Now if they say there is no such thing being offered, then may be this story is untrue. Now I have a perfect US unaccented English so I doubt it would work with me. One of you "patriots" should try.

I nominate "Pakistani Nationalist", your living in Pakistan probably have a slight accent so make the call. Or maybe "Imran Khan" come on Mr. Patriot make the call.

Here you go "bro" call the number and report back to me

US Embassy Islamabad
Consular section:
(+92-51) 208-2700
Theyt cheated girls into dancing with them and drinking....Young people are generally gullible anywhere in the world..~Its the responsibility of adults not to misuse them...

I wonder if there were under 18s in the Party? Thats just shameful...

This is a pathetic joke of an article. You're telling me these 'moral women' couldn't taste the alcohol in their drinks? assuming they couldn't and started feeling intoxicated why didn't they just leave the party, go home and call the cops the next morning?
Read the article a few times it's a sensationalist piece, it seems fabricated. The source is "news tribe", what rubbish is this?

Until a proper source reports this which I don't see how we can put our trust in this.

I do have an idea why don't some of us call the US Embassy in Islo and ask about if they are hosting an event at the US embassy for scholarships to the US for Pakistani students. Now if they say there is no such thing being offered, then may be this story is untrue. Now I have a perfect US unaccented English so I doubt it would work with me. One of you "patriots" should try.

I nominate "Pakistani Nationalist", your living in Pakistan probably have a slight accent so make the call. Or maybe "Imran Khan" come on Mr. Patriot make the call.

Here you go "bro" call the number and report back to me

US Embassy Islamabad
Consular section:
(+92-51) 208-2700

Has US embassy ever admitted any wrong doing.Their Government didnt even apologize to salala incident..Compared to that this is an insignificant incident...Do you think they will admit anything about it?

In addition to that US embassy has lost control on their own workers..basically because there are far too many of them with nothing to do and its plausible that due to boredom they indulge in this type of activity...
Looking at the irresponsible behaviour of the embassy staff..i dont have any problems trusting this news...
Seriously, you really believe that shittie piece of "journalism"? That embassy officials would ply girls from a conservative society such as Pakistan, with alcohol laced 'juice' and then coerce them into dancing lewdly with them snapping photographs to be used later to 'blackmail' them. All this under the very noses of the Pakistani security establishment who have a hawkeyed surveillance of the said premises?
Yes, he does. Look at the response so far, just one Pakistani willing to take a critical stand on this 'news' article. The reason why this sort of 'journalism' exist and thrive is precisely because of the willingness of people to rid themselves of critical thinking skills when it comes to the US. These girls were 'forced'? Give me a break. This story has fraud all over it.
This is a pathetic joke of an article. You're telling me these 'moral women' couldn't taste the alcohol in their drinks? assuming they couldn't and started feeling intoxicated why didn't they just leave the party, go home and call the cops the next morning?

Hello..which planet you are on?
Safriz wise up, ask if there offering scholarship opportunities for Pakistani students at the embassy, surely they want to host more of these kinds of parties? Don't mention anything specific about this party in the article.
Yes, he does. Look at the response so far, just one Pakistani willing to take a critical stand on this 'news' article. The reason why this sort of 'journalism' exist and thrive is precisely because of the willingness of people to rid themselves of critical thinking skills when it comes to the US. These girls were 'forced'? Give me a break. This story has fraud all over it.

The Girls werent forced..they were lied to and tricked into Drinking and dancing...and the lyers were American Diplomatic staff looking for some Pakistani meet...
Where did all the patriotis go to? They were just here a second ago. A little assignment and your patriotism waivers? Come on "bro" help out and investigate a little.
Where did all the patriotis go to? They were just here a second ago. A little assignment and your patriotism waivers? Come on "bro" help out and investigate a little.

I think most people don't actually care, like me.
The Girls werent forced..they were lied to and tricked into Drinking and dancing...and the lyers were American Diplomatic staff looking for some Pakistani meet...
How the hell do/can you trick someone into dancing? I would love to learn how to convince a woman that moving her body in a certain way constitute something else. That would be great knowledge for all men. Imagine all the lap dances us guys could get without the women being the wiser.
The Girls werent forced..they were lied to and tricked into Drinking and dancing...and the lyers were American Diplomatic staff looking for some Pakistani meet...

"The girls" we dont even know if this story is true, seriously read the article it looks like a sensationalist piece of rubbish. Only "news tribe" and some other little sources reporting this, not a single credible Pakistani source has reported this, I think they certainly would if this was true.
Safriz wise up, ask if there offering scholarship opportunities for Pakistani students at the embassy, surely they want to host more of these kinds of parties? Don't mention anything specific about this party in the article.

So you are sure nothing like this can happen?
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