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Pakistan's future force


Oct 8, 2005
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Ive made this thread to show how the pakistani military forces would look like in the future (next 10-12 years). I have anylized and re-analyzed many sources of data and news articles. This list does not include the possible future orders of the Pakistani military but only include the orders and possibilities upto 2006 of this date


TANKS (2500?)

- 700 Al-Khalid (according to many pak militarys sites and personal)
- 700 Al-Zarrar (according to many pak militarys sites and personal)
- 500 T-85p (to be upgraded to T-96 p standard)
- 600 T-80UD/T-84 (300 more where orderd according to dawn in 03)
- Al-Khalid 2 (?) currently in developement

APC's (3300)

-2000 Al-Talha (according to many pak militarys sites and personal)
- 300 various different apc's built at HIT for specific misions
- 1000 m113 vehicles (currently 700 are on order from sweden)


-1700 (includes chinese version of GHN, considerd finest piece in the world)
-350 Self-propelled pieces (115 new M-110A5 order from US including 200 upgrade kits for A1 and A2 models already in service)

Rocket force- Most likely to still not be looked at in the future seeing how PA is looking into accurate and strategic importance it might use Baburs and BM's instead

Troop force will likely remain at around 500,000 with less reserves though are likely

Aif Force:

150 JF-17 (with a possibility of going for 50-100 more)
110 F-16 (currently 34 F-16c/d on order with 26 used on order, and 3rd party talks in place)
36 J-10's (number likely to rise in triple digit figures)
20 C-130's (currently 8 C-130's on order with option for 4 more)
4 IL-76 refuelers (to be bought from Ukrain according to ACM)
7 Eierye systems
(?) possibility of going for 3 chinese AWAC systems

-SD-10 (to be built under liscense)
-Aim-120 C5 (aproved by US)
- Aim-9M (awaiting shipment)
- Aim-9 (x) large possibility
- Pl-9C


-4 F-22p (on order and 1 being built)
-4 Elli class ships
-4 corvettes (according to naval chief and JDW)
- 4 heavy frigates (according to naval chief and jdw)
- 3 agosta 90-b (chance of making 1-2 more, slim though)
-2 migit subs
- 6 new subs (according to naval chief and JDW)
- 12 P3C orions
- Z-9 heli's (might go for extra 10)
- 20 FAC

- squadron of F-16's, JF-17's likely to be used for naval role with support of 1 AWAC

- Harpoon block 2
- Exocet block 2
- C-802
- C-803
- Possble use of babur for land attack role

Missile force:To include various kinds of BM's including long ranges shaheen 3's and Ghauri 3's with a possibility of a 5000 km ranged missile. Babur would also be in service with Babur 2 on its way providing Pakistan a great 2nd strike capability
Pakistan has the potential to lead whole of muslim nation, all we lake is sincere leadership.
Pakistan has the potential to lead whole of muslim nation, all we lake is sincere leadership.

True and inshallah we will be leading the muslim world along with turkey, malaysia and UAE, pakistan to (future muslim economic giants)
1. True and inshallah we will be leading the muslim world along with turkey, malaysia and UAE, pakistan to (future muslim economic giants)

1. The list is quite naive when it ignores Indonesia the largest economy in the muslim world already with its 900b economy, when it ignores Iran's economy which is second largest and far ahead of Malaysia and Pak. and UAE. Any list that ignores Saudia Arabia is also flawed which has a large economy and is now growing quickly.

U.A.E. is a small economy, small country that is only well known because of its high per capita income, it doesnt deserve to be on this list.

Are my pakistani people so stupid----they want to lead the muslim world. I mean to say---who is going to take care of the problems at home, who is going to clean the filth, the dirty streets, mud house, broken streets, filth and garbage owerflowing drain pipes, most places have no facility of taking a dump or urinating. Illegal construction and shamelessly illegal construction of mosques as well----people don't have basic needs met for their daily lives in pakistan----and this person talks of being the leader of the muslim world. People who kiss the feet of arabs can't be their leaders.

what is wrong here-----does this person have a " KHALIFAH FETISH " or is this is " being the leader of the muslim world fetish ". Which muslim country wants us to be the leader of the muslims world-------even this afghanistan whom we baby sat for 25 plus years wants us to get out of their hair

Webby you told me that this guy is writing all these articles and nobody is replying-----son, you are a good kid. It takes a lots of energy, time, courage and committment to run this board and my hat off to you, but I am telling you that this pakistani forces forum should not allow pakistan army bashing or the bashing of the president of pakistan. One can have their own opinion posted but all the articles posted are someone's else's writings.

You must know very well that religious arguments do get out of control.
1. I am telling you that this pakistani forces forum should not allow pakistan army bashing or the bashing of the president of pakistan.

1. The Pak. military is the greatest in the world and the president should never committ to transfering power by elections.

Happy now.
Who this man MastanKhan is?
Don't he has the sense to talk with respect and diginity.
What is wrong if Pakistan want to lead the muslim world? What is his problem?
The aspiration of restoring the Caliphate is not a minority view held by extremists and terrorists as all Muslims believe in the idea of a Caliphate or Imamate as Shia refer to it although both are synonymous. On January 14th 2006, the Washington Post published an article ‘Reunified Islam: Unlikely but Not Entirely Radical' by Karl Vick. The article heading was “Restoration of Caliphate, Attacked by Bush, Resonates With Mainstream Muslims” and he quotes many ordinary Muslims in Turkey traditionally the most secular country in the Muslim World. “I wish there was a caliphate again, because if there was a caliphate all the Muslims would unite,” said Ertugul Orel, in a sweater and tie at the sidewalk cafe he owns outside Istanbul's vast Hagia Sophia, an iconic building to both Christians and Muslims. “There would be one voice. But I know neither the American nor the Europeans will ever allow it.” From the next chair, gift shop owner Atacan Cinar added, “Before the end of the Ottoman Empire , there was no problem in the Islamic countries.” “The concept of the caliphate is very much alive in the collective memory of society,” said Ali Bulac, a columnist and author of several books on Islam and Turkey . “There is absolutely nothing to keep Muslim society together at the moment.
These are just some aspects of life under a future Caliphate that will make it a force for promoting good within the world. Clearly this vision completely contradicts what many western commentators, thinkers and politicians such as Tony Blair would have us believe. The restoration of the Caliphate will usher in a new era of peace, stability and prosperity for the Muslim world and beyond, ending years of oppression by some of the worst tyrants this world has ever seen such as Islam Karimov of Uzebkistan and Hosni Mubarak of Egypt and finally solving the long running problems of Palestine, Iraq, Kashmir and Chechnya to name but a few.
Listens lets just discuss this and not go off topic with all this political BS.

YES YES Indonesia, iran, KSA, UAE will lead the muslim world


chill dude.....:tup:
Who this man MastanKhan is?
Don't he has the sense to talk with respect and diginity.
What is wrong if Pakistan want to lead the muslim world? What is his problem?

Why are u so eager to see Pakistan leading a muslim world???

I think Pakistan has got great potential, and I pray one day it will lead the muslim world (with the help of other brotherly nations) Insha-Allah!!

Pakistan military is one of the strongest in the muslim world and becoming stronger, I beleive within the next decade Pak will be probably the strongest muslim (military) nation, Insha-Allah.
Pakistan already is the strongest muslim military thanxs to its nuke arsenal but conventionally wise I think it goes to turky in the future pakistan might be neck and neck with turkey.

Back on topic lets discuss the fuuuuuttuuurrrre

Just a question, I keep hearing that Pakistan has inadequate number of artilery, what do you think would be adequate to counter any threat (India anmely)??

Ps, I think Pakistan really needs to invest in its navy to be able to protect its vital sea lanes in any future conflict, Pakistan needs destroyers as well as frigates and an adequate air arm!!
1. Listens lets just discuss this and not go off topic with all this political BS.

YES YES Indonesia, iran, KSA, UAE will lead the muslim world


1. Then why do you introduce your political BS in the first place? If you write something which is obviously factually incorrect then why so touchy when someone else has a different view?

The difference in economic size between Pak. and Indonesia is not a matter of 50% or 100% but a difference by a factor of almost 3. This is a massive gulf and should be recognised.

Iran's economy is almost twice as big as that of Pak. while Saudi is approx. the same size. How exactly is this political BS?

p.s. about going off topic, if you stick to the topic i wont have to reply to your political BS without myself going off topic.

Admin note: Ignore him, i have seen him in the past personal attacking you, while you always made good points. Your one of the good members in PFF, while Kaiser is not. :) ;)

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