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Palestine | Road to Liberation - Updates and Discussion

Long Live Palestine...

This was much needed.

Israel has been exposed as NAKED by this Palestinian strike.

A so-called nuclear power getting battered by militias...

Multi-Polar World is rising. Every sign directs to that.

Palestinians are not answerable to anyone.

Try to live in an open prison and then I will ask you.

If Israel escalates, more retaliation would come - it looks like.

The sympathies are with Palestinians not with Israel.
Hamas special forces in Israeli military base clashing with Israeli soldiers:
There is not other solution for Israel than dissolve, and integrate in a Palestinian state.

It s the msot just solution. We must be rational and give realistic solutions.

Jews that respects muslims must be integrated in a national country with palestinians. Arabs must lead that country, but jews must be respected and have a say in government also.

Only if we can advance in our vision will have a succesfull resolutions. Israel has not future as a jewish entity solely. Israel is a failed project of the west, and now we must focus on integrating good willing jews in a unique nation and develop respect for each other.
There is not other solution for Israel than dissolve, and integrate in a Palestinian state.
There is a solution:

Go back to the pre-1967 borders,remove all settlements,recognize each other,let Palestine have a regular army,disband all militias,disarm everyone except the army and police and Jordanian peace force to be in the Muslim Quarter of Jerusalem.
There is a solution:

Go back to the pre-1967 borders,remove all settlements,recognize each other,let Palestine have a regular army,disband all militias,disarm everyone except the army and police and Jordanian peace force to be in the Muslim Quarter of Jerusalem.
This was UN solution that looked good at the time but lack of rationality and war ruined it. Regional demographics have changed a lot since and now the one state solution looks most realistic that was originally proposed while partitioning Transjordan - a state where both Jews and Muslims co-exist peacefully.
This was UN solution that looked good at the time but lack of rationality and war ruined it. Regional demographics have changed a lot since and now the one state solution looks most realistic that was originally proposed while partitioning Transjordan - a state where both Jews and Muslims co-exist peacefully.
Oh man,this is really bad. This is really bad. This is...for both sides it will be a disaster. Chaos. This will be start a war that will not end until Hamas is destroyed to the last man. And in doing that,they will destroy half of Gaza and they won't care about cilivians either now.

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