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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Man keep this idiot out of this thread, my blood start boiling when i see this terrorist sympathizer
Where is that sob Zarvan? Will he still have the penises of Taliban scums in his mouth after this?

I had the same question for him. But seemed like in these hours of mourning, its not right to ask him anything for the moment atleast.
Time has come for the Pakistanis to march towards Madrassas, terrorist's safe heavens and breeding places, and set them on fire and eradicate anybody who resists. If the GoP cant do this, we should.

For how long can we put up with this? for how long?
These Madrassa are the fertile ground for fundamental extremism, the Taliban word start from there when A.Bin Ladeeeen start his work in Afghanistan with providing funds to mujaheddin and built a lot of Madrassa to keep grown of fighters of that time, Zia bring this cancer to Pakistan. After Russia left that so call
mujahideen start kill each other and Taliban from that Madrassa appear on scene to fight against northern alliance to take over Kabul.
Pakistan have the same Taliban with same mentality from same fertile ground of Madrasas.
Army security is so rubbish, this is nothing new.. it happen in the past many times at the military base.
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