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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Dude, from today onwards forget about which group did it. Now we are at war against extremism, in any shape or form. Find someone bad mouthing ANY other sect, ANY other religion, give him a severe beating if you can. From today, ALL Taliban and Mullah Types are the same, they ALL need to be eradicated. You don't need to look for needle in the haystack. Burn the whole goddamn haystack.

Sectarianism needs to be dealt with an iron fist. I wish we had Musharraf in power right now. We can disagree on so many things regarding Musharraf, but there are very few as patriotic as him. He would have done an excellent job. Don't expect much from this government. It's inept and incompetent.
Its not army`s responsibility to provide security to the school.Is police`s duty as this APS is located outside the cantt..

are you implying that army school can't have security under army?
This is outrageous. It is outrageous that young students should be held hostage and killed like this. Our thoughts, hopes, and support to the Pakistani authorities battling this terrorist menace in Peshawar and our deepest sympathy for the children held hostage, injured, or killed and to their families. We just hope it can be resolved without further injury and loss of life. This is absolutely horrific.

Thank you for your kind words. Appreciate.
I hope today India shows unprecedented unity with us and declares complete deescalation along the borders and a temporary no war act is signed for two years, so we can focus our 100% strength to clean-up Pakistan. We need to go under 100% lockdown of army and summary executions throughout the length and breadth of Pakistan need to be carried out. No terrorist group needs to be spared.
Your RAW funded guys who have done this will be eliminated and if now if we have to go inside Afghanistan to wipe there leaders we would do it enough of these morons we would wipe them out

Taliban is the creation of US and Pakistan Army, and the whole world knows it. don't drag Raw or India into it.
IK is directly to be blamed. He had an opportunity to govern and improve KPK. Instead he is busy trying to conquer Islamabad with that idiot pervaiz khattak.

This s what happens when you ignore your responsibilities.
PTI cant escape from this. If Imran is left with any self-respect, he should accept the responsibility and ask Khattak and his cabinet to resign ASAP.
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