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Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

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Are private security companies profitable in Pakistan? I would get into this business and start lending my services in every place imaginable. It's obvious the military can't be everywhere at once without martial law.
Well they certainly succeeded in making sure no one took them alive. I believe the term for these sorts of terrorist suicide-attack operations is "fedayeen." I've read that the best way to counter these sorts of attacks is to have an extensive and effective intelligence network that informs the authorities of any planned attack and to kill or capture the terrorists before they start the attack. Otherwise, casualties are inevitable.

in 99.99% cases they cant be captured alive. There was one such incident where they had arrested a kid of 14 years with suicide belt but that too because he was so immature and was put to drugs by his terrorist trainers. In most cases they do have intelligence but blurred which can not guarantee that we will be able to prevent these suicide bombers from blowing. another thing is the strategy of these terrorists if you had been following then you will know that now they do not send teenage suicide bombers alone rather few mature bearded buffoon terrorist accompany them and when they sense failure, they just start killing and then blowing themselves as well as force the teenager bombers
stop it zarvan. they are sympathizing and we must thank them. you can carry on your differences on some other occasion.

I really dont know how to even express my pain for my city. at least 6 kids are from the colony i a live. neighbours its soooooooooooooooooooooooo painful.
Yes after killing our 141 children by protecting that BC Fazlu Radio WOW they are showing solidarity soon we would show them same kind of solidarity after taking revenge by eliminating those who killed our children and there masters in every country they are hiding.
Yes I know How much you stand with us along with TTP there masters will be eliminated in most ruthless and brutal way really very soon.

You are a coward, Zarvan. You are clearly afraid that if you even tried to look within for the causes behind this massacre, you will see things that will hurt you, and haunt you. This is exactly why you do not even want to entertain the thought that there can be some other cause behind all this, and it may not necessarily be India.

Courage is not to pick a weapon and kill or die - anyone can do that. Courage is to allow the realization that you can be mistaken, that you can be wrong, because that hurts worst, but also leads to the cleansing of the soul. You don't have courage, aap us mitti ke bane hi nahi hain.

While you are busy shouting down with India and down with US, you are neglecting the problems that are already in their growth stage. When (rather "If") you ever come to realization, it will be too late. You will watch this problem swallowing you all the way, and you will not be able to do anything about it.
At least one intel source has confirmed that the terrorists were in communication with directors across the border. Tweet by Syed Talat Hussain
Are private security companies profitable in Pakistan? I would get into this business and start lending my services in every place imaginable. It's obvious the military can't be everywhere at once without martial law.
sure .. its such a profitable business here but you will have to pass through many formalities and checks and balances. And BTW it is NOT the job of the military to protect rather its job of civilian administration
Well they certainly succeeded in this instance in making sure no one took them alive. I believe the term for these sorts of terrorist suicide-attack operations is "fedayeen." I've read that the best way to counter these sorts of attacks is to have an extensive and effective intelligence network that informs the authorities of any planned attack and to kill or capture the terrorists before they start the attack. Otherwise, casualties are inevitable.

Those networks have to be seen as a safety net of last resort. They take a long time to build, and have inherent limitations; military theorists question how much useful information they actually give, given the amount of work that goes into them.

Pakistan has one of the best intelligence services in the world. However good they are, though, if there are enough attempted attacks, something will slip through; it is something like soccer, in that when you play a lot, someone or the other will score a goal against you, no matter how good a team you are.

So our major focus has to be reducing the conditions that lead to terrorism in the first place.
At least one intel source has confirmed that the terrorists were in communication with directors across the border. Tweet by Syed Talat Hussain

So?? their leadership is in Afghanistan but how this fact give us any space or right to wash our hands of our own responsibilities ?
You are a coward, Zarvan. You are clearly afraid that if you even tried to look within for the causes behind this massacre, you will see things that will hurt you, and haunt you. This is exactly why you do not even want to entertain the thought that there can be some other cause behind all this, and it may not necessarily be India.

Courage is not to pick a weapon and kill or die - anyone can do that. Courage is to allow the realization that you can be mistaken, that you can be wrong, because that hurts worst, but also leads to the cleansing of the soul. You don't have courage, aap us mitti ke bane hi nahi hain.

While you are busy shouting down with India and down with US, you are neglecting the problems that are already in their growth stage. When (rather "If") you ever come to realization, it will be too late. You will watch this problem swallowing you all the way, and you will not be able to do anything about it.
Stop lecturing your consulates in Jalalabad and Kandahar are main protectors and funders of TTP leadership and they along with TTP leadership would be eliminated.
So?? their leadership is in Afghanistan but how this fact give us any space or right to wash our hands of our own responsibilities ?
Yes protected and funded by Indian counslates in Jalalabad and Kandahar
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