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Petraeus: US would destroy Russia’s troops if Putin uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine

But I would posit this...That even if Poutine only threatened and backed down, the world will wonder if the next nuclear threat from anyone else would be real, and would not take that chance. As of now, there would be immense political and economic pressures to deter any country, but if Poutine actually follow thru with his threat, once the (nuclear) dust settled in Europe, any nuclear weapons state aspirant would see warships off their coast readied to put out that light.
The entire premise of NPT is failing in front of the world. NPT was to stop proliferation of nuclear weapons with a carrot of getting access to nuclear power. Funny thing is, how no one asked what if one of the original P-5s of NPT used nuke on non-nuke countries.

At this point those who were shunned as "stupid rambos" and "childish" seem to have been proven correct. I love how simplicity always gets proven right in the end. Simple idea that word cann't stop bullets or bombs. Why is it so hard to understand?

Drive Nature forth by force, she will turn and rout,
The false refinements that would keep her out.
-- Horace, Epistle, Book I, Epistle X, line 24
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And then Russia will empty its nuclear arsenal on Europe and US and both continents will be a radioactive wasteland.
Russia has a missile tech that can't be intercepted or stopped by any western air defense system.
Just another retired US retired general war criminal who is bored scratch his balls all-day at home and now trying to get attraction by talking straight from his asshole.
And then Russia will empty its nuclear arsenal on Europe and US and both continents will be a radioactive wasteland.
Russia has a missile tech that can't be intercepted or stopped by any western air defense system.
Just another retired US retired general war criminal who is bored scratch his balls all-day at home and now trying to get attraction by talking straight from his asshole.
The number of bombs that Russia has makes all missile defence worthless.
Russisa will not and must not use nukes against non nuke state like Ukrain..if they do, it proves their conventional capability and their millitary industry is myth...it will lose its global share in military hardware businees, no one will buy or trust any russian equipments...i doubt the US will retailiate militarily.

I wish all this non sense stop, Putin trying to bite off more than what he can chew and swallow, he must be stopped or common ppl across the global will continue to suffer
well USA has sabotaged the nord stream gas line. plus Russia has the dead hand system in place, automatic launch of nuke missile's.
What one should ask Petraus is what next.
If Russia uses Tacs in a localized conflict, US will escalate to bomb Rus mil formations?
What then? Without declaration of war by the US that would constitute a war crime. I am certain some US aircraft would get shot down or US "trainers" in the theatre could become prisoners and be subject to summary judgements.
What then? Would the US escalate with a ground war involving Poland?
I mean what is this general smoking?

US bombing Rus mil formation will result in a general mobilization. That is potentially millions of men. The battle front will go form 1200 KM to a much broader theatre. What would the US do then?

And lets say for argument if the US does manage to eviserate Rus Mil, where does that lead but to an inevitable use to Tacs on a broader level.
And lets say is the counter is US/UK Tacs and Rus again finds itself on the short end. Then some general nukes of forward NATO areas by nukes. What then? General nuclear strike by the US. If so what do we think it going to be Rus response?

People are nuts playing with fire like this. We are perhaps slow walking into the 3rd world war and US hubris will be the death of all humans on this planet.
The entire argument is based on the assumption that Russia will stop there. Also, that UN and NATO will remain powerful enough. Sure, those with nukes will not suddenly become non weapons states but it will ensure many many more states will now persue nukes, secretly if needed. If this group of "outlaws" become large enough, then all the sanctions etc will be ineffectual. An attenuated NATO and US will ensure no more world policing by them. In a truely multipolar world, this will mean US and NATO mandates will not work.
That is true. India and Pakistan got their nuclear weapons in secret.

But it also mean that international detection mechanisms will increase in terms of intensity and sophistication. Take maraging steel, for example. Maraging steel is used in civilian aviation, sports like fencing, and uranium refinement centrifuge. The last item made maraging steel an internationally controlled item for decades.

1C216 specifies the controls for maraging steel. This item is controlled in Category 1 therefore the General Technology Note is applicable. Hence, the controlled dual-use technology under 1E001 is the one that is "required" for the "development" or "production" of maraging steel with the specifications of 1C216.​

Contract to buy maraging steel above a certain quantity threshold will trigger law enforcement at the federal level or whatever your government has. Nuclear weapons states aspirants are certain to redouble their efforts to achieve that status before the rest of the world recover at whatever may happen in Europe. As of now, the UN and the IAEA are working on the worst case scenario -- that Poutine will complete his threat.

Kim threatens to use nuclear weapons in any clash with the U.S. and South Korea​

US is all talk, Do they even dare to attack North Korea?
No, we do not. We only dare to attack Russian troops in Ukraine. After all, NKR soldiers are much more formidable. Look at the medals their generals are wearing. Too scary. :rolleyes:
The initials 'WMD' were never meant to be restricted to only functional devices but to include programs and people necessary to create nuclear functional devices. The nuclear inspection programs for Iraq were intended to discourage Iraq from becoming a nuclear weapons state. If the initials 'WMD' are restricted to only functional devices, then those inspection programs were illegal in the first place because Iraq did not have functional devices. When none were found, the West, particularly the US, were pilloried in public, but behind closed doors, everyone in the region were glad that Iraq did not became a nuclear weapons state.

But I would posit this...That even if Poutine only threatened and backed down, the world will wonder if the next nuclear threat from anyone else would be real, and would not take that chance. As of now, there would be immense political and economic pressures to deter any country, but if Poutine actually follow thru with his threat, once the (nuclear) dust settled in Europe, any nuclear weapons state aspirant would see warships off their coast readied to put out that light.

If Russia or China decided to open the bank and supply country with nuclear technology and deliver systems there is nothing we can do. North Korea is a case in point. I would bet their entire program is based on China's giving them technology. Iran is another interesting situation.

You made a good point. I realize there is a lot of behind the scene support for preventing Iraq and Iran from getting nukes.

The technology is known. It is a matter of engineering and economics.

Nothing can be done to stop South Africa, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Egypt, Nigeria of the world are too large to be prevented by any kind of military coercion. You are really relying upon moral persuasion. Fortunately those countries have a lot of sane people.
Negative I don't see them reacting to Putin using tactical nukes or chemical weapons.. I believe the west will do a media circlejerking when it happens and say hey look it didn't happen on NATO soil
Yup, Ukraine is not NATO, so there is no binding treaty abide by and even if there was US won't exchange Washington for Moscow over some lowly eastern European backwater.

Pray tell how would US retaliate against Russia, bomb it's cities and military facilities? Do you think Russia will sit idly by and won't retaliate against US mainland and that too with thermo nuclear devices? Potentially wiping out vast swathes of populated areas.

China is not stupid to get involved in this

You cannot use nukes and not expect global condemnation. Most of Russia's supporters outside the West would be against such a move.
And Putin gives a $h!t about global condemnation...Tank you come again...
If Russia or China decided to open the bank and supply country with nuclear technology and deliver systems there is nothing we can do. North Korea is a case in point. I would bet their entire program is based on China's giving them technology. Iran is another interesting situation.

You made a good point. I realize there is a lot of behind the scene support for preventing Iraq and Iran from getting nukes.

The technology is known. It is a matter of engineering and economics.

Nothing can be done to stop South Africa, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Egypt, Nigeria of the world are too large to be prevented by any kind of military coercion. You are really relying upon moral persuasion. Fortunately those countries have a lot of sane people.
If you have nuclear weapons, you can issue threats. But now, you can also issue threats that you will do all that are necessary to get nuclear weapons. It took decades of persuasions, from moral to economics to diplomacy, to Iraq and we ended up with a war to actually prevent Iraq from becoming a nuclear weapons state. According to 'The Bomb In My Garden', what Iraq went thru to get nuclear knowledge and technologies would make a good spy movie. But it also mean that there is nothing less than war to actually prevent a determined state. So the question is about the political conditions that would compel a state to become that determined.
And then Russia will launch thousands of its nukes towards Europe and America, many will be intercepted but hundreds of them will land, than America launch their nukes and we all will die, who make this cartoon a General ?
guy was having an affair, by using fictitious hotmail accounts. isko dg ispr ki job day do.

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