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This thread has got nothing to do with BJP and RSS but Genmiraj is bringing it in here in post no.:
Goa's Christians focus of our attention, says BJP.
Last Updated: Thursday, February 23, 2012, 01:03

Panaji: BJP leader Aarti Mehra on Wednesday said the party has made conscious efforts to reach out to the Christian community in Goa, where they comprise 23 per cent of the total population.

The BJP Secretary in-charge of Goa desk said Christians constitute a vibrant community and ever since she has taken charge, she has been focusing on efforts to meet their aspirations.

"Ever since I took over as Secretary in-charge of Goa, our main focus was to reach out to the 23 per cent vibrant Christian community here.

"It was my endeavour to meet opinion-makers like Catholic priests, teachers and prominent members of the community during my visits in Goa," Mehra said.
Goa`s Christians focus of our attention, says BJP
BBC News - David Cameron says the UK is a Christian country

@Auz,I am an Atheist I don't believe in the existence of God.
Some bhartiya facts for you:

"Indian Americans are the third largest Asian American ethnic group today, following Chinese Americans and Filipino Americans.

A joint Duke University – UC Berkeley study revealed that Indian immigrants have founded more engineering and technology companies from 1995 to 2005 than immigrants from the UK, China, Taiwan and Japan combined. A University of California, Berkeley, study reported that one-third of the engineers in Silicon Valley are of Indian descent, while 7% of valley hi-tech firms are led by Indian CEOs.

"Indians, along with other Asians, have one of the highest educational levels of all ethnic groups in the U.S. Almost 67% of all Indians have a bachelor's or high degree (compared to 28% nationally and 44% average for all Asian American groups). Almost 40% of all Indians in the United States have a master’s, doctorate or other professional degree, which is five times the national average"

"Also average income of an Indian in US is: $88,538 as of 2009"

Source: Wikipedia

few more we have, to find out the type of jobs Indians and other migrants, including Pakistani migrants, get in West :pop:

Immigration Debate: Nearly Half Of U.S. Immigrants Work In White-Collar Jobs: STUDY

Immigration Debate: Nearly Half Of U.S. Immigrants Work In White-Collar Jobs: STUDY

According to a 2007 census report, there were as many as 2,765,815 persons of Indian origin living in the United states, constituting 0.9% of the total U.S. population. The median household income for US residents born in India is $91,195 against a $50,740 average for the total population, a recent US survey has revealed. According to the same report, the overall median household income for foreign- born and native US residents is $46,881 and $51,249 respectively.

According to the 2000 census, about 64% of Indian Americans have attained a Bachelor’s degree or more.(compared to 28% nationally, and 44% average for all Asian American groups). Almost 40% of all Indians have a master’s, doctorate or other professional degree, which is five times the national average. (Source: The Indian American Centre for Political Awareness.)

Indian Americans: The fastest growing and the highest income group
Completely false if you are under that false illusion. Here is a show on American National television which is saying to stop immigration from Muslim countries and get more immigrants from India and China.

Stop all Muslim Immigration - YouTube

Fox News? :lol: Fox News? :rofl:

Yar , you don't know anything about America or its media and how different channels are viewed here...Please don't embarrass yourself ... American Muslims are thriving and mainstream ... Almost EVERY prestigious organization accept this ...Do you want to see PEW forums report? If you knew the credibility that organization enjoy... Even here , Fox News is discussing something else and NOT the prosperity of American Muslims...Also , the clip is old ...
Buddhism was born in Bodh Gaya in Bihar in Eastern India.

Sad word play. Even most Indians will claim that Bihar is part of 'Northern subcontinent'. It sure ain't the South.

- when and where???? can u give me a place where Hinduism was born?

History of Hinduism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Notice that the early period of Hinduism is from the IVC and the upper Gangetic plains.

Lord Ram was from Ayodhya.
Lord Krishna was from Dwarka.
Lord Balajis abode is Tirupati, AP(South India btw) which was considered the richest temple in the world.

Ramayana also describes Lord Ram's stay in Southern part of India. his plan to invade Lanka from Rameswaram(Tamil nadu).
i think ur confusing hinduism with Islam which has all its history in mecca and madina... nothing related to Pakistan or Indonesia or India..

Over time, as the rest of the subcontinent got conquered, local elements were infused. That does not change the fact that the belief system originated in the North and was "introduced" in the South.

Hinduism btw is the soul of india. every nook and corner of this land is permeated with the essence of hinduism

That's only because the conquest was so absolute that you guys have lost memory of your pre-convert days.

Except the Tamils -- they seem to remember some of it.
So whats the main point of this post? West wants to see all the world Christian?

sir, Im not professional in this field, I said an 'aspect' of international politics played by West, which 'influence' their acts on world platform. thats it.
rest, we have foreign affairs team who gotto deal with every day political conflicts on international platform. I explained my one of the finding, if it is not already known, which may be of any use, may be. thats it :meeting:
what can u expect from those who consider Ghauri and Ghazni as their heroes who killed lakhs of hindus...these guys revel at innocent hindus being raped and killed..and there fore u see them getting pleasure from the kidnapping of hindu women in Pakistan..truly disgusting..

These people don't realize that those killed were their own ancestors.

That's what conversion to Islam can do to some.
There are always belief systems in any group. The fact that the ancient indigenous belief systems have been eradicated by the foreign invasion of the IVC/North India based vedic beliefs says it all.

I gave the Mauryan empire as an off-the-cuff empire that is well known, but there were previous empires and conquerors as well.

Hinduism was invented in Northern subcontinent.
Jainism was invented in Northern subcontinent.
Buddhism was invented in Northern subcontinent.
Sikhism was invented in Northern subcontinent.

You see a pattern here?

You obviously don't know the very rich cultural and civilizational history of South India.

The most ancient Hindu temples and some of the biggest empires (that even conquered Indonesia and Malaysia) are in South India.

But then, you are not expected to know that and just mouth off.

Precisely. Which is why I said North Indian conquerors. You might want to open a map to see where Bihar lies.

They shared the civilization. They were nothing like the Turk or Arab or Afghan barbarians.

In fact, there was never anything like them in terms of sheer depredation masked as piety.

No kidding!

I am glad. Hope I can see some change going forward now that you have been forewarned. ;)

& who are you to decide that ? & as for your rant well your shivaji came & your Sadashivrao Bhau is gone but this temporary period is still very much there as i said "50" crore plus heck if anything its only getting lengthier by the day hurry up...... before it ends up converting the remaining lot too permanently ;)

You are talking of hundreds of years.

Our Dharma is called Sanatan dharma for a reason.

Sanatan means permanent, forever.

A lot of the cults and religions have come and gone. This is a natural cycle.
The Pakistanis arguing here about Hinduism themselves doesn't know that their ancestors where hindus and were subsequently converted to Islam by invaders. Go read some history guys! :lol:
Fox News? :lol: Fox News? :rofl:

Yar , you don't know anything about America or its media and how different channels are viewed here...Please don't embarrass yourself ... American Muslims are thriving and mainstream ... Almost EVERY prestigious organization accept this ...Do you want to see PEW forums report? If you knew the credibility that organization enjoy... Even here , Fox News is discussing something else and NOT the prosperity of American Muslims...Also , the clip is old ...

Firstly Fox news is discussing the integration of Muslims in the West. Trust me I know more about American politics and media than you(I have spent quite a bit of time on the other side of the border in Silicon Valley :P). I know about Herman Cain dropping out due to a love affair outside his marriage (or his revolutionary 9-9-9 economic policy), Rick Sanotrum announcing his withdrawal from president candidacy a couple days ago and so on. Yeah I know Fox news is a right wing source (compared to MSNBC or CNN), and shows like Jon Stewart and Colbert mock it 24/7 (I love both of them). But the thing is majority of Americans watch Fox News and this is what they get to hear and this is how they think. I dont stand by any of the points raised in the news clip I showed you, I disagree with them, but to say that Muslims are integrated into the society when one of the largest media corporations essentially is asking for a ban on Muslim immigration shows the vulnerability of your point.

As a matter of fact, even here in Canada (probably the most Islam friendly country in the world which is Non-Muslim because people here are so open-minded) the actions of Muslims are tainting your reputation. News channels like CBC are starting to broadcast Islamophobia related articles because every other month some Muslim decides to "honour-kill" his daughter because she doesnt want to wear a Burkha or another new Anjem Choudary-wannabe says how Shariat law should be introduced to Canada. YOU GUYS DESPERATELY NEED TO LEARN TO INTEGRATE INTO SOCIETY. iF YOU DONT WANT TO INTEGRATE, THEN WHY IMMIGRATE?
This is beginning of new crusade..fabricating false charges against Muslims and vilifying them as some kind of savage terrorist. This is what the Europeans did as Richard planned to plunder Jerusalem.
you should read Amin Maalouf book about crusades
and learn that not all crusaders even acted the same: for exemple Frederic king

Anyway if there is always this comparison with crusaders
then why not blame Muslims for using slavery especially towards black people

let's be honest
You obviously don't know the very rich cultural and civilizational history of South India.

Better than you, it seems.

Except that I am looking at facts objectively, not blinded by indoctrinated bigotry as you guys do.

The most ancient Hindu temples and some of the biggest empires (that even conquered Indonesia and Malaysia) are in South India.

Duh. By that same logic, Islam spread to Turkey and it was these Turkic "converts" who conquered India.

They shared the civilization. They were nothing like the Turk or Arab or Afghan barbarians.

In fact, there was never anything like them in terms of sheer depredation masked as piety.

So, when facts fail you -- that all of you in the South are just "converts" -- then you shift to something else.

Same old, same old from you.
Sad word play. Even most Indians will claim that Bihar is part of 'Northern subcontinent'. It sure ain't the South.

History of Hinduism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Notice that the early period of Hinduism is from the IVC and the upper Gangetic plains.

Over time, as the rest of the subcontinent got conquered, local elements were infused. That does not change the fact that the belief system originated in the North and was "introduced" in the South.

That's only because the conquest was so absolute that you guys have lost memory of your pre-convert days.

Except the Tamils -- they seem to remember some of it.

lol !! u dont know anything about Hinduism or Tamils for that matter..

Do u know some of the world famous temples are in Tamil Nadu...

Meenakshi Amman Temple, Madurai

The temple is a significant symbol for the Tamil people, and has been mentioned since antiquity in Tamil literature, though the present structure is built during 1623 to 1655 CE The temple attracts 15,000 visitors a day, around 25,000 during Fridays and gets an annual revenue of sixty million INR. There is an estimated 33,000 sculptures in the temple and it was in the list of top 30 nominees of the "New Seven Wonders of the World". The annual 10 day Meenakshi Tirukalyanam festival celebrated during April–May attracts 1 million visitors.

Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple, Srirangam

Srirangam temple is often listed as the largest functioning Hindu temple in the world, the still larger Angkor Wat being the largest existing temple. The temple occupies an area of 156 acres (631,000 m²) with a perimeter of 4,116m (10,710 feet) making it the largest temple in India and one of the largest religious complexes in the world.

Brihadeeswarar Temple, Thanjavur

Brihadeeswarar Temple at Thanjavur in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, is the world's first complete granite temple and a brilliant example of the major heights achieved by Cholas in Tamil architecture. It is a tribute and a reflection of the power of its patron RajaRaja Chola I. It remains India's largest temple and is one of the greatest glories of Indian architecture.

Infact there is a kind of saying among north indians who visit Tamil nadu that Every town in Tamil Nadu has some very old and very famous temple...

I will agree to the point many local customs of a region are incorporated in Hinduism, and that is what is great about this..it does not eradicate other's beliefs like some other religions try to do..nor is it a rigid religion which says if u do not do this u should be killed...
Over time, as the rest of the subcontinent got conquered, local elements were infused.

Lord Ram is considered the greatest heroes in hinduism which u say is a north indian religion..then how did it incorporate places and people from far away places like Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh or Srilanka. Ramayana is written between 5th century and 4th century BC..that is nearly 3 thousand yrs ago..can u tell me some empires during that time which might have spread hinduism in South India?
Sad word play. Even most Indians will claim that Bihar is part of 'Northern subcontinent'. It sure ain't the South.

History of Hinduism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Notice that the early period of Hinduism is from the IVC and the upper Gangetic plains.

Over time, as the rest of the subcontinent got conquered, local elements were infused. That does not change the fact that the belief system originated in the North and was "introduced" in the South.

That's only because the conquest was so absolute that you guys have lost memory of your pre-convert days.

Except the Tamils -- they seem to remember some of it.

North Indian here, but you do know that the oldest and most historic temples in India are in South India right ?:what:

And do tell us about this religion we followed before Hinduism?
you should read Amin Maalouf book about crusades
and learn that not all crusaders even acted the same: for exemple Frederic king

Anyway if there is always this comparison with crusaders
then why not blame Muslims for using slavery especially towards black people

let's be honest

The Islamic slavery was much larger in scale, much worse in practice and Muslims never had any intention to abandon it.

They were forced to. reluctantly.
Better than you, it seems.

If you do, you have done an amazing job of hiding it. Kudos?

Except that I am looking at facts objectively, not blinded by indoctrinated bigotry as you guys do. Duh.

Trust me you are doing no such thing.

In fact, "Indiaphobia" (known state 2) utterly prevents you from doing that.

Blame it on those Pheromones? They secrete involuntarily and take the control.

By that same logic, Islam spread to Turkey and it was these Turkic "converts" who conquered India.

Yes, absolutely. It is called the vicious cycle.

So, when facts fail you -- that all of you in the South are just "converts" -- then you shift to something else.

I am a North Indian staying in an IT city of South.

And I am proud of what I see in the South, some of the architectural marvels of ancient temples and ancient customs still alive.

Same old, same old from you.

Consistency is a virtues. I don't convert to the fad of the day. ;)
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