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PLA deployed DF-21D


Jan 13, 2011
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cited a report by a U.S non-official intelligence, PLA has deployed DF-21D with range of 1650KM.
a PLA official (anonymously) confirmed the deployment.

March 2011, Taiwan "CIA" head said DF-21D had been deployed.

[pluto] old news? it's new to me

cited a report by a U.S non-official intelligence, PLA has deployed DF-21D with range of 1650KM.
a PLA official (anonymously) confirmed the deployment.

March 2011, Taiwan "CIA" head said DF-21D had been deployed.

[pluto] old news? it's new to me

It is old news :cheers:
this missile can put US aircraft carriers into the bottom of the ocean.:coffee:
Here we go again...:lol:...If you want to know how difficult it is to actually sink a post WW II US aircraft carrier, do a keyword search for 'oriskany sinking' and see the time and work involved to deliberately sink the ship. This is when the demolitionists were in complete control of the ship, search for weaknesses and found none, and eventually it took months of detailing the ship's internal layout and 1/2 ton of explosives in very precise locations to sink it. They found compartments that were not in the blueprints that if not considered the explosives would not have sink the ship. Those compartments forced them to many times alter the locations of the explosives.

What this means is that the same amount of explosives, or even greater amount, concentrated in one place, as in how a weapon hit would be, would not sink the ship. The USS Enterprise had a weapons accident on deck that descent to several levels and that did not stopped air operations, let alone sink it...

bigEfire.com Ordeal of the USS Enterprise
The USS Enterprise came within a step of dying on 14 January, 1969. Exploding weapons on the flight deck blew the ship apart all the way down to the waterline. Flaming jet fuel from the thirty two aircraft involved cascaded down through those many great wounds firing the interior of the ship.
If that was in war time, the Enterprise would still be able to launch and recover aircrafts, albeit in limited capacity. But since it was peace time, the ship returned to port for repairs. So please stop your daydreaming that a single DF-21 warhead can reach the ship in the first place and assuming that all missile support are not destroyed beforehand.

The DF-21D is only a deterrent. The U.S will collapse like the soviet sooner or later, for the same economic reasons. The U.S is in fact spending around 10% of their GDP on their military (war spending and other hidden spending included). S&P is threatening with a downgrade; Bernanke is printing cash; houses are foreclosing in waves. How long do you think the U.S will last?
the soviets didn't go nuclear when they collapsed. why would the US? it'll be a guarenteed total loss for the wall street regime.
By the time a shooting war between the US and China does happen, US laser weapons will have rendered the DF-21 ebay material. The Beijing thugocracy will plead for negotiations after the first missile got vaporized.
this missile can put US aircraft carriers into the bottom of the ocean.:coffee:

translation for those who don't speak troll:

actually that's a pretty good translation for the entire thread minus the original post.

Single wonder weapons don't win wars. Especially not wonder weapons untested in their intended environment.
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this missile can put US aircraft carriers into the bottom of the ocean.:coffee:

The velocity of the warheads raining down on the carrier will render it useless. We don't need it to sink to put it out of combat. In fact, I'd rather see it get so damaged and all the equipments and planes wiped out than seeing it sink to the bottom of the ocean. It would be cost more to have it taken away, repaired and have irreparable parts replaced. It would be an ebay ornament for some time to come before it becomes combat ready again that's for sure. :lol:
The whole idea of depending on one weapon against American carrier battle group is idiotic. The carrier itself is extremely well protected, not to mention very survivable. DF-21 is simply another tool, and should not be looked at as the solution.

By the time a shooting war between the US and China does happen, US laser weapons will have rendered the DF-21 ebay material. The Beijing thugocracy will plead for negotiations after the first missile got vaporized.
Well since you're going to go all futuristic, why not have your starships thrown in there too? Maybe portable toilets that tranform into robots? Gundam? Just don't jizz in your pants. As far as thugocracy goes, I'll take that as a complement coming from the biggest sponsor of state terrorism in the world.
By the time a shooting war between the US and China does happen, US laser weapons will have rendered the DF-21 ebay material. The Beijing thugocracy will plead for negotiations after the first missile got vaporized.

Your "laser" weapons are in the form of the YAL-1, which will be prime targets of HQ-9 and/or HQ-19 SAMs.

By the time the US deploys the YAL-1 in significant numbers the Chinese Y-20 Airborne Laser Variant (yes, it is in development) will be fielded.
US will never take on the chinese military, US will lose out easily. US is all bark and no bite. the US only goes to fight with nations with a weak military that guarantees them victory. china is now too powerful to mess with. the gap between the US tecnology and chinese technology is closing. with the US economically on the verge of collapse like the soviets, military spending will shrink. by 2020 US and china will be pretty even.

and the US knows china owns them economically, u dont mess with ur banker boss. one wrong move by the US, china will unleash its economic nukes, which will send the US into the dustbin of history like the other 7 major western empires.

the fact that china now posseses the DF-21D is good enough to scare the hell outta the US military analysts. cost of losing the carriers will be too large and the US will backdown.

as i said, the US is all bark and no bite.
US will never take on the chinese military, US will lose out easily. US is all bark and no bite. the US only goes to fight with nations with a weak military that guarantees them victory. china is now too powerful to mess with. the gap between the US tecnology and chinese technology is closing. with the US economically on the verge of collapse like the soviets, military spending will shrink. by 2020 US and china will be pretty even.

and the US knows china owns them economically, u dont mess with ur banker boss. one wrong move by the US, china will unleash its economic nukes, which will send the US into the dustbin of history like the other 7 major western empires.

the fact that china now posseses the DF-21D is good enough to scare the hell outta the US military analysts. cost of losing the carriers will be too large and the US will backdown.

as i said, the US is all bark and no bite.

They can offer us their top of the range military equipments as forms of payments to ease debt when their economy collapses. We can also give contracts to their defense contractors to work for China. :lol:

I especially like the "bark and no bite" bit of your post. Yes that is very true when it comes to US-Sino relationship. They can only afford to bite small countries afterall. :rolleyes:

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