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PM Imran Khan vs Opposition No Confidence Vote- Updates and Discussion

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There is however 2% glimmer of hope still. Just maybe, someone within the army has HOTS for their country Pakistan and takes on COAS, arrests him or whatever. Remember what happened when they disrespected qaid's mazaar? Someone woke up. Maybe someone will wake up even now... Just maybe. General faiz where are you man. You said everything will be okay.
Yes also arrest the whole SC and SS+BZB and the rest of patriots, what a nice thing if it happens but it won’t happen so many cowards out there
2.44 Million reached and still growing...

Other side IMF yesterday gave statement that India has almost wiped out extreme poverty & it has even gone below 1%. Pakistanis need to understand that their army is the all source of problem in policy making. Army should be working under ruling Govt, not the other way. And international politics is not run by Islamic Bhai Chara. Imran Khan was pretty stupid to try that. Whole day beating drum of Hindu & RSS & Chinese appeasement didn't help. You need to earn credibility for yourself first before trying to convince people.
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When an anti Pakistan RAW and Iranian proxy like MQM can be establishment's double agent then anything is possible
Most of MQM are India pro since most of them are Indian immigrants I don’t think their party Is interested in Iran maybe they’re a proxy for India but iran not that much
Yeh kia Bajwa kay DMs mein hai

Most of MQM are India pro since most of them are Indian immigrants I don’t think their party Is interested in Iran maybe they’re a proxy for India but iran not that much
Not sure who you are or where you are from but just to enlighten you on MQM, its top leadership was dominated by shias hence a natural and more stronger bond with Iran. Secondly it has been carrying out contract targeted killings of Sunni scholars on the behalf IRGC for the past 20 years.
Today PTI speaker walkout with integrity/dignity ...and Ayaz Sadiq failed to understand what he said, before step down from speakership ...it was the biggest bitch slap on PMLN face and Ayaz Sadiq ...... listen to Speaker's words before he resign..
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Pakistan needs a revolution plain and simple. Someone in Khakhi who has the balls to come in and wipe away all this shit. Our public is jahil, they just care about eating, drinking and sleeping. They will sell their vote to the highest bidder. The judiciary is corrupt as we just saw yet again. The media, bureaucracy, you name it.

I hope the public will finally wake up and stand by Imran Khan. Come out on the streets and lock down the country. Throw out these imported traitor politicians.

If the public still doesn't wake-up, I pray to Allah that he sends us a Geghis Khan that will use a stick so big....you get the picture. Allah protect Pakistan from these enemies. Ameen!
There may come a day when Pakistan must choose between US and China.

China thought the answer is definitely China.
someone likes papa jones pizza so much shame on him

Pakistan needs a revolution plain and simple. Someone in Khakhi who has the balls to come in and wipe away all this shit. Our public is jahil, they just care about eating, drinking and sleeping. They will sell their vote to the highest bidder. The judiciary is corrupt as we just saw yet again. The media, bureaucracy, you name it.

I hope the public will finally wake up and stand by Imran Khan. Come out on the streets and lock down the country. Throw out these imported traitor politicians.

If the public still doesn't wake-up, I pray to Allah that he sends us a Geghis Khan that will use a stick so big....you get the picture. Allah protect Pakistan from these enemies. Ameen!
Keep praying brother it’s holy month of ramadan and lelat al qadr is coming in-sha-allah keep praying may Allah send us the leader that will save Pakistan if Allah wish, a miracle might happen dua can change everything

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