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PM Singh may cancel Pak visit after Zardari's Kashmir statement

oooo im scared, a few text messages from western border will put you in your right place :D

lol... who has the last laugh ... hehehe
India should not take this 10 % seriously. Can any one tell us to whom we will talk- President, PM, Army, ISI, Supreme Court or Bilawal..
You will not be able to keep IOK as you did earlier. It will cost you massively.

Yawn ! Don't confuse your dreams with reality. If as you predict, we can't hold on to Kashmir, then you shouldn't have a problem. Sit tight till it falls (supposedly a matter of time) to your laps. Why bother with this issue if you are so sure? Our costs are not your problem, start adding up your costs & then do a cost-benefit analysis. Maybe, you will be surprised as to whose costs are greater.
On topic, I believe this would be a stupid reason to cancel any prospective visit. Pakistan has a position on Kashmir, just like India has. There is no rationale in believing that Pakistan must officially renounce that position nor should PM Singh's visit be dangled around like some sort of reward for good behaviour (atleast on this issue). Kashmir is an emotional issue & it will take time for the narrative to change. It's more important to see what Pakistan has been doing (slowly but steadily) rather than go to town with the once a year grandstanding. I believe that the PM can connect legitimately his visit to progress in the Mumbai attack but to connect it to this issue is both silly & counterproductive. A clear case of blowing hot & blowing cold when a better line to take would have been simply to ignore the Pakistani President's speech to the general assembly completely. Being stupidly touchy like this serves no ones interest.
As Bhutto said, we will fight for Kashmir, even if it means fighting for a 1000 years, so Mr Sing can stay home and play ping pong. Pakistan, may be busy dealing with its internal mess but once we bounce back - in time - Pakistanis won't back out until Kashmiris get their right to determine between India, Pakistan or a separate state.

@Aero, with all due respect, it was Pakistani political elites that were insisting (I had a better word to describe, but i guess some will not like it at all :D) on an official visit of the Indian PM to Pakistan, India never thought it will gain anything from the visit, as we have seen in the past that whenever India seeks peace vis-a-vis Pakistan, It always gets stabbed in the back, for eg. Lahore visit turned out to be a war in Kargil & Agra resulted in attack on our Parliament. So, we never thought we will ever get peace with this visit, On the other side, Pakistan was thinking that they can get breakthrough (with Singh's visit) in Siachin & Sir Creek issues. Pakistan has fought 4 wars in past 65 years & arguably lost all four to India, Pakistan has lost half of it's territory already in the 65 years' of it's history, what will u get fighting for 1000 years can be anyone's guess.

But i know, the biggest losers in the conflict b/w India & Pak, will be the people of Kashmir, who u claim are ur top priority (well, i don't buy that argument, b'coz if Kashmir was so dear to Pakistan, it should had never given a part of it to China in the first place).

Pakistan should better look at it's economy rather than ranting about fighting for Kashmir cause, as the economy of Pakistan is really in shambles, 3% growth of Pakistan compared to 7-8% growth of India is way way below when u acknowledge that India has much larger base as compared to Pakistan, so in the years to come u will only find conventional gap b/w India & Pakistan growing exponentially in India's favor, even than if u want to have a "survival of fittest" fight over Kashmir than pls, be my guest.


That is great news. Indian PM should stay home. We don't need any fake peace with India. We need to fight India for Kashmir, even if it means Nuclear War. Let us break this " Atoot Ung " once and for all.

Shabash!! We need more patriotic pakistanis like you :tup:
Cmon, with reforms, Mamta, Modi - Soniya, Modi - Sibla, Coalgat running which politician in India has the time for Pakistan. Even if MMS visits, it will amount to nothing.

Zadari's rant might have been an opportunity to sidestep the Pakistan visit by Congress..
I don't need to know what your old man does or you do (which is really apparent in the way you spell) to call bullsh!t.

LOL u dont wanna know us but u do wanna live in fancy world :lol: i talk 4 peace n its really hard to control yr self n spelling u write LOL when u have to answer trolling that too meaning less:lol:.
Well in the state in which im u cant really judge me bcoz u dont talk abt peace atleast now a days like yr great leaders(Azad, Gandhi,Nehru) used to talk. Now a days u seemed more kind of influenced from West, RSS or Shiv Sehna:lol:
I dont wanna insult u nor wanna hurt yrs or yr countrymen's feelings, but u should agree that its really hard to keep u constant smile on yr face when others insult u or yr country. I was basically answering to someone else. Thanks
Ever heard the word - phuttoo. Thats what Indians are. A statement shakes their government and they refuse to engage.

Indians also made the statement at UN that Kashmir is their 'atoot ung'. So should Pakistan also disengage?

Indians have excuses all the time. They dont want to resolve any issues but will stop playing cricket, stop talking or just run around the world saying Pakistan did this or Pakistan did that.
Ever heard the word - phuttoo. Thats what Indians are. A statement shakes their government and they refuse to engage.

Indians also made the statement at UN that Kashmir is their 'atoot ung'. So should Pakistan also disengage?

Indians have excuses all the time. They dont want to resolve any issues but will stop playing cricket, stop talking or just run around the world saying Pakistan did this or Pakistan did that.

Tactics dude, to avoid a waste-of-time visit to Pakistan, they anyways cannot do anything just now because the elections are quite near in politics.

I was just praying that he should go to Pakistan and some loony group just kidnaps that moron.

I hope the crook disguised as dumb (aka MMS) changes his mind and goes to Pakistan and some loony band nabs him.

That day, genuine peace would dawn between us and Pakistanis.

While our so-called government may release rhetoric and demand this and that, trust me, Pakistan would be greatly thanked by our common citizens. :D

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