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President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

Shia dynasties most of their wars against Sunnis and not the infidels
hahahaahah so u are ex shia ??? righttttttt
your comments says it all. Al Taqiyya oh sorry

Because everybody knows that the Sunnis are the most violent and most terrorism came from them
Who is this "every body every body" ? terrorism came from sunnis ? sure you guys are not that peaceful either.See what u are doing with Sunnis of Baghaded who were ethnically cleansed by Shia death Squads.Ever heard of Safavid's oppression of Sunni Iranians ? or what hizbullah did in Lebanon bombing american embassy 1983.You people are not that peaceful from Sunnis it is just that most of time Sunnis had upper hand on Shias.When Shia got power they tried to wipe the Sunnis like they did in Iran and doing right now in Syria and Iraq.So no need to cry if extremist sunnis hit back.

Former shia
And stop pretending as Ex Shia or Atheist .There is no need for doing taqiya here.Your hatred against sunnis has revealed your true identity. You can't fool anyone here you are only fooling yourself .Be proud of who you are.Being a Shia is not bad.We both are Muslims at the end of the day.Yes we have some serious differences ,so what ?? Catholics and Protestents have too
hahahaahah so u are ex shia ??? righttttttt
your comments says it all. Al Taqiyya oh sorry

Who is this "every body every body" ? terrorism came from sunnis ? sure you guys are not that peaceful either.See what u are doing with Sunnis of Baghaded who were ethnically cleansed by Shia death Squads.Ever heard of Safavid's oppression of Sunni Iranians ? or what hizbullah did in Lebanon bombing american embassy 1983.You people are not that peaceful from Sunnis it is just that most of time Sunnis had upper hand on Shias.When Shia got power they tried to wipe the Sunnis like they did in Iran and doing right now in Syria and Iraq.So no need to cry if extremist sunnis hit back.

And stop pretending as Ex Shia or Atheist .There is no need for doing taqiya here.Your hatred against sunnis has revealed your true identity. You can't fool anyone here you are only fooling yourself .Be proud of who you are.Being a Shia is not bad.We both are Muslims at the end of the day.Yes we have some serious differences ,so what ?? Catholics and Protestents have too
Sorry but I don't think you understand
Trump launches military strike against Syria

The United States launched a military strike on Syrian government targets in retaliation for their chemical weapon attack on civilians earlier in the week, CNN is told.

On President Donald Trump's orders, US warships launched 50 Tomahawk cruise missiles.


The useless "Muslim" coward leaders should follow suit and carpet bomb the bastard and his murderous regime but of course they won't despite immense pressure from their own populations and despite the presence of this cancerous regime benefitting ISIS and other radical terrorist groups (on both sides of the conflict) and moreover being the biggest security disruption in the wider region.

It's high-time to remove the tumor and end this senseless conflict. It won't end as long as the murderer clings to his throne.

Imagine the biggest so-called "Islamophobe" potentially doing more to end this conflict than the completely useless "Muslim" leaders out there. Tragicomical.
I don't where do you live but can you tell me what he did??!!

Wasting millions of dollars price of the missile to bomb an old syrian junk that they were out of the service?!!

He just fired some missiles to say "hay I am not like obama with his red lines"

He did it so they don't accuse him of the same thing that this clown used to accuse obama with

Syria and Syrians are not America's business this clown said during his lying campaign that america first

How come someone attack a country without they know who is realy used the chemicals??!!
The Tomahawks were fired from the USS Porter and Ross.
What do you think??

Trump launches military strike against Syria

The United States launched a military strike on Syrian government targets in retaliation for their chemical weapon attack on civilians earlier in the week, CNN is told.

On President Donald Trump's orders, US warships launched 50 Tomahawk cruise missiles.


The useless "Muslim" coward leaders should follow suit and carpet bomb the bastard and his murderous regime but of course they won't despite immense pressure from their own populations and despite the presence of this cancerous regime benefitting ISIS and other radical terrorist groups (on both sides of the conflict) and moreover being the biggest security disruption in the wider region.

It's high-time to remove the tumor and end this senseless conflict. It won't end as long as the murderer clings to his throne.

Imagine the biggest so-called "Islamophobe" potentially doing more to end this conflict than the completely useless "Muslim" leaders out there. Tragicomical.
@Saif al-Arab I didn't expect that the so called trump could fool you

The reason this dog attacked Syria to prove that I am not like Obama with his red lines

Trump is a good man at heart, and is decisive, but he doesn't have control. Doesn't have control of those around him nor what is presented to him. The Pentagon's 'military option' playbook in Syria appears to be rather limited. It shows someone else is calling the shots on policy. It also shows regime change is not on the table. Whoever is calling the shots does not want hardline Islamists or Turkish supported moderate Islamists in power in Syria.

This move is good for Trump to make believe that he is a man of his words, he has to retain that image. But, is not a game changing move, hence there is no Russian concern. Syria will continue it's fate, as international players prefer its course. Even some Arab nations as well.
Just another lying imperialist globalist scum

This is clearly a warning to the Syrians not to use chemical weapons. The U.S. Just put 50,000 lbs of ordnance on this air base. There's much more left over.
Or maybe you should stop interfering in other peoples business if you don't like to see more hatred toward your country and attacks
Trump: rich freemason zionist scum


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Highly recommend to watch all of these videos to know freemason Jews and Americans more:

[the greatest] Freemason: search this on youtube
hahahaahah so u are ex shia ??? righttttttt
your comments says it all. Al Taqiyya oh sorry

Who is this "every body every body" ? terrorism came from sunnis ? sure you guys are not that peaceful either.See what u are doing with Sunnis of Baghaded who were ethnically cleansed by Shia death Squads.Ever heard of Safavid's oppression of Sunni Iranians ? or what hizbullah did in Lebanon bombing american embassy 1983.You people are not that peaceful from Sunnis it is just that most of time Sunnis had upper hand on Shias.When Shia got power they tried to wipe the Sunnis like they did in Iran and doing right now in Syria and Iraq.So no need to cry if extremist sunnis hit back.

And stop pretending as Ex Shia or Atheist .There is no need for doing taqiya here.Your hatred against sunnis has revealed your true identity. You can't fool anyone here you are only fooling yourself .Be proud of who you are.Being a Shia is not bad.We both are Muslims at the end of the day.Yes we have some serious differences ,so what ?? Catholics and Protestents have too

I agree except the last part..
hahahaahah so u are ex shia ??? righttttttt
your comments says it all. Al Taqiyya oh sorry

Who is this "every body every body" ? terrorism came from sunnis ? sure you guys are not that peaceful either.See what u are doing with Sunnis of Baghaded who were ethnically cleansed by Shia death Squads.Ever heard of Safavid's oppression of Sunni Iranians ? or what hizbullah did in Lebanon bombing american embassy 1983.You people are not that peaceful from Sunnis it is just that most of time Sunnis had upper hand on Shias.When Shia got power they tried to wipe the Sunnis like they did in Iran and doing right now in Syria and Iraq.So no need to cry if extremist sunnis hit back.

And stop pretending as Ex Shia or Atheist .There is no need for doing taqiya here.Your hatred against sunnis has revealed your true identity. You can't fool anyone here you are only fooling yourself .Be proud of who you are.Being a Shia is not bad.We both are Muslims at the end of the day.Yes we have some serious differences ,so what ?? Catholics and Protestents have too
as an ex Shia muslim we all know that majority of the terrorist originazations are Sunni
There is no such thing as Wahhabi they are salafists who belong to all four Sunni schools
no they dnt there is huge difference between salafist/wahabis and sunnis.... we sunni not like them at all they are disresoectful to me and to many sunnis

Russia's air defense group in Syria includes a radio engineering battalion, a battery of Pantsir-S units and the S-400 air defense missile systems

KUBINKA /Moscow region/, August 25. /TASS/. A unified air defense system has been set up in Syria thanks to efforts of Russian and Syrian military experts, Chief of Staff and Deputy Commander of the Russian Aerospace Forces Major-General Sergey Meshcheryakov told a round table dedicated to the Syrian experience at the Army-2017 International Military-Technical Forum.

"Today, a unified integrated air defense system has been set up in Syria. We have ensured the information and technical interlinkage of the Russian and Syrian air reconnaissance systems. All information on the situation in the air comes from Syrian radar stations to the control points of the Russian force grouping," he said.

The Russian air defense group in the Hmeymim airfield area includes a radio engineering battalion, a battery of the Pantsir-S air defense missile and gun systems and the S-400 air defense missile systems.

"These air defense missile systems are capable of destroying targets within a range of up to 400 kilometers at an altitude of up to 35 kilometers," Meshcheryakov said.

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