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Report: India may attack Pakistan

Black Stone

Nov 27, 2007
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Report: India may attack Pakistan

Indian military has prepared operations against targets in Pakistan and awaits the signal to go forward, a US intelligence report says.

"These most likely would take the form of unilateral precision strikes inside Pakistan-administered Kashmir, along with special forces action on the ground in Pakistan proper," Global Intelligence Service, Stratfor said in its latest report.

"Sources have indicated to Stratfor that New Delhi is going through the diplomatic motions in order to give Pakistan the opportunity to take care of the militant problem itself - but the Indians know that Islamabad has neither the will nor the capability to address their concerns," the agency said.

It explained that India knew strikes in Pakistan would not eliminate the terrorist threat, "but that would not be the aim of any such operation". It added, "Instead, India has to communicate firmly that it will no longer tolerate attacks from Pakistan-based militants - whether they are rogue or approved by the state. Failure to do so risks emboldening the militants and their enablers, as well as a domestic political backlash. The Indian government could not live with either of those outcomes."

Earlier on Friday, Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee said that the government was keeping all options open in dealing with the situation. "If a country cannot keep the assurances that it has given, then it obliges us to consider the entire range of options that exist to protect our interests and people from this menace."

"We have made repeated appeals to our neighbors over the years to ensure that they do not provide support to terrorist activities and to dismantle the terrorist infrastructure. But our pleas have been ignored in spite of assurances given by them," he added.

The remarks come three weeks after New Delhi blamed the Pakistan-based banned militant group, Lashkar-e-Taiba for orchestrating the November 26 attacks on Mumbai, which left 172 people dead.

US, Indian and British officials claim to have clear evidence suggesting that the attacks originated in terrorist training camps inside Pakistan.

India has demanded the handover of 40 suspected militants allegedly involved in the attacks. Islamabad, however, says it will not extradite any suspect, insisting that they should be tried in Pakistani courts.

Pakistan President Asia Ali Zargar said on Wednesday that intelligence agencies had failed to offer concrete proof justifying claims that militants who attacked Mumbai were Pakistani nationals.
Report: India may attack Pakistan

Indian military has prepared operations against targets in Pakistan and awaits the signal to go forward, a US intelligence report says.

"These most likely would take the form of unilateral precision strikes inside Pakistan-administered Kashmir, along with special forces action on the ground in Pakistan proper," Global Intelligence Service, Stratfor said in its latest report.

"Sources have indicated to Stratfor that New Delhi is going through the diplomatic motions in order to give Pakistan the opportunity to take care of the militant problem itself - but the Indians know that Islamabad has neither the will nor the capability to address their concerns," the agency said.

It explained that India knew strikes in Pakistan would not eliminate the terrorist threat, "but that would not be the aim of any such operation". It added, "Instead, India has to communicate firmly that it will no longer tolerate attacks from Pakistan-based militants - whether they are rogue or approved by the state. Failure to do so risks emboldening the militants and their enablers, as well as a domestic political backlash. The Indian government could not live with either of those outcomes."

Earlier on Friday, Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee said that the government was keeping all options open in dealing with the situation. "If a country cannot keep the assurances that it has given, then it obliges us to consider the entire range of options that exist to protect our interests and people from this menace."

"We have made repeated appeals to our neighbors over the years to ensure that they do not provide support to terrorist activities and to dismantle the terrorist infrastructure. But our pleas have been ignored in spite of assurances given by them," he added.

The remarks come three weeks after New Delhi blamed the Pakistan-based banned militant group, Lashkar-e-Taiba for orchestrating the November 26 attacks on Mumbai, which left 172 people dead.

US, Indian and British officials claim to have clear evidence suggesting that the attacks originated in terrorist training camps inside Pakistan.

India has demanded the handover of 40 suspected militants allegedly involved in the attacks. Islamabad, however, says it will not extradite any suspect, insisting that they should be tried in Pakistani courts.

Pakistan President Asia Ali Zargar said on Wednesday that intelligence agencies had failed to offer concrete proof justifying claims that militants who attacked Mumbai were Pakistani nationals.

I remember Mr. Ten Percent saying that India was not a threat to Pakistan. I wonder on what basis he said that ? Perhaps he should be the President of India.
Report: India may attack Pakistan

Indian military has prepared operations against targets in Pakistan and awaits the signal to go forward, a US intelligence report says.

"These most likely would take the form of unilateral precision strikes inside Pakistan-administered Kashmir, along with special forces action on the ground in Pakistan proper," Global Intelligence Service, Stratfor said in its latest report.

"Sources have indicated to Stratfor that New Delhi is going through the diplomatic motions in order to give Pakistan the opportunity to take care of the militant problem itself - but the Indians know that Islamabad has neither the will nor the capability to address their concerns," the agency said.

It explained that India knew strikes in Pakistan would not eliminate the terrorist threat, "but that would not be the aim of any such operation". It added, "Instead, India has to communicate firmly that it will no longer tolerate attacks from Pakistan-based militants - whether they are rogue or approved by the state. Failure to do so risks emboldening the militants and their enablers, as well as a domestic political backlash. The Indian government could not live with either of those outcomes."

Earlier on Friday, Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee said that the government was keeping all options open in dealing with the situation. "If a country cannot keep the assurances that it has given, then it obliges us to consider the entire range of options that exist to protect our interests and people from this menace."

"We have made repeated appeals to our neighbors over the years to ensure that they do not provide support to terrorist activities and to dismantle the terrorist infrastructure. But our pleas have been ignored in spite of assurances given by them," he added.

The remarks come three weeks after New Delhi blamed the Pakistan-based banned militant group, Lashkar-e-Taiba for orchestrating the November 26 attacks on Mumbai, which left 172 people dead.

US, Indian and British officials claim to have clear evidence suggesting that the attacks originated in terrorist training camps inside Pakistan.

India has demanded the handover of 40 suspected militants allegedly involved in the attacks. Islamabad, however, says it will not extradite any suspect, insisting that they should be tried in Pakistani courts.

Pakistan President Asia Ali Zargar said on Wednesday that intelligence agencies had failed to offer concrete proof justifying claims that militants who attacked Mumbai were Pakistani nationals.

well...i believe Pakistani Armed Forces are far better equiped that the Indians...and can you just imagine what would happen to the Indian economy if it attacks Pakistani territory?...India has not become a yet super power as the US but it pretends that it can do anything it wants despite of the facts about the economy that many people are dying of hunger on that land...
some morons on that land are trying put India as "super power" which it is totally not...!
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We have all the rights to defend, if war thrust on us: FM

Updated at: 1447 PST, Sunday, December 21, 2008

We have all the rights to defend, if war thrust on us: FM MULTAN: Foreign Minister, Shah Mahmood Quraishi has said, “Pakistan doesn’t want war and we are desirous of peace, but if war is thrust on us, then we have all the rights to defend.”

Talking to media at Multan Airport, Foreign Minister, Shah Mahmood Quraishi said, “We are prepared to fully cooperate with India, but India should provide concrete evidences. Foreign minister said we possess all the potentiality for defense and the Pakistan Armed Forces are absolutely prepared for defense.

When quizzed, Shah Mahmood Quraishi said that the news about prime minister under pressure for resignation was mere rumours. He further said that President’s visit to Afghanistan couldn’t take place due to bad weather, but the President would soon go to Afghanistan. To another question, he replied that Pak-Afghan ties would be seen taking much positive turn in the days to come.
well...i believe Pakistani Armed Forces are far better equiped that the Indians...and can you just imagine what would happen to the Indian economy if it attacks Pakistani territory?...India has not become a yet super power as the US but it pretends that it can do anything it wants despite of the facts about the economy that many people are dying of hunger on that land...
some morons on that land are trying put India as "super power" which it is totally not...!

India may not be a Superpower but that doesn't mean it won't fight a war if it is forced on it by the terrorists and their supporters.

We were not a Superpower when the earlier wars were thrust on us. We liberated Bangladesh and saved a lot of lives when we had far less resources than now.

This is useless talk. There is only one Superpower in the world. Do the other countries never go to war!

Such talk of poverty and hunger coming from Bangladesh is rich really!
Seriously, these war-intels are getting lame now. No one's going to attack. Period. India knows the consequences of a preemptive strike. If they're so frustrated to see a mushroom cloud, they should simply watch the History Channel.
The decision is for Pakistan to go to war over a bunch of terrorists or to come clean.
The republic of evil

Sometimes it takes a certain amount of Gallic flamboyance to tell the truth. Towards the end of his book, Who Killed Daniel Pearl?, the French philosopher Bernard-Henri Levy reaches this terrifying conclusion: “I assert that Pakistan is the biggest rogue of all the rogue states today.

I assert that what is taking form there, between Islamabad and Karachi, is a black hole compared to which Saddam Hussein’s Baghdad was an obsolete dump.” Now let us return to two images that bring out the twisted, unequal morality of the post-9/11 war on terror. Elsewhere in the bombed-out Baghdad, the shrunken body of the Baathist dictator dangles from the gallows. In New York, General Pervez Musharraf pops up on The Daily Show, enjoying his jasmine tea with a twinkie, to promote his memoirs. That’s all the justice you get from the just war.


The war still rages, and the casualty is not confined to Baghdad alone. It has made the warrior-in-chief one of the most unpopular presidents in American history, irrespective of the reality that his country is perhaps the safest place on earth after 9/11 and the world a less dangerous place without a Saddam.

Iraq, the main theatre of the war, continues to be ravaged by tribal bloodlust, and Afghanistan, the original provocation, is making it easier for the return of Taliban. And Pakistan? Well, Musharraf is not spending his autumnal isolation in a spider hole somewhere on the outskirts of Islamabad; after a rewarding career in military dictatorship and the business of war on terror, the General is leading a comfortable retired life, probably writing the second instalment of his memoirs. Pakistan is still an ally—in America’s war on terror and in terror itself.

It is this dubious duality, perfected during the Musharraf era and carried on by his successors, that is at play in the wake of Mumbai. The ancestry of terror, once more, is Pakistani. It used to be said that the modern jihad, with its ideological legacy stretching from Syed Qutb to Ayman al-Zawahiri, was born in the torture chambers of Egypt’s prisons. Today it is sustained by Pakistan’s growing cottage industry of hate.

Al Qaeda, Taliban, 9/11 and almost every high profile strike by radical Islam, whether it’s the trans-Atlantic airline plot or Mumbai—you can’t miss the irrefutable common link of Pakistan. Still, it is not a common anxiety—or fear—that unites the civilised world. We continue to mistake the irrelevant outer, civilian shell for the state that matters. It matters for the singular reason that President Asif Ali Zardari symbolises the limits of civil society in a state whose hardest core is militaristic and Islamic. This sanguineous symmetry of the khaki and the crescent makes the Islamic Republic the most nihilistic state of our times.

India may be its most immediate victim, but the inherent bestiality of Pakistan should not be a worry for India alone. Our victimhood is accentuated by our accumulated mistakes of pussyfooting on—or even romancing— the General and our diplomatic triangulations. Today, the lofty rhetoric of reform-the-society is the most audible suggestion for Pakistan’s redemption. It makes no sense when the society itself is trapped between the jackboot of the General and the tyranny of the Book.

A US commission report on terrorism and weapons of mass destruction, World at Risk, released after Mumbai, says all the roads of terror “intersect in Pakistan”. For once, the axis of evil has an identifiable geopolitical meaning. Only what Robert Kagan in his book The Return of History calls a “concert of democracies” can undo the Evil—and let it be jointly conducted by New Delhi and Washington. We are too steeped in a mass delusion to neutralise the weapon of mass destruction called Pakistan.

India Today - India's most widely read magazine.

This is an issue not only for India but for the whole civilized world to deal with including the civil society of Pakistan. India may be the most immediate victim, it is not the only one.

* President says India did not provide evidence to back claims
* Hopes Pakistan-India composite dialogue will resume soon
* Wants coalition with PML-N in Punjab to continue​

ISLAMABAD: President Asif Ali Zardari on Saturday regretted threatening statements from India despite Pakistan’s serious efforts to defuse tensions following last month’s terrorist attacks in Mumbai.

He was addressing a meeting of parliamentarians from the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Punjab at the Presidency.

The meeting is part of the president’s ongoing consultations with lawmakers on the prevailing security and political situation, and focused particularly on the ties between the PPP and the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) in Punjab.

Sources privy to the meeting said Zardari told the PPP leaders his government had offered complete co-operation in the ongoing investigation into the Mumbai attacks, but India did not share with Islamabad any evidence to support its claims that elements from Pakistan were involved in the attacks.

Zardari told the legislators that the Pakistani government had adopted a responsible approach but would never compromise on national security and sovereignty.

He briefed the participants of the meeting about his interaction with world leaders and envoys who visited Pakistan after the Mumbai tragedy.

Dialogue: One of the participants told Daily Times the president was optimistic that the situation would normalise soon and India and Pakistan would resume their composite dialogue.

Punjab: The participant who talked to Daily Times said some members complained that the PML-N did not co-operate with them in Punjab and did not ‘accommodate’ the PPP in the provincial set-up in line with a power-sharing formula the two parties had agreed on.

But the president called for co-operation between the two parties to continue the coalition in the province, saying confrontation was not in Pakistan’s interest at the time of such crises.

He said he would take up the contentious issues with the PML-N leadership and sort them out amicably.
Librated Bangladesh, what a laugh. For your info, Indian Army and intelligence Agencies played their dirty role (as usual) by creating Mukti Bahini. Traitors like Mir Jafar and Mir Sadiq in the shape of Mujib-ur-Rahman helped India to defeat Pakistan Army in Bangladesh. Now India is supporting BLA in Balouchastan to fight against Pakistan Army.It was always one against two or three. Though America claimed (still claims, what a joke) friendship with Pakistan, in 1965/1971 wars and Kargil war but always betrayed rather stabbed in the backside of his friend just like Hindu does. Again, Israel gave his support to India in 1971 war as Israel wanted to take revenge from Pakistan as Pakistan helped Arabs in Arab Israel war. In Kargil war Israel openly gave his weaponry, technical and tactical support to India.
Now, in current situation everyone knows, it’s not just India which is threatening Pakistan. Israel, America are fully helping and supporting India as they all have common causes, one, no Islamic country with Atomic power secondly, their common enemy, Islam. Afghanistan has totally surrendered to India and America and its President is former CIA agent, he is modern day Mir Jaffar.
Keep in mind, no country can go on war all alone, even your only one superpower was not able to do so. India will not open war against Pakistan until unless he has all the assurances from USA and Israel.
Can you tell us how many independent movements are going on inside India? How many innocent Indians have been killed by Indian army so far? How you Hindus treat the minority Muslims, Christians, Shudras and many more. So called biggest Democracy (demon-crazy) is not letting any International Journalist or human right organisation to visit Kashmir.
It’s very clear that if you are enemy of Islam and hate Muslims then even UNO supports you and pardon your unlawful killings and atrocities.
We should pray and do something positive for the peace in the region rather hot headedly threatening other countries. But first India has to listen to its own people who are fighting for the independence. Believe in JUSTICE not in unjustice.
My dear Manu, justice always starts from home. Don't close your eyes and assume that the cat is not watching you and will not kill you.

1. Same goes to you if you can create MB and BLA then why not LET or many more.

2. Who is the Indian or Pakistani Muslims? Their four fathers were Hindus who reverted to Islam but Hindus did not like it and they butchered them in 1947.

3. So you do admit that you are the enemy of Pakistan and Islam and you can do anything to prove that. Then its Pakistanis right to defence its boundaries at any cost.

4. Pakistan was member of a defence treaty with USA. American fleet was in Indian Ocean at that time. As Indian navy had blockaded East Pakistan. American fleet started towards way of Bengal to show solidarity with Pak. But till this day it never arrived.

5. Enemy of my enemy is my friend, a good logic, so every one is free to think like that?

6. Ok, so what about one million Indian Army sitting in Kashmir are they fighting terrorism there? No my dear they are trying to suppress the Muslims and denying their independence which is their right, but for how long Indian Gov can suppress them? Soon they will be librated.

7. What’s the point of opening consulates in almost every city in the Afghanistan along side the Pakistani border? Why Afghanistan would let India to do that? There is definitely something cooking against Pakistan.

Here is some proves, need more?

w.mediamonitors.net/saadialiaqat1.html]India & Israel: An Unholy Alliance? (by Saadia Liaqat) - Media Monitors Network[/url]

w.youtube.com/watch?v=YKZNv4bDcEs]YouTube - Kashmir children attacked by Indian soliders[/url]

w.kmsnews.org/news/indian-hr-activist-laments-army-rule-occupied-kashmir]Indian HR activist laments army rule in Occupied Kashmir | Kashmir Media Service[/url]


w.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Cities/Kolkata_/It_takes_a_long_time_to_prepare_for_war_71_hero/articleshow/3843111.cms]It takes a long time to prepare for war: '71 hero-Kolkata -Cities-The Times of India[/url]

w.in.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070712135720AApvE4F]Kargil War: Is it true that only Israel supplied arms to India? - Yahoo! Answers India[/url]


w.intellibriefs.blogspot.com/2007/07/how-israel-helped-india-win-kargil-war.html]IntelliBriefs: How Israel helped India win the Kargil War[/url]
You are not the only one my dear there are hundreds of thousands of people who were and still are made homeless and lost their parents or children. Does it end anywhere? no it doesn't. You have suffered and you know the pain so you can understand the pain of all other humans who are forced to face the atrocities on daily basis. Do something good, not as Hindu but as human if you can, raise your voice for them as well. In the end we all humans are related to each other, are we not?
I as a Indian Muslim and belongs to Chib Rajput Family have the first right to claim my land in India if you talk about right. Can you tell for how long Pundits have been terrorising Kashmiri Muslims? Or should I tell you? You people live skinned the Muslims in Kashmir if you remember. This is the time to regret and admit you atrocities so that you should be forgiven.

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