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Republic of China Army shows off newly acquired Apache AH-64E choppers

and even Shilkas can bring the Apache down

A shilka will be detected long time before by the longbow radar of Apache & a single Hydra-70 rocket will be more than enough to turn the Shilka into burning metal heap.
A shilka will be detected long time before by the longbow radar of Apache & a single Hydra-70 rocket will be more than enough to turn the Shilka into burning metal heap.
It is extremely dangerous for the Apache to hover in one place and there have been incidents where Shilkas brought the Apache down,
the best chance for the apache is to kill its target while remaining at standoff range.
there is no guarantee that the ZSU 24-3 will not bring it down while it is engaged with another target
It is extremely dangerous for the Apache to hover in one place and there have been incidents where Shilkas brought the Apache down,
the best chance for the apache is to kill its target while remaining at standoff range.
there is no guarantee that the ZSU 24-3 will not bring it down while it is engaged with another target

Of the 12 Apaches shot down in Iraq-11 were by RPG's & small arms & the other was by a SA-7(it was unable to detect it as it didn't carry defensive systems as the threat from MANPAD's was percieved as little.

During the 2003 invasion another Apache was shot down by an RPG fired by soldiers of Iraqi republican guards.Iraq later lied that it was shot down by a soldier.
NO Apaches have been lost to hostile fire in Afghanistan.

So no armored vehicle has managed to shoot down the apache.
Of the 12 Apaches shot down in Iraq-11 were by RPG's & small arms & the other was by a SA-7(it was unable to detect it as it didn't carry defensive systems as the threat from MANPAD's was percieved as little.

During the 2003 invasion another Apache was shot down by an RPG fired by soldiers of Iraqi republican guards.Iraq later lied that it was shot down by a soldier.
NO Apaches have been lost to hostile fire in Afghanistan.

So no armored vehicle has managed to shoot down the apache.

Taliban had no army. goat herder in the mountain region can't take down 1 single Apache.
Wow, this thread goes off topic fast...it's not about Indian and Chinese but about Apache and Taiwan...

Back on topic, back then when I was commanding a platoon of Bradley and went to exercise with another unit in a war game.

We were getting set up an ambush on a reverse crest of a hill, just waiting with my 25 mike mike pointing in the right direction

5 minutes pass, sensor going off like Christmas tree, beeping and flashing, turns out 2 dude with a laser det and a single apache took us down without we even knowing......

Bah, I was red faced, being the only platoon to get wiped out before even fire a single shot...that's some bad memory
Wow, this thread goes off topic fast...it's not about Indian and Chinese but about Apache and Taiwan...

Back on topic, back then when I was commanding a platoon of Bradley and went to exercise with another unit in a war game.

We were getting set up an ambush on a reverse crest of a hill, just waiting with my 25 mike mike pointing in the right direction

5 minutes pass, sensor going off like Christmas tree, beeping and flashing, turns out 2 dude with a laser det and a single apache took us down without we even knowing......

Bah, I was red faced, being the only platoon to get wiped out before even fire a single shot...that's some bad memory
You should know by now that personal experience are not respected by the Chinese members here.







! AH-64E can alone take out 12 PRC tin tanks in a single sortie.

You with your wikipedia knowledge. Combat helicopters dont go into active warzones with no air cover. Do you really think China would let their tanks be sitting ducks? China wont be going for an invasion until and unless they have complete air superiority. The Taiwanese cannot defend their skies against a force like China's. Nor is China ever gonna invade, in the end the Taiwanese gobble American merchandise for a scenario that is never gonna happen. The Chinese ate up Taiwan's lion's share in international business arena, that was their lesson to the Taiwanese. The Taiwanese are very clever folks, what you see is just politics to haggle for votes on the domestic level. If you studythe trade between these two countries you will realise why it is better or Taiwan to be nice to China. American support or not.

Sometimes i think its your hard on for anything Chinese or Pakistani on this forum speaking. Not to let a chance go by.

Wow, this thread goes off topic fast...it's not about Indian and Chinese but about Apache and Taiwan...

Back on topic, back then when I was commanding a platoon of Bradley and went to exercise with another unit in a war game.

We were getting set up an ambush on a reverse crest of a hill, just waiting with my 25 mike mike pointing in the right direction

5 minutes pass, sensor going off like Christmas tree, beeping and flashing, turns out 2 dude with a laser det and a single apache took us down without we even knowing......

Bah, I was red faced, being the only platoon to get wiped out before even fire a single shot...that's some bad memory

That must've sucked, how did your superiors take from this? From what i know a lot shit talking mustve ensued by your mates. All in good fun perhaps, but embarrassing nonetheless.
You with your wikipedia knowledge. Combat helicopters dont go into active warzones with no air cover. Do you really think China would let their tanks be sitting ducks? China wont be going for an invasion until and unless they have complete air superiority. The Taiwanese cannot defend their skies against a force like China's. Nor is China ever gonna invade, in the end the Taiwanese gobble American merchandise for a scenario that is never gonna happen. The Chinese ate up Taiwan's lion's share in international business arena, that was their lesson to the Taiwanese. The Taiwanese are very clever folks, what you see is just politics to haggle for votes on the domestic level. If you studythe trade between these two countries you will realise why it is better or Taiwan to be nice to China. American support or not.

Sometimes i think its your hard on for anything Chinese or Pakistani on this forum speaking. Not to let a chance go by.

That must've sucked, how did your superiors take from this? From what i know a lot shit talking mustve ensued by your mates. All in good fun perhaps, but embarrassing nonetheless.

oh well, i’d my first below standard rating on my 201 and i was tranferred to infantry platoon 6 months later, i don’t really know if that was related and all.

And i was called ”Christmas tree” for that lol
oh well, i’d my first below standard rating on my 201 and i was tranferred to infantry platoon 6 months later, i don’t really know if that was related and all.

And i was called ”Christmas tree” for that lol

Reminds me of the show Generation Kill for some reason
why is this article in Chinese defense section?
@ mods patch it world affairs!
6 more Apache choppers to arrive Jan. 2: Defense Ministry

A second batch of six AH-64E Apache attack helicopters is scheduled to arrive in Taiwan Jan. 2, Deputy Defense Minister Andrew Hsia said Thursday.
'The helicopters have been loaded aboard a ship for delivery from the United States,' Hsia said at a Legislative Yuan committee hearing on progress in Taiwan-U.S. military exchanges and Taiwan's arms procurement programs.

Hsia added, however, that if the U.S. has not yet announced a service resumption for this type of helicopter by then, the newly delivered choppers will be grounded for safety checks immediately after their arrival.

He was responding to questions by opposition Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Tsai Huang-liang, who expressed concern about when the first batch of Apache choppers can resume service and if the second batch will be flightworthy.

Taiwan took delivery of six Apache choppers in early November, all of which have been grounded for safety checks since mid-December after receiving notification of a malfunction in a helicopter of the same type used by the U.S. Army.

Tsai asked Hsia why Taiwan would have bought defective choppers and who should be held accountable.

In response, Hsia said the model E is the latest in the Apache attack helicopter series.

'The aircraft is also an extremely high-performance attack helicopter. The grounding is mainly out of safety concerns,' Hsia said, adding that the U.S. will assume full responsibility based on the warranty that comes with the helicopters.

Taiwan's Army was notified Dec. 17 of a main transmission failure in an AH-64E Apache helicopter being used by the U.S. military. The U.S. and Taiwan are the only two countries that use the latest model of Apache helicopters.

The Army has since suspended all of its Apache training operations pending a full investigation conducted by the U.S. into the cause of the malfunction.

It was the first such problem faced by the new Apache helicopter since it was put into service by the U.S. military earlier this year, a military source said.

Technical specialists from U.S.-based aerospace company Boeing, which manufactures the Apache helicopters, have come to Taiwan to help conduct the safety checks, the source added.

President Ma Ying-jeou presided over a delivery ceremony for the first batch of six Apache choppers at an Army Aviation Special Forces base in Tainan Dec. 13.

The six aircraft are part of a 30-helicopter package purchased by Taiwan at a cost of more than US$2 billion. Delivery will be completed by the end of 2014, according to military officials.

ROC Central News Agency
So when will the guided hydra rockets be inducted?

... Our have they already been?
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