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Reza Pahlavi speaking at Hudson Institute

Who cares what this loser has to say. His father had severe mental illness (schizophrenia) and members of this guy’s family have committed suicide. This isn’t a normal healthy family. Plus they have no bloodline to any dynasty of the Persian Emperors.

Might as well pick a beggar off the streets of Tehran and name him Shah. That’s what CIA/MI6 did with Reza Shah basically.
Who cares what this loser has to say. His father had severe mental illness (schizophrenia) and members of this guy’s family have committed suicide. This isn’t a normal healthy family. Plus they have no bloodline to any dynasty of the Persian Emperors.

Might as well pick a beggar off the streets of Tehran and name him Shah. That’s what CIA/MI6 did with Reza Shah basically.
Well let's see if he can bring liberal democracy I don't think he will be crowned as shah in anyway.

This guy is just a joker at this point no wonder the Trump Administration backs MEK these days
MEK are even worst I agree that Pahlavis and MEK have no future otherwise why iranians overthrow his father to begin with.
Well let's see if he can bring liberal democracy I don't think he will be crowned as shah in anyway.

There are so much divisions withen the Iranian diaspora groups no unity besides the US would try to use the Iranian youth in the country not the diaspora
Seeking help for regime change and argue the world do not make deals with current regime.

This dude wants one thing and one thing only and that is power! Only an imbecile or naive individual like yourself would believe he wants “liberal democracy”. His father repressed millions from demonstrating their religion. His secret police were trained in the art of torture.

Go look at what that recently captured Iran sat TV idiot said about him. He says that he would walk his hallways of his house at night acting like he was inspecting the troops! And that he was unfit as helping the cause of overthrowing the regime.This guy is not Shah and he is worthless along with his family. They are just after power and money. Once this dudes mom dies that family will disappear back to the pages of history.

Regime Change ain’t happening. IRGC holds 40% of the Iranian economy. They will be the only ones who can take power after the clerics go back to Qom.
This dude wants one thing and one thing only and that is power! Only an imbecile or naive individual like yourself would believe he wants “liberal democracy”. His father repressed millions from demonstrating their religion. His secret police were trained in the art of torture.

Go look at what that recently captured Iran sat TV idiot said about him. He says that he would walk his hallways of his house at night acting like he was inspecting the troops! And that he was unfit as helping the cause of overthrowing the regime.This guy is not Shah and he is worthless along with his family. They are just after power and money. Once this dudes mom dies that family will disappear back to the pages of history.

Regime Change ain’t happening. IRGC holds 40% of the Iranian economy. They will be the only ones who can take power after the clerics go back to Qom.
I agree that Iran need soft coup and nationalistic government I wonder why the IRGC overthrow the mullah already?!

As for this clown I agree he talks about democracy and mullah theft of Iran’s wealth yet he lives on the wealth that his father stole from Iran lol.
Candidates popping up for regime change. At this point of time, even a dumb moron would be better than blood sucker khamenei.
When irani Shah was leaving Iran, some wise man was saying: monarchy will return to Iran.
I don’t think the Iranians want the monarchy back it’s just like Iranian said what next will we be revoluting for the next 40 years to restablish the Islamic regime again?.
I don’t think the Iranians want the monarchy back it’s just like Iranian said what next will we be revoluting for the next 40 years to restablish the Islamic regime again?.
Islamic regime came from France. It will return to France. After that, Müslims of Iran will not take the name of Islam in near future.
Iranis thirst for Islam is quenched quite badly, thanks to hard work of West.

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