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Russia cancels war games with India, navy reacts strongly



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Oct 10, 2010
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Shiv Aroor | New Delhi, May 31, 2011 | Updated 11:45 IST

In a big snub to India, Russia has cancelled two bilateral war games with the Indian Armed Forces after months of planning and a well-established arrangement. The move has left the Indian Navy furious over the "unprofessional manner" in which the decision was taken.

Russia first called off the Indra series of exercises with the navy late in April. Later, it cancelled another planned war game with the army in June.

The cancellation of the naval war game came as a rude shock as the cancellation came after five Indian warships reached Vladivostok. The ships were allowed to dock at Vladivostok as a port of call and then they had to sail back to India.

Russia apparently stated that their warships were not available as they were deployed in Fukushima to help Japan in relief work in the wake of a massive earthquake followed by a tsunami and a major nuclear crisis.

However the latest insult to injury was the calling off of the army exercise. Moscow said that it would not be able to host the exercise as there was little time to prepare.

Apparently, the Russian moves come in the wake of India choosing two European fighter jets as the top contenders for a $10.4 billion fighter jet contract.

Russia's decision irks Indian Navy

Angry over the way Russia treated Indian warships that sailed to Vladivostok, the Indian Navy, in a report sent to the ministry of external affairs (MEA), expressed its displeasure with the cancellation of the drill.

Sources told Headlines Today that the navy said in its report that it was upset with the "highly unprofessional manner" in which the Russian Navy decision was dispensed.

The navy recommended that a government decision be taken on how to respond to Russia's snub. The tone of the navy's report says that Russia was a "fair-weather friend", a country on its best behaviour only when it gets big defence contracts for India.

It has also recommended that the idea of Russia being looked at as a "long-time strategic partner" be given a re-look since "close strategic partners do not treat each other this way".

Russia cancels war games with India, navy reacts strongly : North: India Today

I thought russian and indian are best of friend?
looks like the cold shoulder to the MiG cost india more than it thought it would....pakistan should take this oppurtunity with both hands and look to buy some Mi 17 or Mi 26....
Had enough of that 'all-weather' friendship?..

bhanda chaorahay main phoota.. :lol:

Now, maybe Indians should come down from their 'high horse'
No official word from both the countries, newspaper just publishing from unnamed officials.

Don't know whether Fake or true.
looks like the cold shoulder to the MiG cost india more than it thought it would....pakistan should take this oppurtunity with both hands and look to buy some Mi 17 or Mi 26....

how many dollar's can you offer them with your falling economy and crisis which you are in right now
$$ to Russia.

i don't know why everyone links this to MRCA? wasn't Russia aware ,that the whole point was to diversify ,from traditional Russian H/W
india has alway's been a non - alligned nation , so why care if the russian's don't want relation's.
india has alway's been a non - alligned nation , so why care if the russian's don't want relation's.

The above incident is due to some misunderstandings ,probably will be resolved.

Indo-Russian ties have always been strong and will remain so for more 50 years or so.

As for reactions of some posters .......................well,

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