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SAARC Countries Bypass Pakistan to Sign Sub-Regional Motor Vehicle Agreement

Such an agreement does not affect India much but Nepal, Bhutan,Bangladesh and Srilanka would be the biggest beneficiaries as India will allow them surface transit. The biggest sufferer will be Afghanistan.

whats the volume of trade between Nepal,Bhutan,Srilanka.Bangladesh (check my previous post) with Afghanistan?

P.S :You really dnt have to worry bout our little brother Afghanistan.
Take this with a pinch of salt. The REAL deal was Pakistan allowing C Asian transit to Bharat. :D

There is nothing in Pakistan for it. This project offers nothing to Pakistan but gives everything to Bharat. C.Asia is potentially a $100 billion market, why should we let an enemy have access to it ?

We can live without cheaper Bangali rice and trade with Nepal and Bhutan, that can't be said about India vis a vis C.Asia. Let them build the elusive Chahbahar and add an extra 3000km to the transit :enjoy:
Wow!!!! positive rating for above comment:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall: haad ho gayi hai PDF par
India's trade with C.Asia will increase many folds once gas pipe lines and oil agreements are signed. It is projected to be worth 100's of billions.

Pakistanis tried to hijack SAARC by pushing Chinese agenda.

They should have learnt from Chinese how they differentiate between trade and strategic relations.
Chabahar was only meant to have indian access to Afghanistan.But as Dr Ashraf Ghani made it to President in Afghanistan.The significance is reduced as RAW won't be allowed to work as much as they had done in the past in afghanistan.

*Indian trade with central asia combined(all countries) is less than 400Million dollars
*Iran is only connected with turkmenistan in central asia
*Turkeministan further has border tension with Uzbekistan
*Kazakhstan has alternative route for trade
*tajikistan has already signed trade agreement with pakistan recently,has invested in karakoram highway and is all set to import oil from kuwait through pakistan.
*Afghanistan under Ghani(atleast until 2019) is a pro Pakistan state,and i remember once watching in a program,when a expert said that if Pakistan offer Pakistan a exclusive Afghanistan port in Oramara,it will promote pakistan relation with afghanistan to a new level,with the relation expanding,i think it is very much possible

*Last year India has requested Pakistan to give them land access to Afghanistan and so does karzai last year.

I don't get it,India pulled out from the IPI just because of it being through Pakistan but is happy with TAPI,which again will pass through Pakistan.

anyway good luck with the under sea pipeline,but make sure that it won't pass through Pakistan territorial water

Such an agreement does not affect India much but Nepal, Bhutan,Bangladesh and Srilanka would be the biggest beneficiaries as India will allow them surface transit. The biggest sufferer will be Afghanistan.

Afghanistan will be connected through Chahbahar.
Pakistan should review its isolationist policy. It is becoming more isolated globally.

I think the establishment of Pakistan is feeling insecurity for losing its position if the country opens up and establish a normal trade relation with neighbours and other countries. They think if they open up, Indian influence will be out of control. They even think that it is better to depend on aid (begging) from US/China/Saudi rather than standing on its own feet through trade and industry.
CARs and add Russia, Turkey and the Balkins.

This has long been a Pakistani joke, something they imagine that matters to India so much that it will give up Kashmir etc. Talk about self delusion. India has little interest of trade through Pakistan except for trade to Pakistan itself & to Afghanistan. Beyond that is a pipe dream that no sane Indian believes in. Turkey? Balkans? Russia? Not a whole lot of trade possibilities there and certainly not an additional $100 billion, another mythical figure that Pakistanis like to throw about. The limited trade interests in that region can be best met by access through Iran, no sane Indian strategic planner will count on Pakistan. Even if trade through Iran is costlier than a direct land route, it is still the only viable solution. Pakistan can never be a major player in any Indian calculation of trade beyond Afghanistan.
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There is no benefit for us to sign that... we have good relations with Nepal n Bhutan... but than again... our economic cooperation n their markets are not lucrative (as pointed out by another member).... For Bangladesh n Sri Lanka... why would we use indian route to reach them? shipping or sea route is much more shorter,safer and more economically viable for Pak than land route through india...

In short Pak gets nothing.. so why should we sign such an agreement?
Hmm... Largely agree. There was hardly anything for you here sort of no loss, no gain but yes India and neighbours like BD, Nepal and Bhutan can cooperate here.
Bismillah karo janab while we hooked to BOTH ends of Chinese Silk route, that too for free :enjoy:

Look at this map and accept the truth.. .Chinese silk route bypassed Pakistan at both ends.
Such an agreement does not affect India much but Nepal, Bhutan,Bangladesh and Srilanka would be the biggest beneficiaries as India will allow them surface transit. The biggest sufferer will be Afghanistan.

Nope, there's nothing that Afghanistan needs and Pakistan, China, Iran and Turkey can't provide.

Such an agreement does not affect India much but Nepal, Bhutan,Bangladesh and Srilanka would be the biggest beneficiaries as India will allow them surface transit. The biggest sufferer will be Afghanistan.

Nope, there's nothing that Afghanistan needs and Pakistan, China, Iran and Turkey can't provide.
Chabhar is a dead project,:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:and is the reason both india and afghanistan are constantly making pakistan to allow land access to each other.

India wanted to get access to Afghanistan to further fuel anti Pakistanism in Afghanistan but in the end they got Dr Ashraf ghani,i reallly doubt india will still continue with this project with the speed they would have wanted it under Abdullah x2.

Tell me which country do you think will surpass Pakistan except india in south asia?
from Iranian press TV
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This has long been a Pakistani joke, something they imagine that matters to India so much that it will give up Kashmir etc. Talk about self delusion. India has little interest of trade through Pakistan except for trade to Pakistan itself & to Afghanistan. Beyond that is a pipe dream that no sane Indian believes in. Turkey? Balkans? Russia? Not a whole lot of trade possibilities there and certainly not an additional $100 billion, another mythical figure that Pakistanis like to throw about. The limited trade interests in that region can be best met by access through Iran, no sane Indian strategic planner will count on Pakistan. Even if trade through Iran is costlier than a direct land route, it is still the only viable solution. Pakistan can never be a major player in any Indian calculation of trade beyond Afghanistan.

Beyond Afghanistan, Land route would not be viable. Turkey, and Balkhans of your example are closer to India by Sea, rather than land (probably pakistan should ask Egypt to block Suez canal's acces to India in the name of ummah). Russia may be break even in distance, but would be costlier. Central Asia has nothing to offer except Oil and Gas, and even for that India would have to compete with Russia and China for resources in their backyard.

In short a land route through pakistan is not of much economic utility. Even chahbar is being constructed by India as a "Fuk Pakistan" project rather than something which is of economic utility to India.
Take this with a pinch of salt. The REAL deal was Pakistan allowing C Asian transit to Bharat. :D

There is nothing in Pakistan for it. This project offers nothing to Pakistan but gives everything to Bharat. C.Asia is potentially a $100 billion market, why should we let an enemy have access to it ?

We can live without cheaper Bangali rice and trade with Nepal and Bhutan, that can't be said about India vis a vis C.Asia. Let them build the elusive Chahbahar and add an extra 3000km to the transit :enjoy:
exactly pakistan will not give any transit to which we already know of ,........so making the elusive chabahar port make perfect sense......:enjoy:

and about growth we saw that where is pakistan growth having access to CAR and indian growth which btw is not depended on the access to CAR by pakistan .....like some delusion people like to think about :lol::lol::lol:

Chabahar was only meant to have indian access to Afghanistan.But as Dr Ashraf Ghani made it to President in Afghanistan.The significance is reduced as RAW won't be allowed to work as much as they had done in the past in afghanistan.

*Indian trade with central asia combined(all countries) is less than 400Million dollars
*Iran is only connected with turkmenistan in central asia
*Turkeministan further has border tension with Uzbekistan
*Kazakhstan has alternative route for trade
*tajikistan has already signed trade agreement with pakistan recently,has invested in karakoram highway and is all set to import oil from kuwait through pakistan.
*Afghanistan under Ghani(atleast until 2019) is a pro Pakistan state,and i remember once watching in a program,when a expert said that if Pakistan offer Pakistan a exclusive Afghanistan port in Oramara,it will promote pakistan relation with afghanistan to a new level,with the relation expanding,i think it is very much possible

*Last year India has requested Pakistan to give them land access to Afghanistan and so does karzai last year.
if that is so ..............then why so much @SS burn on indian port project on chahabar :lol::lol::lol:
I don't get it,India pulled out from the IPI just because of it being through Pakistan but is happy with TAPI,which again will pass through Pakistan.

anyway good luck with the under sea pipeline,but make sure that it won't pass through Pakistan territorial water
:lol::lol::lol: you think we will not have other sources look at the map of india and oil producing country you will see from where we import oil and gas from
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Must move forward to build a prosperous South Asia. Countries like India,Bangladesh,Nepal and Bhutan coming
together to facilitate easier movement of goods and trade is most welcomed news of 2015.Ignore Pakistan-a pain in the asshole-only interested in promoting terrorism in South Asia.
Nope, there's nothing that Afghanistan needs and Pakistan, China, Iran and Turkey can't provide.
Its about access to market and products. Its about making a choice. Its about not being dependent on any one or group. Its about getting the best price for your products and buying products at the best prices.

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