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Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

Come on bro, dont be silly. You are talking as if hes a controlled man. He barks on TV 24/7 we are going to do this we are going to do that. 90% today he will be screaming somewhere about this issue.

Yanlis yolda, yanlis kisilerle yuruyoruz.

True but he doesn't give hasty statements after an incident.
Which is the only country that has a border with Qatar ?

Answer: Saudi Arabia
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The oil is about to fight amongst itself. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
Qatar's total population is 2.6 million who said it is 200 000
Now add Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Tunisia and Pakistan, they have also cut their diplomatic relations with Qatar..
Some Europeans might follow suite, like France, Sweden, Greece, Armenia, Denmark and Belgium..

Serious impact already stated to show:
After cutting off Egypt and the Gulf countries relations with Doha .. Qatar's stock market drops more than 6%
European countries don't care.
Residents rushing for groceries & long lines at ATMs in Doha, Qatar are very visible.
Never imagined this situation in Qatar, of all.
Every sane person must support Qatar against Saudi, Emirati devil regimes

Saudis are getting weak day by day
Turkey's Foreign Minister says his country is prepared to mediate between Qatar and other Gulf States.
We all know you have very strong relationship with Qatar in the history, Ottoman Empire was Qatar's biggest patron in the history. You have 300 soldiers stationed in Qatar now.
I expect oil price soaring.

What's Turkey stance?
we have military base and starategic cooperation energy and defence industry with qatar i hope we go on support qatar and MB but this times will be difficult for turkey in the result turkey is not superpower against america and its new allies (pkk/pyd,saudis+egypt) . Time will say everything
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