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Shiv Sena targets Shah Rukh Khan for backing Pak players

Now it's upto the media to calm itself down and don't give much public attention to such a trivial matter. Since SRK is a public figure and hence excessive spotlight does get intense in case somebody get offending to his dignity. But at the end of the day, Media should read the essence behind such noise and focus its attention towards much more pressing issue. Media cannot give excessive attention to unnecessary things just because it has a right to freedom of expression. Freedom of expression cannot do much either way, if plight of those who are really in trouble because of regionalism doesn't get heard and addressed.
I would willingly contribute what little I can for the upkeep of this forum if there was a way to do so for an Indian .... voluntarily.

Khairat lene ki adat humare poorwajon ne hume nahin sikhayi hai mere dost .....

Cheers, Doc


For your information VSDOC is himself a so called minority, he's a Parsi if I'm not wrong.

Ancestors of Parsis ran away from Iran from persecution by arab muslims, I presume he knows a bit about the love of your religion.

There is no way in hell he supports Shiv Sena, he's already said that, he only supports this issue.

Just some data to put things in perspective.
400 years ago hindus were busy burning women alive and maharajas chaining generations to slavery and pesky labour, castes systems were justified using religion to enslave and use people for economic domination. 400 years ago christian europeans were busy killing each other over religion, and they later went on a killing and a looting spree in africa and later India. Racism was justified using Biblical verses to enslave black people.

But then again all of that is forgotten, not covered by your educational institutions and shiv sena's pamphlets eh. Ever wonder why?

And all your memory can recall is the expulsion of a few parsi's whilst ignoring the rest of history.

This is called Hypocrisy.

Islamophobia is a mental disease, I could careless of his religion.


Because cheap and shameless people with no civilizational values can't comprehend what self-respect and honour means. They'd rather be engaged discreetly in hateful diatribes against the very same platform that allows them to voice their opinions, yet when that hate turns into poision and heart being a sacred place cannot contain such *****, it automatically vents out through the mouth, and when ugliness surfaces, they're slapped across the face with a ban as a wake up call, yet having not learning any lesson out of it, they still come back and sh!t in the same plate that gives them food for thought.
Now it's upto the media to calm itself down and don't give much public attention to such a trivial matter. Since SRK is a public figure and hence excessive spotlight does get intense in case somebody get offending to his dignity. But at the end of the day, Media should read the essence behind such noise and focus its attention towards much more pressing issue. Media cannot give excessive attention to unnecessary things just because it has a right to freedom of expression. Freedom of expression cannot do much either way, if plight of those who are really in trouble because of regionalism doesn't get heard and addressed.

SRK only wanted to let cricker's in India, whilst Amitabh wants to go across the border and would rather shake hands with Pakistan. Yet no one questions Amitabh? Ever wonder why? Don't you guys see islamophobic and anti-muslim undertones in the media and from politicians?

Ancestors of Parsis ran away from Iran from persecution by arab muslims, I presume he knows a bit about the love of your religion.

You are implying that persecution of religious minorities is sanctioned by Islam which is completely wrong. I hope you understand that it is not correct to generalise an entire commnity or their faith for wrong acts of some.
Infact, there was significant Zoroastrian community in Iran and central asia even after the arab expansion. The main blow came from the Mongols who devasted the central asia, Iran, NW India and Baghdad. Everyone including muslims, hindus and parsis suffered under their brutal invasion.

Infact, Iran currently hosts the second largest zoraster population with seat reserved for them in the parliament (abot 25,000). Tajikistan and predominantly sunni muslim country was actually instrumental in getting 2003 declared by the UNESCO as the 3000th year of Zroastrian culture Tajikistan Celebrations for UNESCO Declared 3000th Anniversary of Zarathushtrian Religion and Culture Revival - fravahr.org

So if you want to look for positive examples of muslims that have followed the Quran and sunnah about good treatment to other religious adherents wether they are in the majority or minority you will find plenty.

However, just using declining populations as a measure of oppression can be a bit tricky. India as 65,000 parsis as of 2001 census and have been experiencing a negative growth rate. By 2030, they are expected, if the trend continues to be reduced to around 38,000. However, I would hardly say that Parsis are an oppressed minority in India.

Shiv sena really has no handle on politics. Why not raise issue on inflation, public transport, police reforms, security reforms. There are plenty of wrongs being done by the current govt. that they can raise.

But they have had been in the business of politcal goondaism for too long to sustain a meaningful debate. Thanks to the Congress again.

In the 1960s when the started of, they would target communists and trade unionists with violence, then came the anti-south agenda where south Indian immigrants were targeted. Ofcourse the 80s-90s was filled with predominantly anti-muslim agenda. The 92-93 riots and the reprisal bombings that followed resulted in loss of innocent lives. Once that played out, and the marathi manoos issue came to the fore, they realised that a good chunk of marathis are muslims as well. Raj under MNS quickly grabbed on to this and got rid of the religious based rhetoric and took up anti-UP,Bihar agenda. Shiv sena not to be outdone started waving green flags along with their saffron in Malegaon last year to get their political mileage. And now they have gone overboard to attacking Rahul Gandhi, PC, SRK and even the RSS and BJP.

With all the threats against Rahul from visiting mumbai, shiv sena could not do anything. And seeing from the response he got from the locals, they seem to be loosing their power even further. Its sad in a way because to keep the Congress in check there is a need for a strong responsible opposition but currently it is no where in sight.
Have just come back from a week long ban for (presumably) ~~~snip.
Welcome back Doc. I was really disappointed to see you and Karan.1970 getting banned on the same day. You two (along with EjazR, who incidentally also got banned once) were amongst my favorite posters here.

While I can relate to your anguish as an Indian from the horrible memories of the past, please understand that we cannot stoop to the low level of either the ones you’re furious about or the likes of Shiv Sena and their two cent publicity gimmicks. Believe me, they are no patriot and are not raising THIS issue (which apparently is very close to your heart) out of nationalism or Patriotism. They still remain what they are in my book, some two cent hooligans, who rapes the law of the land every now and then to suit them. No Shiv sena, Mahrastra Nav-nirman Sena, Ram Sena, Lakhsman Sena, Hanuman Sena, Vishnu Sena, Brahma Sena etc for me please, thank you.

As for the agenda of SRK’s support of Pakistani players, it’s his opinion and it is not mandatory that everybody’s view should be the same. Isn’t it the beauty of our democracy, where we can have difference of opinion, discuss these differences in a CIVIL manner and arrive at a decision suitable to the majority? But their religion based attack on SRK and sending him tickets to Pakistan is definitely a under the belt blow, which these Senas keep on delivering every now and then. As a matter of fact, even though I do share the same anguish as an Indian over the past, I, at the same time, would like to focus more on the future; a peaceful, developed and healthy future for my children. If for that, I have to ply on the path of forgiveness, I am willing to do so. I am not a coward, if confronted I am more than willing to take the adversaries head on. But, at the same time, I am open to explore all other peaceful possibilities. An eye for an eye is definitely not my way.

I also understand that in the past bilateral talks have miserably failed in most of the time. But then, what is the harm in trying again. I am sure it will not be successful this time around also. But it might pave ways for some breakthrough in the near future. And what have we got to lose? We have done our bit at diplomatic approach, isolation of Pak etc during the last year, which did provide with some result, however minuscule it might be. Do you honestly expect, treading on the same line further will result in any dramatic breakthrough? If you overcook a particular recipe, the food becomes bad. Also, our own hand isn't that clean as we would like to believe. As a foreign affair strategist, one also have to explore the possible gains out of such gesture by the GOI. I was never a Congress fan as I have seen their monkeys ruin my state in front of my eyes for 30 long years (I am from Assam). But then, I am a big fan Manmohan Singhjee and and have full faith in his vision for a developed India. Hence I will go with his decision to and his opinion on this matter. I remember him taking a stance in line with SRK as well.
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Have just come back from a week long ban for (presumably) saying that Islam has killed more of its own than any other religion in the world.

First of all my apologies to all Indian muslims. As an Indian, I do not owe one to any Pakistani.

I had no call to make such a statement about your religion. The fault lies not in the religion but in some of those who follow it, who tarnish forever the way the world looks at it as a whole ..... sad, but true.

So what I should have said instead was that more muslims have been killed by muslims than by any other people of any other religion in the world.

And that is a fact one cannot escape from ..... whether you ban me again or not.

Incidentally my ban was for "silly off-topic statements" so let me stay on topic here and ask each and every Indian here ......

What is wrong in the stand taken by the Shiv Sena?

Have we as a nation forgotten that this is the same country we are talking about which sent another "team" a lttle over a year ago to play a different "game" on an Indian pitch?

Have we as a nation forgotten the thousands of our brothers and sisters whose blood has flown into our own soil thanks to this same nation's scum that shoot and bomb with impunity on our soil to try and wrest away what was never and will never be theirs?

Have we as a nation forgotten the forefathers of this same nation which did not see a common future with our own forefathers and tore the land and its people apart 62 years ago?

And they want to play cricket with us, on our soil, with our money?

Talk about cheapness and hypocrisy guys.

Have we as nation forgotten the wars we have fought with these guys over the last 62 years, and of the sacrifices by the brave sons of our soil who have laid down their lives to protect us from their hordes?

Have we as a nation forgotten, or are we so blind or myopic that we cannot see the same bastards who plotted 26/11, have open meetings and conferences in Pakistan, under the aegis of the official Pakistani establishment, and talk about how they are going to dismember us and take over Kashmir?

Have we as a nation forgotten?

Are we blind?

Can we not see?

What the hell is this sudden new-found love swelling in our bossoms? What has given birth to this sudden empathy for the Pakistani?

If we have not, and if we call ourselves Indian, first and foremost, then what is wrong in what the Shiv Sena stands for in this case?

Are we going to be namby pamby naive gullible peaceniks who turn over and offer their ***** once again by chanting BS mantras of not mixing Sports and Politics?


There is no sport in killing defenceless men, women, and children on a station platform, watching gleefully as their blood pools and flows in red eddy currents, lazily right and left, as one stream coalesces with another forming a raging frothing red river!

There is no sport in hiding a bomb in an open marketplace or a local train and dismembering thousands into chunks of unrecognisable charred well-done flesh and sinew and bone and grist and hair!

There is no sport with such a country ..... and we as Indians should stand up as one and put our weight behind such people, instead of acting fashionably liberated and deride them on national TV as Parochial or narrow-minded.

I am not a supporter of the Shiv Sena on many of the stands they have taken in the past.

I probably will not support them on many of the stands they take in the future too.

But on this my friends, my brothers and sisters, I am behind them 100%, unflinchingly, unabashedly, proudly, as an Indian.

Jai Hind!

Cheers, Doc
That was offtopic too. Read the thread title! Have a nice life.
wherever Pakistan and India discussion starts....... Poor Religion comes in between

relax guyz come back to the topic or close this thread now
My home belongs to me and its in Maharashtra which is in India :).

I hate non state actors from neighbor country one is lodged in Mumbai Jail, I will not feel bad I Shiv Sena or any Indian party or group of parties stops our neighbor from playing in Domestic tournament till the Mumbai attackers are brought to Justice.

But the point of contention is opposition should be targeted to the opinion and not the person. Not only Shahrukh, but many others might sharing this opinion. Shiv Sena's attitude and methods have always been undemocratic and overtly hostile. There are several other ways and forms to register their protest, just that they always tend to choose the worst possible way.

Shiv Sena should no longer be allowed to contest elections as they have constantly failed the democratic traditions of the country. If you have a strong opinion - appeal to the public to support it. Vandalizing and personal attacks on individual is hardly the method to be employed. Their methods are as always rogue and uncivilized. Noone's credentials and nationalism should be doubted because of a single statement, end of the day we are not clones to parrot the sentiments which Shiv Sena or any other party wants us to.

You are implying that persecution of religious minorities is sanctioned by Islam which is completely wrong. I hope you understand that it is not correct to generalise an entire commnity or their faith for wrong acts of some.
Infact, there was significant Zoroastrian community in Iran and central asia even after the arab expansion. The main blow came from the Mongols who devasted the central asia, Iran, NW India and Baghdad. Everyone including muslims, hindus and parsis suffered under their brutal invasion.

Infact, Iran currently hosts the second largest zoraster population with seat reserved for them in the parliament (abot 25,000). Tajikistan and predominantly sunni muslim country was actually instrumental in getting 2003 declared by the UNESCO as the 3000th year of Zroastrian culture Tajikistan Celebrations for UNESCO Declared 3000th Anniversary of Zarathushtrian Religion and Culture Revival - fravahr.org

So if you want to look for positive examples of muslims that have followed the Quran and sunnah about good treatment to other religious adherents wether they are in the majority or minority you will find plenty.

However, just using declining populations as a measure of oppression can be a bit tricky. India as 65,000 parsis as of 2001 census and have been experiencing a negative growth rate. By 2030, they are expected, if the trend continues to be reduced to around 38,000. However, I would hardly say that Parsis are an oppressed minority in India.

Ejaz, completely agree, but please see my reply in the context of the similar majority - minority generalised diatribe by this supremacist to whom i replied.

I do not wish to comment on islam, but did wish to comment on the experiences of the parsis at the hands of arab invadors. i should have worded it better.
400 years ago hindus were busy burning women alive and maharajas chaining generations to slavery and pesky labour, castes systems were justified using religion to enslave and use people for economic domination. 400 years ago christian europeans were busy killing each other over religion, and they later went on a killing and a looting spree in africa and later India. Racism was justified using Biblical verses to enslave black people.

But then again all of that is forgotten, not covered by your educational institutions and shiv sena's pamphlets eh. Ever wonder why?

And all your memory can recall is the expulsion of a few parsi's whilst ignoring the rest of history.

This is called Hypocrisy.

Islamophobia is a mental disease, I could careless of his religion.


Because cheap and shameless people with no civilizational values can't comprehend what self-respect and honour means. They'd rather be engaged discreetly in hateful diatribes against the very same platform that allows them to voice their opinions, yet when that hate turns into poision and heart being a sacred place cannot contain such *****, it automatically vents out through the mouth, and when ugliness surfaces, they're slapped across the face with a ban as a wake up call, yet having not learning any lesson out of it, they still come back and sh!t in the same plate that gives them food for thought.

Civilisational values :lol::lol::lol: = Taliban

Honor and self respect :rofl::rofl::rofl: = Predator

Religious supremacism is a disease, get well soon.
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That was offtopic too. Read the thread title! Have a nice life.
There goes our 'Cheers Doc' for the second time.
He was no Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi - but he did bring out the best and the worst in us.
Whose 'TATAS' are we going to jump on now, Asim?
Deleted comments 79<>80 by the Moderator: Was the Parsi way of disposing their corpses,
the Ahura Mazda and his teachings
The Parsi Zend Avesta, Pahlavi teachings and the Zoroastrian sacred texts
Most members may not be familiar with Parsis teachings and may think differently of my inhumane talk-
Just wanted to clarify my position.
Why SRK? This guy not even muslim any more. He participate in puja and got mandir in his home. He should change his name.

You are 110% right!
In Islam its not allow to have 2 different religion at a same time. I saw his film documentary where he looks like very much "Hindu" too.

But back to the topic, Shiv Sena`s Hitler Bal Thakre is a strong member of Indian famous Terrorist Organization "RAW" Therefore he have full support by the main leaders of India. Because his poor policies always are against Pakistan and against Indian Muslims.

I also saw at "Aaj Tak" that Bollywood actress "Shabana Azami" cannot get a apartment in Mumbai because she is Muslim.

DO NOT forget what happened with Muslim Crickter Mohammad Azuar-ud-Din & Mohammad Kaif.

Yes, all HINDUS are not the same like Bal Thakre, but their majority think like what he doing!!!

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