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Should pakistan increase the number of troops


Apr 13, 2015
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United Kingdom
As title say can we increase the number of regular troops for army about 200,000.00 as currently we only have 550'000.00 active troops as compare to 1million plus indian army and we are engaged in war on both fronts. Is there any possiblities that we increase numbers from reserves into regulars or can we transfer troops from rangers and fc into regular forces. These aditional numbers can enhance our defences on eastren border.
There is indeed a requirement to increase the frontier corps and the govt is over looking an increase ( from 80,000 to 160-240000) however the armed forces training is separate from the training of paramils like the FC or rangers and reserves are only brought in fully in times of extreme war.

As for increasing the army from 550000 to what you suggest about 750-800000 is a very expensive endeavor as we will have to house them, create and train officers for them, the pays of officers and soldiers, the construction of bases, the trainings exercises will increase as well not to mention the equipping of soldiers.

In the meantime our economy cannot even afford to make FATA a province so an increase of such a magnitude is a huge expense which quite frankly could be better utilized at other points. Rather than increasing the armed forces, how about we use that money to buy better defensive capabilities like SAM systems or high generations aircrafts which will be extremely devastating and effective.

The thing is that pakistan is a defensive army and the defensive army fighting on it territory has the advantage especially if it has amazing deterrence ( not just nuclear but extreme defensive capability like a missile defense system in the lines of S-400). You basically need boots on the ground when you are invading or are fighting on more fronts than one or are a fighting a long war. In Pakistan's strategic thinking all three are not part of it although point two is slowly is becoming a reality so we need FC corps and better defensive structure over there plus we have nuclear bombs which may bring MAD with India but with Afghanistan it will not create retaliation if say they thrust further in.

Create such defensive capabilities where the enemy is forced to think " where more is less and less is useless"

Long story short. Increase FC and get defensive capabilities. Very much better.
I do recommend increasing the number of our active troops, however it is not absolutely required at the moment. Yes, we are facing heat from both sides of the border and also internally but its not an all out war yet. I feel that we should keep it as is because the reserves, rangers, and F.C can be activated at any time if needed. For now these 550,000 active soldiers are more than enough to keep our enemies on their toes.

We should save every penny for now and spend it towards equipping the current soldiers with the latest gear, gadgets, weapons, etc. If the time does come of an all-out war on all fronts then believe me there will be millions who are willing to fight for Pakistan, absolutely Free. :-):pakistan:
I think we should decrease it. There is no way in hell we can match the numerical strength of India. It's better if we invest in different branches that specializes in neutralizing enemy numerical capabilities; such as the Armoured Corps or the Air Force.
There is indeed a requirement to increase the frontier corps and the govt is over looking an increase ( from 80,000 to 160-240000)

whats your reason as to why FC numbers needs to be increased?
Pakistan lacks security. Increase troops, increase security so there's less terrorist attacks - especially in provinces that are constant victims (Baluchistan), review your strategies, check foreign policies. Upgrade.
whats your reason as to why FC numbers needs to be increased?
Well; After Zarb e Azb, who is going to look after the 2,430 km long border with Afghanistan?
Who is going to keep the drug smugglers, weapon smugglers, terrorists, illegal immigrants, incursions and ect... out?

It'll be the FC and it's crucial that we increase their numbers.
Currently, I thought it was over 600k? But to my knowledge, the army is planning on increasing the size to 700k.
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