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Situation in Pulwama

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Good job by IA. However, heads must roll in the IA for letting the situation reach this level in the first place.

There can be no excuses.
I don't understand the restraint the Indian Govt. is showing.

Why are we not shooting the armed fighters? (armed with stones)

I think even kashmiris don't want these hizbul terrorist ruining their lives.
You, my friend, think wrong.
You, my friend, think wrong.

Some do, some don't.

There are Kashmiris who pick up the gun against the state and there are also those Kashmiris who pick up the gun for the state (IA, Police etc.). Latter is way more than former.
First worry about Hong Kong which is fast slipping away from you guys :D

Lol We sleep very well with Hong Kong for ..let say over 20 years from now :lol:, but J&K just remind us of Doklam plateau which we have security guarantor regarding this area :azn:.
Mehebooba was doing till she was told enough is enough by Modi.
the continuing violence is due to mehebooba being the invisible hand of separatists. Remove her and impose governors rule, every one will run away.
the continuing violence is due to mehebooba being the invisible hand of separatists. Remove her and impose governors rule, every one will run away.

I am not a great proponent of governor rule.
Reason for that is that, not having a democratically elected govt, being the face of administration reduces the legitimacy of the state.
Things are not as bad as being shown in the media and compared to how it was a decade back, this is nothing.

By imposing governor's rule, we will risk alienating the numerous voices that are pro-India and are fighting these terrorists day in day out.

I know it's a tough choice, 2 equally bad choices. No clear winners either way,.
:lol: Playing with Proxies is not yet your expertise.
You might end up f'ing up your own country. Ask your 'all weather friend'.

Really, well China had never fail with proxies such as support Vietnam against french in 1950s, Vietnam war in 1960s, support Cambodia against Vietnam, we certainly want to have some experience with India see how much India can handle J&K with Chinese equation. you guys want to take side in Doklam and should not complain if China decide to get involve in J&K, it will be legitimate.
Really, well China had never fail with proxies such as support Vietnam against french in 1950s, Vietnam war in 1960s, support Cambodia against Vietnam, we certainly want to have some experience with India see how much India can handle J&K with Chinese equation. you guys want to take side in Doklam and should not complain if China decide to get involve in J&K, it will be legitimate.

Certainly much more than, what you guys will be able to handle in tibet and Xingang.

China in a quasi dictatorship and there one thing, an authoritarian is very much afraid off, that is even slightest signs of dissent among the people it rules over. CPC literally poops it pants and over reacts every single time.

On one hand China will be lending support to the rabid, foaming at the mouth jihadist, who are hell bent to take the human race back to 6 th century.

Where as, India will be supporting peaceful Buddhist monks, who would rather self immolate than hurt another human being.

Ohh it is gonna be huge PR disaster for CPC. Entire free world is gonna shun you.
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Certainly much more than, what you guys will be able to handle in tibet and Xingang.

China in a quasi dictatorship and there one thing, an authoritarian is very much afraid off, that is even slightest signs of dissent among the people it rules over. CPC literally poops it pants and over reacts every single time.

On one hand China will be lending support to the rabid, foaming at the mouth jihadist, who are hell bent to take the human race back to 6 th century.

Where as, India will be supporting peaceful Buddhist monks, who would rather self immolate than hurt another human being.

Ohh it is gonna be huge PR disaster for CPC. Entire free world is gonna shun you.

You guys think that you do better than CIA on Tibet and Xinjiang? We already proved to Americans that we can handle but I can't say the same about India if we extend our reach to galand, Mizoram, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Hyderabad, parts of Himachal, Goa, Sikkim, Ladakh, Assam, Tamil Nadu, Kalistan...LMAO India will have to redefine their two front wars doctrine :lol:

With Maoist and ULFA, India was already running like headless chicken, imagine if we lean our hand to these separatist factions...India will be balkanized. And the funny thing is that It took one Chinese blogger to shake the foundation of India and put your government into paranoid with his article.

We already proved to Americans that we can handle but I can't say the same about India if we extend our reach to galand, Mizoram, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Hyderabad, parts of Himachal, Goa, Sikkim, Ladakh, Assam, Tamil Nadu, Kalistan...LMAO India will have to redefine their two front wars doctrine :lol:

If your aunt had testicle, she would be your uncle..

if you(China) could do the crap you just posted, they would have. Not for lack of trying, you did try and your moles got slapped bad.

LOL..Even tiny nations surrounding you are slapping you hard. You are unable to face ants and you want to face elephants.
For all the bluster, you are a dragon which has lost t's b@lls centuries ago and is getting bitchslapped by anyone who could slap it.

btw, when are u taking back Taiwan? :D
You guys think that you do better than CIA on Tibet and Xinjiang? We already proved to Americans that we can handle but I can't say the same about India if we extend our reach to galand, Mizoram, Manipur, Meghalaya, Tripura, Hyderabad, parts of Himachal, Goa, Sikkim, Ladakh, Assam, Tamil Nadu, Kalistan...LMAO India will have to redefine their two front wars doctrine :lol:

With Maoist and ULFA, India was already running like headless chicken, imagine if we lean our hand to these separatist factions...India will be balkanized. And the funny thing is that It took one Chinese blogger to shake the foundation of India and put your government into paranoid with his article.


China gave plenty of opportunity to the indians for peace but I suppose they didn't work. It only emboldened these indians to the extent that now they have started drawing a new map of China. India has a new warmonger behind them, trump. Not that anything will change even if there's a new administration in the US but definitely things won't be like this. China should have seen this coming. The confidence I see in these indians simply astounds me and after getting high tech weapons from israel it's only going to get worse. There's a proverb that says a stitch in time saves nine, China should think about this proverb.
If your aunt had testicle, she would be your uncle..

if you(China) could do the crap you just posted, they would have. Not for lack of trying, you did try and your moles got slapped bad.

LOL..Even tiny nations surrounding you are slapping you hard. You are unable to face ants and you want to face elephants.
For all the bluster, you are a dragon which has lost t's b@lls centuries ago and is getting bitchslapped by anyone who could slap it.

btw, when are u taking back Taiwan? :D

Woo I sense someone get anger of what I said :lol:, painful to swallow isn't it about how we can balkanized India:rofl:
and as matter of face, Elephants got mauled badly by Dragon once and still carry 1962's sickness up until now:lol:
As for Taiwan who care, as long at they don't declare independent:pop:

China gave plenty of opportunity to the indians for peace but I suppose they didn't work. It only emboldened these indians to the extent that now they have started drawing a new map of China. India has a new warmonger behind them, trump. Not that anything will change even if there's a new administration in the US but definitely things won't be like this. China should have seen this coming. The confidence I see in these indians simply astounds me and after getting high tech weapons from israel it's only going to get worse. There's a proverb that says a stitch in time saves nine, China should think about this proverb.

With Doklam affaire, India got involve on something that is not their business, China will earn the legitimacy to get involve J&K in Pakistan favor. Sur China might not get directly involve but can help Pakistan to gathering intelligent on India and provide all necessary support to Pakistan to win the theater skirmish or battle...and we can claim to have "informal" security treaty with Pakistan similar to the one that India has with Bhutan...and India will have no excuse to complain against us.
The end game is near in kashmir all the remaining trouble makers are being flushed out.
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