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So Gen. Asim Munir is more likely to be Pak next COAS

Seems this is selection of bajwa ,means he will be more harami then bajwa ?
Zardari ki shaagrdi mein bhi tu raha hai na, kuch gur tu Zardari say bhi seekhay hongay as his MS...sharam bhi nahi aati inn kameenoN ko...
It's no laughing matter.

Nawaz sharif has ruled or been in picture for more then half of Pakistan history (since 1982)

And if you talk about modern Pakistan (since 1973/post Bengal) it's been almost all history

I think he deserves to be on our rupee not Jinnah

Jinnah was involved in Pakistan for 7 years
And Nawaz sharif for 40 years..his family will surely get to 100 years

Since maryum juanid suffer are already ready
Doesn't matter at all who becomes the next Chief! They have only the face values as far as the Pak Deep State is concerned....
If IK wants a PTI friendly chief, he should choose someone from KPK or northern Punjab/potohar

This is where I feel a lot of people from those regions support PTI
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Frankly i think most of the current Lt Gens are sold out traitors, ao doeant matter whoever is chosen, they will always serve the US.
But they seemed to be serving China when they were in China two weeks back..lol
There was one general in the list who has very close contact with Zardari. Whats his name?

In any case, the announcement of new general came when Bajwa announced from Washington he is not taking extension. This means that a list of generals has been given to Pantagon and they have shortlisted the generals they want to be COAS.

Before you curse me, its on record that Pakistan army general is not selected without nod from Pentagon. We are a slave nation. This is why we have no respect and no credibility despite being a nuclear power.
Selected and handpicked by papa America.

Which is why he needs to be fired at the first possible opportunity.. all of what is currently "being decided" is being built on quick sand....
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