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Something has Recently gone Wrong with Islam: Salman Rushdie

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Feb 15, 2012
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British author Salman Rushdie, who lived in hiding for nine years under a death sentence from Iran's supreme leader, said in an interview published last Thursday that something had gone wrong at the heart of Islam.

Rushdie told Le Monde newspaper that his years fleeing the 1989 fatwa from Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini had forced him to pay close attention to a radicalization of the Muslim world.

"Something has gone wrong at the heart of Islam. It is quite recent. I remember when I was young, many cities in the Muslim world were cosmopolitan cities with a lot of culture," he said in an interview published in French.

"For me, it is a tragedy that this culture has regressed to this point, like a self-inflicted wound. The Islam in which I grew up was open, influenced by Sufism and Hinduism, and not like the one which is spreading rapidly at the moment."

The fatwa, in response to his 1988 novel "The Satanic Verses," made Rushdie synonymous with the tussle between freedom of expression and the need to respect religious sensitivities. A memoir of his nine years in hiding following the fatwa was published this week.

The interview was conducted on September 12, just as a film mocking the Prophet Muhammad sparked violent protests across the Islamic world. These included a deadly attack in Libya which killed the US ambassador and three embassy staff.

The California-made film, and a series of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad published by a French satirical weekly on Wednesday, have revived international debate over free speech, religion and the right to offend. Many Muslims consider any representation of Allah or the Prophet Muhammad blasphemous.

"There is a limit beyond which you cannot blame the West any more," Rushdie told Le Monde. "Having said that, if there was the slightest sign that Muslim society was able to create an open democracy, I would change my opinion."

Last week an Iranian religious foundation increased its reward for the killing of Rushdie, in response to the film mocking Muhammad.

Author Salman Rushdie Says Something Wrong at Heart of Islam | The Jakarta Globe
We SA's give too much importance to this bastaard
The Islam in which I grew up was open, influenced by Sufism and Hinduism, and not like the one which is spreading rapidly at the moment.

I'm sorry, how was Islam influenced by Hinduism? :confused: They are two completely different religions. Again, this guy always twists words.

But then, I did not support that childish fatwa imposed by those Ayatollahs.

Analysts point that disillusionment, lack of opportunity and anger at the establishment in various Muslim-majority nations is also feeding into the protests. Particularly in parts of the Middle East and Pakistan.

Another danger is that the likes of Al-Qaeda like to rally support for their cause.

The two issues merely complement one another. And no one appears to be taking a serious stance on the issue.
lol, nothing gone wrong with the islam, its something gone wrong with the people like rushdie who do not have any brains ... empty heads...

who cares for such dogs, they will know the truth when they hit the graves :)
lol, nothing gone wrong with the islam, its something gone wrong with the people like rushdie who do not have any brains ... empty heads...

who cares for such dogs, they will know the truth when they hit the graves :)
you mean rushdie will also meet a few virgins??
you mean rushdie will also meet a few virgins??

dont know about virgins. but he is going to get something really which he is asking for :) and trust me he is not going to like it ...
islam, hindusim, buddhisim and christians were united in olden age.... But when our Gods left planet Earth we humans divided our self and now we are so aggressive that killing anyone is like eating food.... Everything coming true.... Alien gods warned that there will be time when humans will kill humans and thats when we will return on earth to end humans.... The time is coming near.... Golden age about to began from 21st december 2012....
islam, hindusim, buddhisim and christians were united in olden age.... But when our Gods left planet Earth we humans divided our self and now we are so aggressive that killing anyone is like eating food.... Everything coming true.... Alien gods warned that there will be time when humans will kill humans and thats when we will return on earth to end humans.... The time is coming near.... Golden age about to began from 21st december 2012....

is this the best you can do to increase your no. of posts????
@Leviza nothing wrong i have said.... People killing people.... Be it america, pakistan, india or world.... You cant justify that.... The problem is over 90percent people dont believe in Karma.... The people who dont believe in karma is the one who kills.... Universe Law is what goes around comes around....
@Leviza nothing wrong i have said.... People killing people.... Be it america, pakistan, india or world.... You cant justify that.... The problem is over 90percent people dont believe in Karma.... The people who dont believe in karma is the one who kills.... Universe Law is what goes around comes around....

people killing people is one side of the story, but actually depands who is on the right side. sometimes the one who got killed is.....
Something has definitely gone wrong with Islam if People like Rushdi came out of muslim community.
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