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Something Indian Air Force can learn from PAF

Before world War II many women in west were house wives. When all the men left for war they took the work at the factories and then 70s were feminist years in west for free sex , drugs and mini skirts.

Now a days for economics reasons both Men and women have to work.
You might want to file a complaint in the court of Almighty Allah; Out of 186,000 known prophets, not one was a woman, now this what you should call discrimination.

Qsaark you just make me laugh and think at the same time..it goes for every religion just read the bible ..the discrimination is clearly visible there too..
Women are not equally capable as men in some things, this being one. It's a good idea to keep these things male-only. For the sake of your own country.

Very poor comment, i hope no women members saw that.
Nothing wrong with our women, only with the rampant unemployment situation of our country. We are so eager to have women in various fields as if all the able men have got jobs and now we don't have eligible men to fill-up those positions. It is a big mistake to compare our social system with that of the US and UK. Single parents, divorce rate, gay lesbian issues, broken families.... in just every aspect, we are different.

This is a mistake we all make when we compare our countries with Western Countries. To make own ego’s feel better we quickly come up with the most negative aspects of western culture and then take pride in ours. Western culture is their culture and saying that it is wrong does not make any sense. For many westerner south Asian culture does not make sense, so are they right? Western countries give a much higher standard of living that we do currently to our citizens and by saying that they have gay marriages or divorces we are only trying to give us a point to feel superior at. Have you been to old age homes in Pakistan or India. Everyone should visit those places to see where our “Superior Family values”, have gone. Rather than criticizing western culture we must take inspiration from who they organize things and keep things simple. The value of a person’s life is still much higher is US, UK or Canada and that is something that we really need to work at. South Asia still has a long way to go in terms of women’s rights and that is something we need to work at. Women are equal or better than men in many ways. As said by my friend, God must be a man, because only a man can screw up everything that is in the world right now from pain and suffering to war and death. No women can screw up like this on anything lol
This is a mistake we all make when we compare our countries with Western Countries. To make own ego’s feel better we quickly come up with the most negative aspects of western culture and then take pride in ours. Western culture is their culture and saying that it is wrong does not make any sense. For many westerner south Asian culture does not make sense, so are they right? Western countries give a much higher standard of living that we do currently to our citizens and by saying that they have gay marriages or divorces we are only trying to give us a point to feel superior at. Have you been to old age homes in Pakistan or India. Everyone should visit those places to see where our “Superior Family values”, have gone. Rather than criticizing western culture we must take inspiration from who they organize things and keep things simple. The value of a person’s life is still much higher is US, UK or Canada and that is something that we really need to work at. South Asia still has a long way to go in terms of women’s rights and that is something we need to work at. Women are equal or better than men in many ways. As said by my friend, God must be a man, because only a man can screw up everything that is in the world right now from pain and suffering to war and death. No women can screw up like this on anything lol
You got it wrong; I never talked about the 'negative aspects of Western culture' or about our 'superior family values'. The point I was trying to make was, in sub-continent culture, its the man who is primarily responsible for earning money, and the woman runs the household. In the western cultures, due to number of factors (I listed in my earlier post), the burden of earning ends meat may equally fall on a man or a woman (not that it does not happen in our countries but to far lesser extent). In order to address this, women are encouraged to take up any job, literally any job (from a pilot to a sweeper, to a road site construction crew) but this model is not suitable for our countries because of the differences in social norms.
You might want to file a complaint in the court of Almighty Allah; Out of 186,000 known prophets, not one was a woman, now this what you should call discrimination.

No i don't .... but i do not know all 186,000 prophets.
If you seriously are seeking answers than this is not the place and forum..... go ask religous scholar....

we are talking of today's world where women have successfully flew F-16 and others... so why not give women equal opportunity?
I know a woman who could literally rip you to shreds for saying that.

But I will blow a hole in her head before she does that with an AK-47. You know, stuff like this, where it's OK and even encouraged by people for women to be violent against men is quite disturbing to me. Of course it's totally wrong if it happens the other way, but if its women doing to men, yeah, you go girl!
Well i dont belive women is less capable than men..women now are working in every sector ..they even travel to space.So its just male chauvinist idea that female is less capable than men..
In things like this, they are not as capable. To say so is either acting brainwashed due to feminism or to be acting politically correct.

As for Indian Airforce the decision for not letting women to fly fighter aircrafts is mainly because of the pregnancy issues.we spent lot of money for their training and they become pregnant all those money and time went to drain..Its nothing to do with they are less capable than men..There are plenty of women pilots in US and European Airforce..if they can sure our South Asian women can also..just give them the opportunity to proove them selves..

Their training in US and Europe is about 3 times lighter than men. If they are just as capable, they should face the same training.
Hey Guys, we are discussing completely the wrong thing here. Lets get back to the topic.
So "Something Indian Air Force can learn from PAF". I bet there is more to learn from PAF :pakistan:
But I will blow a hole in her head before she does that with an AK-47. You know, stuff like this, where it's OK and even encouraged by people for women to be violent against men is quite disturbing to me. Of course it's totally wrong if it happens the other way, but if its women doing to men, yeah, you go girl!

Oh wow, the sarcasm.
But I will blow a hole in her head before she does that with an AK-47. You know, stuff like this, where it's OK and even encouraged by people for women to be violent against men is quite disturbing to me. Of course it's totally wrong if it happens the other way, but if its women doing to men, yeah, you go girl!

Man you’re a male chauvinist, no use arguing, i rest my case :cheers:
Man you’re a male chauvinist, no use arguing, i rest my case :cheers:

Nice way to counter my point since you can't do it logically or constructively. That's what feminists/female-sucking-up-males do. If you can't point out what I said wrong there, don't reply with BS.

Rosie rocks!! my neighbor was a rosie.. now in her 80s.:D
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