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South China Sea Forum

Oh, really!???
But I see everything seem like ok with most people in Vietnam. Pro-Western is so small to do anything can forcing Viet Government do this or that.

Many people think PRC Government drag the rig to Vietnamese EEZ, make a tension show, to draw Chinese people out internal problems like instability and unrest terrorist action at recent time.

Then you should educate your people that it is not Vietnamese EEZ. It is within China's EEZ.

Maybe your government is trying to pull out a stunt to dupe people out of their miserable economic conditions and re-direct their anger at their own incapable government?

I feel sorry for Vietnam.
China can not fight with Japan because Japan is too strong,

China can not fight with India because India have Nukes and ICBMs surplus India is strong and in future India will be True Super power with USA, China and Russia.

so they turned to south to Bully Vietnam because Vietnam is week and Poor. but they don't want to attack on Vietnam coz of Army of Vietnam.

Stupid logic.

The only reason is that India is not in the SCS.

China engages Japan on daily basis, challenging its sovereignty over Diaoyu Dai in the ECS.

Maritime borders are more important for a maritime power. China has given up territorial-power mentality; that's the reason for greater engagement in the sea.

Land borders can wait since they are strategically less important.

China engages according to its strategic priorities. Whether priorities are set right can be discussed. But it cannot be assumed that China is dodging confrontation with stronger rivals.
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No. the international court would teach China again with proper usage of UNCLOS 1982 for EEZ

UNCLOS is a convention. China exempted historical claims when it signed. Also, China is P5 power. No convention or court bites a P5 power. If China says no, no customary law becomes international law.
There is also a famous expert who express concerns about this China's assertiveness:
The recurrent strife between China and Vietnam
(Roberto Tofani)
The ‘statement war’ over the disputed islands in the South China Sea—or East Sea, as referred to by the Vietnamese–between China and Vietnam is gaining steam. Actually it was never dormant, but at times it becomes more ferocious than in others.
On May 2 the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) moved the drilling rig HD-981 operating at 15029’ latitude’s and 111012’ longitude’s east, to about 130 nautical miles from the Vietnamese coast, close to the Paracel archipelago.
On the same day, according to Reuters, “Maritime Safety Administration of China (MSAC) published an announcement on its website saying it prohibits all marine vessels entering into a one mile radius of the Haiyang Shiyou 981′s South China Sea drilling work.” The $1 billion oil rig, owned by CNOOC, had been drilling south of Hong Kong.
Last Sunday the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs protested the illegal foray of China’s deep-water drilling rig into Vietnamese waters, which is within the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf of Vietnam. “The location that the drilling rig HD-981 operates as stated in the China Maritime Safety Administration’s notice is undeniably within Viet Nam’s exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, just about 130 nautical miles from its coast. Viet Nam resolutely protests any activity conducted by foreign countries in its waters without permission. Such an activity is illegal and void,” FM Spokesman Le Hai Binh remarked on May 4. And it “constitutes a violation of Viet Nam’s sovereign rights and jurisdiction under the provisions of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,” as underlined in a press release by the State owned enterprise Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam).
Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh called Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi and told him the deployment of the deep sea rig, which he said was accompanied by military vessels, was illegal and a violation of Vietnamese sovereignty. “Vietnam cannot accept and resolutely protests this Chinese action. It demands that China withdraw the rig HD981 and escort its vessels from this area,” a Vietnamese government statement quoted Minh as telling Yang. However, Beijing insists that the rig, CNOOC 981, is in its territorial waters.
Interviewed by the the Vietnamese newspaper ‘Thanh Nien’, Carl Thayer, a maritime expert of the University of New South Wales in Australia said that it is “business as usual in China’s use of illegal force to advance its sovereignty claims.” The Chinese move has thus increased tensions and, after the Vietnamese statements an editorial of the Chinese newspaper ‘Global Times’ threatened Vietnam with a ‘lesson it deserves’.
Two years ago, at the end of May, a Chinese patrol boat intentionally severed a seismic cable towed by a Vietnamese survey vessel working about 120 miles off Vietnam’s shore and hundreds of miles south of China’s Hainan Island. The incident occurred well within Vietnam’s 200 nautical mile Exclusive Economic Zone as defined by the Law of the Sea Treaty (signed by both Vietnam and China). On that occasion, hundreds of Vietnamese marched on the Chinese Embassy in Hanoi and the Chinese Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City in a rare public protest to condemn what they called ‘China’s violation of Vietnamese sovereignty’ in the disputed South China Sea. This was similar to an incident in December 2007, when widespread anger over China’s growing assertiveness about its claims to the Paracels and Spratlys drew hundreds of people into the streets of Hanoi.
“We are sick and tired of this whole situation and for sure we are ready to take the street as we did in the past,” explained a University student eager to take the protest out in the open.
1974 China invaded Paracels ... not a long history.

The Battle of the Paracel Islands was a military engagement between the naval forces of the People's Republic of China and Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) in Paracel Islands on January 19, 1974. The battle was an escalation of the Republic of Vietnam Navy's efforts to expel Chinese fishing vessels from the vicinity of some of the Paracels.

After their amphibious assault on January 20, the Chinese held 48 war prisoners including 1 American advisor[6
Vietnam should break the relationship with China. No import, no export anymore. Vietnam will be very hard time, cost for living will be much higher, the nation may be slow down 2 or even 5 years but sure will develop again stronger, better.

Stop making friend with China. Never ever deal with China again.
Strengthen relationship with Russia.
Strengthen relationship with Asean.
Renew relationship with EU
Start closer relationship with US

That is the long way to go. Now fight them back, because Vietnam has no way to set back. Enemy is just right at the door. Go ahead Vietnamese guys.
You China may think this is just a game, but it affect a lot to Vietnam security, the people feel they were threaten heavily ...
so the call for nation-wide mobilization starts ....

As official report: 450,000 ready to fight, 5,000,000 ready for mobilization call.
And Vietnamese people give full support to the call ...
Don't post how your vietname support that action you army do, people from others do, who say the game affect china little? in the world, more people want destroy China than vietnam, OK.

I don't fight, I just work hard, and pay tax monthly, that's I can do, support our army buy news weapon, that's all, we have encough soldiers, don't scare us by that many vietnamese are ready for mobilization call kind of, I don't care.
uhm, now china has no friend

LOL, told you pussies many times, we don't need friends. Anyone who don't make better relations with China, it's their loss, I don't care. We earned respect, while you are still begging for sympathy and respect, this is huge difference, get it?
uhm, now china has no friend

Friend of China is Khmer Rouge.

LOL, told you pussies many times, we don't need friends. Anyone who don't make better relations with China, it's their loss, I don't care. We earned respect, while you are still begging for sympathy and respect, this is huge difference, get it?

he he, people in the world looks down at chinaman, he is mad now.
be careful when you play with knife, you may cut yourself.

you may find no oil as help for your economy, but find unrest as threat to your economy.

make us poor could not help you stronger.

we used to be familiar with wartime ... do you want to taste ?
uhm, now china has no friend

And you think the US is your friend?:D

The US utters a few words only to encourage you lot to die for its interests while doing hundreds of billions dollars worth biz with China both on and under the table。You won't know even when you are sold out for peanuts.

Don't be so naive。You guys don't have friends even among ASEAN。:rofl:

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