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South Korean Probe Finds No Link Between AstraZeneca Covid-19 Vaccine And Deaths

I guess u are in denial. Doesn't matter it's from global times or not. You can go to Valdimir Dedkov twitter who verify what he says report here...

Unlike NYtimes who twisted WHO words and got a rebute from head of WHO.

Feel free to go to his Twitter account and see who is lying.... :enjoy:
Both are Chinese media sources, so I wont bother opening them.
Both are Chinese media sources, so I wont bother opening them.
Living in denial. No guts to check WHO expert Twitter?

Sorry, for your blame game. Even Who stands on China side. You can go ask italy or US for your covid woe compensation. :enjoy:
Living in denial. No guts to check WHO expert Twitter?

Sorry, for your blame game. Even Who stands on China side. You can go ask italy or US for your covid woe compensation. :enjoy:
Where is the Twitter from official WHO handle, or a post from official WHO which absolves China.
Again, I am not claiming China deliberately released virus. I am saying it came from there.
Even if the virus originated from China, it is definitely not their fault. It is an act of nature and no one wants that. It just happened, and will continue to happen.

However, letting the virus spread all over the world due to negligence, arrogance and stupidity of Western governments, especially the likes of the US and Brazil, is definitely human fault.

With regards to the vaccines, as Western media acting like vultures to report any troubles related to Chinese and Russian vaccines, while trying to hide deaths and sicks caused by Western vaccines, but there is still no death caused (whether directly or indirectly) by Chinese and Russian vaccines reported yet but many deaths caused by Western vaccines, which ones safer seems to be clear, at least for the time-being.
Even if the virus originated from China, it is definitely not their fault. It is an act of nature and no one wants that. It just happened, and will continue to happen.

However, letting the virus spread all over the world due to negligence, arrogance and stupidity of Western governments, especially the likes of the US and Brazil, is definitely human fault.

With regards to the vaccines, as Western media acting like vultures to report any troubles related to Chinese and Russian vaccines, while trying to hide deaths and sicks caused by Western vaccines, but there is still no death caused (whether directly or indirectly) by Chinese and Russian vaccines reported yet but many deaths caused by Western vaccines, which ones safer seems to be clear, at least for the time-being.
There are 2 things China can do to restore some trust
1. Bring out a thorough investigation and be transparent to the world on when they first found out about Covid. Punish the officials who initially tried to hide this from the world.
2. Ban the wild animal trade in wet markets. It has been proven that unknown viruses in wild animals mix in these wet markets to form dangerous variants for humans.
There are 2 things China can do to restore some trust
1. Bring out a thorough investigation and be transparent to the world on when they first found out about Covid. Punish the officials who initially tried to hide this from the world.
2. Ban the wild animal trade in wet markets. It has been proven that unknown viruses in wild animals mix in these wet markets to form dangerous variants for humans.

Why China has to do it? To gain trust from whom? The US and India?

Everyone knows that the so-called "trust" by the West is just an empty word to prevent China world dominance. Whatever China do will still be understood, propagated and biasly reported by the Western governments and Western media as not transparent.

A lot of nations (perhaps majority in UN) still trust China.
Why China has to do it? To gain trust from whom? The US and India?

Everyone knows that the so-called "trust" by the West is just an empty word to prevent China world dominance. Whatever China do will still be understood, propagated and biasly reported by the Western governments and Western media as not transparent.

A lot of nations (perhaps majority in UN) still trust China.
Having to do business with a large economic powerhouse China is not equivalent to trusting it.
There are 2 things China can do to restore some trust
1. Bring out a thorough investigation and be transparent to the world on when they first found out about Covid. Punish the officials who initially tried to hide this from the world.
2. Ban the wild animal trade in wet markets. It has been proven that unknown viruses in wild animals mix in these wet markets to form dangerous variants for humans.
You mean this WET MARKET ?
Bats Festival In INdia2-700.jpg

Or don't eat these?
Indian Hindus Eating Bats 22.jpg
Unless we get solid proof after a complete investigation, I'm not willing to believe any of these claims, whether they're Western or Chinese vaccines.
You mean this WET MARKET ?
View attachment 722461

Or don't eat these?
View attachment 722462
Although I would not believe in screenshots as authentic proof of anything, but when I say that wet markets for wild animals should be banned, I am not discriminating against any region. If such markets exist in India or any other country, they should be banned there too.
Having to do business with a large economic powerhouse China is not equivalent to trusting it.

No country trusts any other country 100%, even close allies like the US and the UK. They only trust other countries to the extent that they can continue to do business with them.

The more powerful a country is, the less "trustful" it becomes. No one trusts the US (including its allies) and no one trusts the transparency of its governance system (including US top leaders), but no one refuses to do business with it. And perhaps no one trusts Western media, including Western governments themselves, of negative news about China (like the Xinjiang issue), but for the interest of the West to weaken China, they will pretend that they believe in these fake news.

Quoted from a British Guardian reader "I do not want my children to grow up in a Sino-centric world". Well, that can explain a lot.
No country trusts any other country 100%, even close allies like the US and the UK. They only trust other countries to the extent that they can continue to do business with them.

The more powerful a country is, the less "trustful" it becomes. No one trusts the US (including its allies) and no one trusts the transparency of its governance system (including US top leaders), but no one refuses to do business with it. And perhaps no one trusts Western media, including Western governments themselves, of negative news about China (like the Xinjiang issue), but for the interest of the West to weaken China, they will pretend that they believe in these fake news.

Quoted from a British Guardian reader "I do not want my children to grow up in a Sino-centric world". Well, that can explain a lot.
On a different note, is WHO buying Covid vaccines from China?
On a different note, is WHO buying Covid vaccines from China?

It depends on a lot of other issues, rather than quality. WHO (and many other UN institutions) currently is being controlled by the West, not China and Russia. Of course, Western countries have more says in WHO to decide which vaccines should be selected. For political, as well as economic reasons, they will never accept to use Russian or Chinese vaccines, even if these are 10 times more effective, unless all Western vaccines are useless and deadly.

It is also the dilemma in Vietnam now. The country is now developing 04 vaccines in parallel (by different organizations, both state-owned and private) and 1 - 2 have proven to be effective after second row of trials. Therefore, importing foreign vaccines or waiting for more 8 months for Vietnamese vaccines is the current battling point.

Do not be silly to believe that WHO chooses Western vaccines for quality.
I and my family had this vaccine 3 weeks ago.

Immediately after taking it, in minutes, my head was heavy and I felt sleepy. Then after a day I developed severe fatigue and body pain, which lasted for 2/3 days.
My wife got fever, which lasted 2/3 days.

My mother in law despite being older and other underlying health issues, had no symptoms whatsoever and stayed safe from any side effects. Strange.

We would have 2nd jabs in May, I heard second jabs are more stronger and people suffer more side effects after second jabs.
It depends on a lot of other issues, rather than quality. WHO (and many other UN institutions) currently is being controlled by the West, not China and Russia. Of course, Western countries have more says in WHO to decide which vaccines should be selected. For political, as well as economic reasons, they will never accept to use Russian or Chinese vaccines, even if these are 10 times more effective, unless all Western vaccines are useless and deadly.

It is also the dilemma in Vietnam now. The country is now developing 04 vaccines in parallel (by different organizations, both state-owned and private) and 1 - 2 have proven to be effective after second row of trials. Therefore, importing foreign vaccines or waiting for more 8 months for Vietnamese vaccines is the current battling point.

Do not be silly to believe that WHO chooses Western vaccines for quality.
Well, I was merely enquiring if WHO is buying Covid vaccines from China, but you jumped the gun. Looks like you really love China a lot.

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