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Suicide blast in Quetta’s Hazara town kills at least 28

I am telling you truth I have seen this and all these are historical facts first it was shias who after Iranian revolution started their actions in Pakistan than came Saudis and funded local Sunnis but for past 10 to 12 years they are not supporting it any one some local rich Saudis may be but most funding off lej comes from with in pakistan

The moon is made of cheese and the g8 is controlled by lizardlike blood drinking aliens who believe in freemasonry, am I right?
I am telling you truth I have seen this and all these are historical facts first it was shias who after Iranian revolution started their actions in Pakistan than came Saudis and funded local Sunnis but for past 10 to 12 years they are not supporting it any one some local rich Saudis may be but most funding off lej comes from with in pakistan

your post has some truths, Iranians were so much boosted due to their revolution that they wanted to export it in Arabia and Asia. the Khana Ferhang in pakistan were in a way their propaganda centres TNFJ party was funded and supported by Iranians and that irked Saduis to badly that they went insane and funded some monsters that were dozing within our society

we must not blame iranians and Saudis for everything, the fault 99% lies with us. we willingly drank this sectarian poison and the madness ensued and normally the weaker party pays dearly even if didnt want to be a part of this madness.

saudis and Iranians are as good or bad as we are, they will continue their proxy war in Pakistan, Afghanistan or rest of the world where they can , its the general public of a country that has to decide if it wants to be part of their war or not.
We have an apologist of the LEJ here. @Zarvan

LEJ needs to be eliminated utterly. Seal their offices, arrest their leaders and make them "disappear", destroy the Taliban and their cronies in one big blow. Death to terrorists.

the same work FBI demanded

1. Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LJ) Created (14 Aug 2001)
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thats very true, they were beaten badly and our communities are left to suffer because Saudis went on an over drive
now the seeds of their ideology are in Afghanistan, China , Somalia, Syria , Egypt and far east including Malysia
Muslim brotherhood, Al Qaeda and all their regional/ local chapters follow the same taqfiri ideology which mainly explains its existence by eliminating everyone else who is not "them" and starting from the most hated / obvious target they will move to the general Sunni population .

a beggar and shameless nation that has shameless and inept leadership cant force Saudis or Americans, Iranians or Indians and Martians to stop their subversion all it can do is blame the weaker communities and outside forces... job done

and repeat the same excuse on the next tragedy

Irfan Baloch

you need to put the country spotlight on this issue, this is the vision of local organization, the international mafia is not concerned with little issue but they developing the Massive destruction program's ...
Arming them to protect themselves is not equal to encouraging the killing of Sunnis. I was thinking it will be a deterrent. But I can see the Sunni militants waiting for a chance to finish the Shias once for all.

then why have army and police?
it will be a wild west then. where everyone is a vigilante going lynching people.
only army and police should have sick (in their hands not in their behinds like here)
R.I.P to the victims.

Saudi scums are encouraging violence in Pakistan against Shi'ites.
I'd like to know how people feel about Shias abandoning their fate and becoming sunnis?I know it's a very far fetched idea and will never happen but it also isn't far from reality.

To avoid persecution, people of different faiths have converted to their occupiers faith many times in history and their religion is still alive. Muslims and Christians used to convert to each other's religion all the time during the crusades. Jewish people have done the same throughout history and after the holocaust have changed their names and appearances to blend into Christians.

So why not Shias in Pakistan? Can't we even consider this possibility?
I'd like to know how people feel about Shias abandoning their fate and becoming sunnis?I know it's a very far fetched idea and will never happen but it also isn't far from reality.

To avoid persecution, people of different faiths have converted to their occupiers faith many times in history and their religion is still alive. Muslims and Christians used to convert to each other's religion all the time during the crusades. Jewish people have done the same throughout history and after the holocaust have changed their names and appearances to blend into Christians.

So why not Shias in Pakistan? Can't we even consider this possibility?

Shia's already doing it.It's called Taqiya. There are a lot more Shias than you think.
Arming them to protect themselves is not equal to encouraging the killing of Sunnis. I was thinking it will be a deterrent. But I can see the Sunni militants waiting for a chance to finish the Shias once for all.

Lol, clueless.
I'd like to know how people feel about Shias abandoning their fate and becoming sunnis?I know it's a very far fetched idea and will never happen but it also isn't far from reality.


the Sunni Syeds are not just the descendent of Hazram Imam Hassan r.a but there were many shias who converted after centuries of persicution. we have this syed munawar hassan of Jamaat Islami, who can be more wahabi than him? ( I didnt say sunni because Sunni is a very honourable word , a follower of Muhammad's PBUH Sunnah)
Just to be clear shias are NOT converting to Sunnism Taqiya is when you hide your religion and appear to be something else in order to protect yourself. It's not converting and you still practice your religion secretly. like I said there are a lot more shias than you think ;)
Shia's already doing it.It's called Taqiya. There are a lot more Shias than you think.

Yeah, then that's what needs to done in huge numbers in Pakistan. It will serve two purposes. 1) their lives will be spared 2) it will draw worldwide attention to the genocide being committed against them - that world powers may decide to interven.

I would do exactly just that as a Shia in Pakistan. Abandon my faith, at least on paper, change my Shia sounding name and not wear black clothes much. Blend in with the rest of the society. I wouldn't go to a Sunni mosque either but no one cares about that in Pakistan. They don't care if you don't pray, but they do care of HOW you pray and WHO you pray to.
Yeah, then that's what needs to done in huge numbers in Pakistan. It will serve two purposes. 1) their lives will be spared 2) it will draw worldwide attention to the genocide being committed against them - that world powers may decide to interven.

I would do exactly just that as a Shia in Pakistan. Abandon my faith, at least on paper, change my Shia sounding name and not wear black clothes much. Blend in with the rest of the society. I wouldn't go to a Sunni mosque either but no one cares about that in Pakistan. They don't care if you don't pray, but they do care of HOW you pray and WHO you pray to.

we all know the situation is going to get worse, perhaps even escalate to a civil war. I think the partition of Pakistan will happen along ethnic , sectarian lines within the next 10 years. All the surrounding countries will gladly contribute to it.

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