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Support Indian Muslims !!!!

The bill is to Target who have been staying in the country illegally.
Why on Earth Indian Muslims have problem with it.
The bill is to Target who have been staying in the country illegally.
Why on Earth Indian Muslims have problem with it.
Because the only way to prove that you are an Indian citizen is by showing ancestoral documentation, bills and ID isn't enough
ایک ھوں مسلم حرم کی پاسبانی کے لئے
نیل کے ساحل سے لے کر تابخاک کاشغر
This verse of Iqbal's poetry doesn't quite fit in the present scenario regarding gangoo Muslims.

While this one fits like a glove in the present situation and reveal about the character of gangoo Muslims and shows they truly are coward/cucks .

کافر ہے تو شمشیر پہ کرتا ہے بھروسا
مومن ہے تو بےتیغ بھی لڑتا ہے سپاہی
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Because the only way to prove that you are an Indian citizen is by showing ancestoral documentation, bills and ID isn't enough
It's not required that you have to submit ancestoral documents ,bills or IDs.

If you are in India you would or your parents would have been registered some thing or the other .for example my parents where still studying at that time ,I have to show both my parents are born in India before the cut of date since my parents are from here

Even to apply passport I have to prove that I am an Indian
This verse of Iqbal's poetry doesn't quite fit in the present scenario regarding gangoo Muslims.

While this one fits like a glove in the present situation and reveal about the character of gangoo Muslims.

کافر ہے تو شمشیر پہ کرتا ہے بھروسا
مومن ہے تو بےتیغ بھی لڑتا ہے سپاہی

Can you translate those to English.
It's not required that you have to submit ancestoral documents ,bills or IDs.

If you are in India you would or your parents would have been registered some thing or the other .for example my parents where still studying at that time ,I have to show both my parents are born in India before the cut of date since my parents are from here

Even to apply passport I have to prove that I am an Indian
What about the poor population, how will they provide evidence?? Why would you have documents that prove that your parents were Indian??
This is my address to people of Pakistan and Muslims around the world. Yes we are thankful to Jinah and Iqbal for their vision and they saw it coming. They saw the facade of secularism and they saw that Muslims under Hindu Majority can never be safe. But now is not the time to taunt Muslims in India, instead now is the time to do dua for them and if we can provide any kind of other support to them we should not hesitate.

Indian Muslims need to also realize that until and unless you go for another partition or some independent area inside India or some autonomous region you would keep getting butchered, from now on things will get worse for Muslims of India. It's time Indian Muslims work on increasing iman and prepare themselves for a long fight. This fight is going to be long and brutal.

May ALLAH give Muslims of India and Kashmir victory against forces of kufr. May ALLAH destroy the empire of kufr May ALLAH guide us all and May ALLAH help us in our fight May ALLAH help us in following Islam and leaving haram and doing real Jihad in his cause. May ALLAH help every Muslim on face of the earth. May ALLAH guide us all May ALLAH help us all Ameen.
no reason for Pakistani Muslims to get involved.
I have respect for a Hindu Indian but not for these delusional & disrespectful a-sholes.
Walk away.
This is my address to people of Pakistan and Muslims around the world. Yes we are thankful to Jinah and Iqbal for their vision and they saw it coming. They saw the facade of secularism and they saw that Muslims under Hindu Majority can never be safe. But now is not the time to taunt Muslims in India, instead now is the time to do dua for them and if we can provide any kind of other support to them we should not hesitate.

Indian Muslims need to also realize that until and unless you go for another partition or some independent area inside India or some autonomous region you would keep getting butchered, from now on things will get worse for Muslims of India. It's time Indian Muslims work on increasing iman and prepare themselves for a long fight. This fight is going to be long and brutal.

May ALLAH give Muslims of India and Kashmir victory against forces of kufr. May ALLAH destroy the empire of kufr May ALLAH guide us all and May ALLAH help us in our fight May ALLAH help us in following Islam and leaving haram and doing real Jihad in his cause. May ALLAH help every Muslim on face of the earth. May ALLAH guide us all May ALLAH help us all Ameen.
Kia kary ab , hamary hath Bandhy hain
Tell me have those muslims asked you for your support? Has anyone talked against India? They are protesting blindly without knowing what is that bill about..politically motivated..everything will be calm in one or two days

You my friend, are spreading falsehood to the core.

We Muslims of India know exactly what this bill is about.

India's new citizenship bill (CAB), which provides a path to citizenship for all non-Muslim immigrants, must be seen in context with its National Register of Citizens Project (NRC). Millions of residents of India have no papers, and so will not be deemed citizens by NRC.

If however a resident has no papers and cannot prove citizenship, AND is non-Muslim, CAB provides a rapid path to citizenship for that resident. It is only Muslim residents of India who face detention and deportation with no path to citizenship.

India will be unable to deport any Muslims, and detention will be only of a few thousands, so what will happen to the rest? The will be denied any further official documents like passport, drivers license, aadhar card, voters card etc. When you don't have these, you cannot enroll in a school, open a bank account, buy/sell property, vote in elections and so on.

What you are looking at is a sinister scheme to make millions of Muslims stateless and living in perpetual misery and poverty, owing their survival to the goodwill of a few kind-hearted Hindus. The new Shudras of India - the Muslims.

If you want to see how this has worked out, look no further than the 1982 citizenship act of Burma, where the Rohingya were specifically excluded as one of the races eligible for citizenship. 40 years later, most are just subsistence farmers or engaged in menial employment because they have no access to documents proving their existence.
The humanitarian crisis in India has global interpretations and implications.

Pakistan will give moral support to the Indian Muslims staring at the face of genocide in India. OIC will be moved in support of the Indian Muslims as well.
Means again ..... " Expressed concerns over the situation " thingy and nothing else .b
Means again ..... " Expressed concerns over the situation " thingy and nothing else .b

Well aren't we 'concerned' and have 'reservations' on this as a neighboring country?

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