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Talibans are not Pakistan's friend : Gen Tariq Khan

Taliban are not gonna do any of that! What Pakistan should do?
Taliban have a limited idea of islam, except them rest are lesser muslims.
Pakistan should keep its efforts for humanitarian assistance and recognition separate from TTP presence in afg. TTP should be targeted and eliminated in afg. This is what PA failed to do during US presence and now after when after taliban taking power.

Then they will be isolated, and most likely starve, and will have to suffer artillery and air strikes, from us and the yanks. Remember they are a guerrilla army, they can't fight in Pakistan and our Army is not going to runaway like Afghans did.
Taliban are mus using and damaging islam these are extremist which islam is against they create violance all the time they cant sit in peace which islam teahes
Then they will be isolated, and most likely starve, and will have to suffer artillery and air strikes, from us and the yanks. Remember they are a guerrilla army, they can't fight in Pakistan and our Army is not going to runaway like Afghans did.
Taliban is not our ENEMY, TTP is, and they are Pakistani rebels and kharjites.
Now, PA did not had courage to target and eliminate TTP during US occupation and it was a legit target. PA has to eliminate TTP in Afghanistan not at the border not inside Pakistan. That's the only defense Pakistan has and must for country's development.
Defense is every county's right, Taliban may not like it but as long as we carefully target TTP, we can deal with their whining.

Taliban has once again stopped Pakistani military from fencing the border. Taliban has captured the fencing equipment and are threatening against any move to fence the border. These images are reportedly from Chahar Burjak, Nimruz along Durand border zone. #Afghanistan

@Sainthood 101 @Reichsmarschall @Titanium100 @Areesh @pakpride00090
Pakistani leadership is literally being Khasi at this point. I mean what country takes such humiliation from bunch of terrorists. At what point will this khasi-ism end and proper response is given to these cavemen.

Meanwhile Pakistani Ambassador to Afghanistan was tweeting about giving food aid to these Haramis.

Taliban has once again stopped Pakistani military from fencing the border. Taliban has captured the fencing equipment and are threatening against any move to fence the border. These images are reportedly from Chahar Burjak, Nimruz along Durand border zone. #Afghanistan

@Sainthood 101 @Reichsmarschall @Titanium100 @Areesh @pakpride00090
Just wanna see what excuses they will pull today
Pakistani leadership is literally being Khasi at this point. I mean what country takes such humiliation from bunch of terrorists. At what point will this khasi-ism end and proper response is given to these cavemen.

Meanwhile Pakistani Ambassador to Afghanistan was tweeting about giving food aid to these Haramis.
Most of opoid smuggling is going to be badly effected and so is trade and other things
We never learned the art of diplomacy and our relations are always directed by our emotions. Given that it was necessary to remove Indian lackeys from Afghanistan but give Taliban free lunches when they are in power. Our aid and assistance should be linked not unconditional. These people would literally starve to death if Pakistan decides to put a plug.
Pakistani leadership is literally being Khasi at this point. I mean what country takes such humiliation from bunch of terrorists. At what point will this khasi-ism end and proper response is given to these cavemen.

Meanwhile Pakistani Ambassador to Afghanistan was tweeting about giving food aid to these Haramis.
We should cut of Food and aid close border and demand apprehension of these people and a public apology I think that's reasonable.
Oh what happened to strategic depth. Mark my words, in 2 years, Taliban would have better relationship with India than Pakistan.
Haha that's just India's wet dream.😂
Oh what happened to strategic depth. Mark my words, in 2 years, Taliban would have better relationship with India than Pakistan.
Your words are worthless as well as your nation.

We all saw India's auqaat during the Afghan Withdrawal and how India came to the rescue of the Ghani Administration when it was fighting its last against a Pakistani-backed Afghan Taliban.


We should cut of Food and aid close border and demand apprehension of these people and a public apology I think that's reasonable.

Haha that's just India's wet dream.😂

It doesnt really matter to these cavemen. They will return to their drug money as they have been doing for decades. They have plenty of cash from their illegal trades and now thanks to IS more weapons that most armies on the planet. Pakistan is making a big mistake by campaigning for these rodents. Best we can do is keep them busy inside. Fracture them from within as there are already fault lines in their group. Better them killing themselves than thwir neighbours. So far they have hot borders with almost every country on their border. These people are savages and only know conflict as way of life.
Oh what happened to strategic depth. Mark my words, in 2 years, Taliban would have better relationship with India than Pakistan.

We would be lucky that tgey survive 1 year into govt without having infighting amongst Taliban. I give it six month max and we will be back to civil war in Afghanistan.
Oh what happened to strategic depth. Mark my words, in 2 years, Taliban would have better relationship with India than Pakistan.
If they cannot be loyal to their creators ,ones who fed them, sacrificed for them and more importantly with the ones they share a common religion language , culture and history there is no way in this universe they will be ever be loyal to you indians. I met many afghans and pashtuns and they see indian Hindus as inferior beings,infidels whom their ancestors defeated in the Hindu Kush mountains.They have a weird and illogical sense of superiority over anyone who is non pashtun. We never assumed after Taliban takeover life will be a bed of roses because we knew they will be less harmful than India backed ghani government but at the end of they day they are afghans with unthankfulness, quarrelsome behavior running in their blood. If there is no foreign invasion they will start fighting with each other because they simply cannot live like civilized human beings. That's the reason that cursed land is consistently seeing foreign invasions. You indians tend to give such foolish and funny statements when you know very little about Afghanistan and pashtuns.
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