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Taseer murder case: Qadri sentenced to death

What about that other one dozen guards who inspite knowing the intentions of Qadri still enabled him to go for the kill.
Didn't they share the same intentions.

See See the thing is not that simple.
Do we know this? I mean has this been proven in court?
What about that other one dozen guards who inspite knowing the intentions of Qadri still enabled him to go for the kill.
Didn't they share the same intentions.

See See the thing is not that simple.

I suppose they can be charged for complicity in the crime only when it can be proven that they were psychologically sound and had enough time to stop Qadri from shooting all the bullets at Taseer.
Pakistan really needs to cut back on its trigger happen death sentencing.

Qadri - was guilty of murder and of a heinous nature that he justified it with religion.

I'm glad he wasn't exonerated but I am opposed to the death penalty.

why not close the chapter of Qadri forever by giving him death penalty instead of putting him in prison for life and encouraging other extremists like him to murder politicians in future thinking they will not be punished to death?

Who knows after 5-7 years there would be another revolution demanding the release of Qadri calling him Hero... or Mujahid.

Pakistan is a funny country... Hero becomes zero and zero becomes hero in the same night
wow excellent news i NEVER expected this this is a good sign pakistan is finally showing some backbone and showing that it will not tolerate or glorify murderers and the mullahs and jihadis just because they claim to be acting in the name of islam are not above the law.This will set a good example.
Why, you sound so surprised.

Perhaps those in denial got to you that a thing as extremism is alien to Pakistan. Do you remember all the news coverage on mass protests in Pakistan at the killing of Osama?

I don't know why, may be I read some good posts from you some time ago, I expected better from you.
What 'mass protests' over Obama in Pakistan? How many people? Which political parties? What proportion of the population? I bet not even 0.001% who 'mass protested' over OBL death--and that for a guy who was supposed to be some kind of modern Saladin for the jihadis.
Similarly, there were some sickos who came out when Taseer was killed to support Qadri, but the vast majority of the news media AND this Forum condemned it. It is only the fear of those Jihadis' rented-suicide bombers which prevented mass counter demonstrations.
I am, like most other Pakistanis, are ashamed of what happened to Taseer and Bhatti. But we have not lost of the perspective: These fanatics are vocal and violent but they are not the majority.
And, no, they are 'not winning'. They will be taken care of once the security agencies get some breathing room from the insurgencies and terrorist attacks from the WOT.
organizations like "Sunni Tehreek" and lawyers who claim Qadri "acted in the interests of the Prophet" (PBUH) and "in the interests of Islam" should also be red-listed and a good eye should be placed upon them too and their activities

they are dangerous as well
I don't know why, may be I read some good posts from you some time ago, I expected better from you.
What 'mass protests' over Obama in Pakistan? How many people? Which political parties? What proportion of the population? I bet not even 0.001% who 'mass protested' over OBL death--and that for a guy who was supposed to be some kind of modern Saladin for the jihadis.
Similarly, there were some sickos who came out when Taseer was killed to support Qadri, but the vast majority of the news media AND this Forum condemned it. It is only the fear of those Jihadis' rented-suicide bombers which prevented mass counter demonstrations.
I am, like most other Pakistanis, are ashamed of what happened to Taseer and Bhatti. But we have not lost of the perspective: These fanatics are vocal and violent but they are not the majority.
And, no, they are 'not winning'. They will be taken care of once the security agencies get some breathing room from the insurgencies and terrorist attacks from the WOT.

My friend, I do not write with quality in mind. Nor do I write to appease or anger anyone. I write what I perceive as I see what is happening around. I am glad at least you noted a deviation in my pattern, I would hate myself for being too predictable or monotonous. And in the end, I am also a human, so I am bound to commit mistakes too, which I am sure I must have many a times.

Now getting to the behavior of the mass that I talked about. I did read news, and see pictures of large groups waving placards and banners in favor of Osama, in the weeks that followed his killing.

I did not count the number of people who participated in those gatherings and protests. Nor did I count the number of protests. It has been such a past that all I remember is bigger groups were mostly from around Quetta, and some from south too.

After witnessing such protests (some of which looked eerily similar to the ones that happened yesterday protesting the sentence pronounced for Qadri), that shouted words like "We are all Osama" and something like "ASSASSINATION OF OSAMA WILL PRODUCE MANY OSAMA IN FUTURE" etc, what am I supposed to think? Please tell me.

Now you are doing exactly the same thing that I alleged in my previous post, that the magnitude of such protests will be toned down in future.

Well, you are the prosecutor, and I will make you my witness with this thread.

I posted that article in this thread not to "show" that "Oh look, there are protests in Pakistan". Rather I posted that article to keep a record in this forum to show everyone an ongoing pattern which is extremely dangerous for Pakistan. And you made that post so relevant within the same day it was posted.

Here's how: Look at the part of your post that I quoted in bold.

Now look at this piece from the same article that I posted here:

'Police were deployed at the jail gate to prevent any break-in. After Qadri was sentenced, the judge left through the back door.

Does it in any way suggest there were only a few? My friend, it suggests that the police force deployed there was inadequate and the honorable judge was forced to use the backdoor.

Can you not see the crowd knocking on the door of the judiciary?

Meengla, it is not that I fulfill some sort of perverted desire by making such posts about Pakistan. I simply see a pattern or a cause, notice the flaws, and discuss them here.

What you think, or anyone, or even if I were loath myself later for doing it, I will not close my eyes to it, and I will still do it. This indifference and playing down the magnitude of such protests and attitude of many, for whatever reasons, is damaging your own country, and degrading your own society, more than anyone else's.

P.S. I never said, nor do I believe, that majority of the Pakistani people are radicals/extremists/terrorist supporters. No, they are not, I know this. But the number of radicals/extremists/terrorist supporters is not so small that we ignore them. Above all, they are active, working hard for their cause, unlike those whom we call rational. The rational ones appear to be sitting quietly, watching the current affairs in dismay, and appear to be doing nothing about it.
@President Camacho,
Thank you for a civil response. My appreciated.
Pakistan is a nation of 180 million people. There is a lot of freedom of expression and association. There is no denying there are extremists but the demonstrations which supported both Qadri and OBL were so puny that THEY should not have made the news, rather, how Pakistanis took OBL's death in stride should have made many international headlines. There are numerous videos where OBL's own neighbors in Abbottabad professed either fully surprised or just shrugged off and moved on. THAT was the barometer of the support Al-Qaida enjoys in Pakistan. Again, OBL was not a minor figure globally but, in reality, he turned out to be a paper tiger.
Here, some other comments about what people are saying about the Qadri verdict. May be people can dismiss them as 'liberal' blogspace but I can tell you that when Taseer was killed even the jingoistic Urdu press condemned that clearly.

Taseer murder case: Qadri sentenced to death – The Express Tribune

22 hours ago
Its not Enough Qadri should be hanged 100 times.

22 hours ago
Similar faces were found in the photo of yesterdays protest against US.
Tribune has to post decent photos as these photos give a very bad impression of Pakistan in the International forums.

22 hours ago
Brave decision by the ATC!

Hamza Baloch
22 hours ago
People like you can not be happy what ever happened!
Good decision from the court.

Junaid Kamal
22 hours ago
Qadri (The killer) was not authorised to decide the fate of a person. There are courts in Pakistan to make such judgements. He should be hanged till death.

22 hours ago
No more extremist on the name of Islam…..

22 hours ago
aftermaths could be terrible

22 hours ago
Late but right decision by the court. Court should also gave order to hang those mullahs whose speeches inspired him to kill the Governer. It was an act of “Fasaad Fil Arz”

22 hours ago
finally, justice is done! hang the murderous beast already.
RIP Taseer sahib. your valiant struggle will not be forgotten.

22 hours ago
Qadri Should be hanged in Public .

Ali Zaidi
22 hours ago
Justice has been Served. Long live Salmaan Taseer.

22 hours ago
what a quick decision. i hope poor guys could get the justice so quick.

22 hours ago
He should have been hanged at the same day!!! good decision!! he should be hanged in public!!!
@President Camacho,
Thank you for a civil response. My appreciated.
Pakistan is a nation of 180 million people. There is a lot of freedom of expression and association. There is no denying there are extremists but the demonstrations which supported both Qadri and OBL were so puny that THEY should not have made the news, rather, how Pakistanis took OBL's death in stride should have made many international headlines. There are numerous videos where OBL's own neighbors in Abbottabad professed either fully surprised or just shrugged off and moved on. THAT was the barometer of the support Al-Qaida enjoys in Pakistan. Again, OBL was not a minor figure globally but, in reality, he turned out to be a paper tiger.
Here, some other comments about what people are saying about the Qadri verdict. May be people can dismiss them as 'liberal' blogspace but I can tell you that when Taseer was killed even the jingoistic Urdu press condemned that clearly.

Taseer murder case: Qadri sentenced to death – The Express Tribune

Oh you are always welcome man, at least you didn't come at me armed with some curse word :lol: j/k I know you are not that kind of person.

Well, because I added the post script much later in my response to you, perhaps I should elaborate it here.

I, and I believe all others too, never think that majority, or even a countable percentage of the Pakistani population is radical or supportive of extremists. Rather, I think they are a victim of the extremists.

But how many guns would you need to kill 5? or 10? Just 1. And these extremists are armed with ideology, which is way more dangerous than a gun. Worse, they use the religion to shield, and propagate their violent ideology.

We cannot expect every single person to be smart and mature enough to see through to the difference. There may be numerous who would fall for this violent ideology masquerading as some sort of religious obligation.

For example, the case of that 8th grade girl. The noisy protestors might have been too few, but the majority, which I am sure was mature and way more liberal, and esp the system, caved in. In that majority, not a single soul appeared to have the courage to stand up for the girl or the mother. And rightly so, because it takes a single man with a single gun to kill many.

I highlight this issue because I strongly feel that it is major impediment in the country's path to progress and modernization.

I hope you do not feel that I hold any kind of grudge against Pakistan. My grudge is against none but the radicals.

You know about Stockholm Syndrome?

Oh yes, I have seen so many movies depicting that... but had not applied here. May be because it is not glamorous at all in this case, though now I have begun to think... it is indeed very applicable here.

Do you not think that it has been imported from Saudi Arabia? When we were all debating on the case of that Najalaa Harriri (the female driver) this is exactly what came to me, but I decided to stay quiet on the subject to keep the thread from going up in flames.

The males tend to appear, or at least portray themselves as super aggressive, whereas, they keep their own women so suppressed, they may bear the babies genetically confused between overtly dominant and acutely submissive. They may grow up into beings with psychology a bit twisted, although so subtly, that it would not be easy to detect, but may shape their overall character. Such personalities, I suppose, are any time more susceptible into becoming characters problematic for a harmonious society.

What are your thoughts on that?
Sad that sections of the Pakistani society still sympathize with Qadri :


Supporters of Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadri protest, after a court sentenced him to death, in Lahore, Pakistan
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