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The dirty truth: 41 million Pakistanis without toilets


Sep 20, 2014
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Recently, a Unicef warning announced that an alarming 41 million people in Pakistan lack access to adequate toilets; forcing them to defecate in public. Pakistan is in fact the third largest country, behind India and Indonesia, where people are forced to defecate in the open.

This troubling practice which has become the norm for 41 million Pakistanis has profound health and nutritional consequences. Open defecation has significant consequences and it is imperative that we explore this topic.

Also read: Finding a phone easier than finding a toilet: UN

The city of Lahore is home to millions of people and has only 21 public bathrooms. Many of these are in dire condition and in a state of chronic decay. It is tragic that in a country that receives millions of dollars of aid annually, we have failed to provide the most fundamental necessities such as clean bathrooms to our people! Forcing individuals to seek out places to defecate leads to stool withholding behavior, constipation, and stunting.

These consequences have lifelong implications and must be addressed immediately.

Stool withholding behaviour
When children are confronted with psycho-social stressors such as not being able to defecate in private or adequately; they have a tendency to develop stool withholding behavior – they refuse to defecate in a setting where they are uncomfortable or embarrassed, causing them to reflexively withhold bowel movement.

For a child to defecate in open, it is very embarrassing and anxiety-provoking. This can lead to serious problems known as Encopresis, in which children begin to soil their undergarments.

The colon normally removes water from our faeces, but stool remaining in our gut for too long from conditioned withholding will inevitably lead to constipation. The stool becomes so hard that it is difficult to expel and stretches the colon, impairing the sensations associated with a normal bowel movement. As a result, softer stool often leaks around the blockage, soiling a child’s undergarments.

As anyone can imagine, this has devastating effects on an individual's overall level of hygiene. The faecal contamination of hands, garments, and other clothing will allow infectious diseases to disseminate with ease.

The health ramifications of constipation are severe, and unfortunately, frequently overlooked.

Our colon is home to a bacterial flora which is essential for maintaining gut health. Constipation leads to an imbalance in this bacterial flora giving rise to unfriendly strains of bacteria and impaired gut health. The normal helpful bacteria within the colon is disturbed when hard stools associated with constipation persist.

Also read: CDA to upgrade public toilets in Islamabad

Constipation can lead to abdominal pain and a decreased desire to eat as well. In cases where constipation goes unchecked, forceful straining and attempts to evacuate stool can lead to tears and bleeding around the lining of the rectum.

A child’s degree of stunting can be evaluated by calculating a child’s height for age as a percentage of the population median. The severity of stunting is determined as a percentage of the expected height for age.

Stunting, along with wasting, is a universal marker of protein energy malnutrition in a child.

Chronic malnutrition is frequently characterised by stunting. Due to open defecation, children are unable to adequately wash themselves and consequently, a bacterial contamination of water ensues. This leads to chronic diarrhoea and malabsorption states in children. Such chronic malnutrition leads to cognitive deficiencies and insufficient brain development.

Read on: Pakistan among top five diarrhoea death victims

Sanitation, hygiene, and constructing more public toilets must become a priority in Pakistan.

Failing to provide our children with the basic necessity for living is inhumane, and detrimental to their well-being.

Instructing the masses on adequate hand hygiene, providing ample toileting facilities will help with combating this problem.

Open defecation must be discouraged. And, massive efforts must be implemented to create behavioural change, provide adequate facilities, and increase awareness about overall hygiene.

The dirty truth: 41 million Pakistanis without toilets - Blogs - DAWN.COM
Dont worry Pakistan, before Modiji's current term, we will push you to the second spot. And in case Indonesia also co-operates, you will be the world champs. :)
Meh "public" toilets aren't maintained in Pakistan.... But although this is a shocking issue. However it mentions absence of public restrooms... not private ones at someones home.... But if this was intended as a feel good thread it was a fail as India faces an even worse situation but yes, we need to improve hygiene of cities and in fact the entire country.
We need A/C or fan in our toilets so that we can replicate the natural breeze that we feel when we use the outdoors .
Do you know you have toilets at every fuel station and every mosque has toilets as well....still 41mil seriously? What's the credibility of the data?? Under mentioned circumstances
Do you know you have toilets at every fuel station and every mosque has toilets as well....still 41mil seriously? What's the credibility of the data?? Under mentioned circumstances

You are right ! on what basis that stats was revealed
We have Attached Washroom in every available Mosque ...and Mosque are redundantly found in every livable place
21 public bathrooms.
I guess UNICEF needs to be more precise what we are dealing with public or private? :unsure:
You are right ! on what basis that stats was revealed
We have Attached Washroom in every available Mosque ...and Mosque are redundantly found in every livable place
I guess masjid wasnt public enough....Maybe they meant toilets on the road not in buildings!
I guess masjid wasnt public enough....Maybe they meant toilets on the road not in buildings!
But they used the world DEFECATE IN PUBLIC...?
Truly ! Iam guilty of Defecating in Public , when i go for Hike in MARGALLAH HILLS, :oops:
then i've no other option ...atleast that my shameless act wont be called as Public Defecation :partay:
But they used the world DEFECATE IN PUBLIC...?
Yes, theoretically when you dont have public toilets you defecate in public...At least that is what I understood...

Truly ! Iam guilty of Defecating in Public , when i go for Hike in MARGALLAH HILLS, :oops:
then i've no other option ...atleast that my shameless act wont be called as Public Defecation :partay:
ok I didnt need to know any of this :fie:
This is by no means an issue to be underestimated. With no disrespect to UNICEF, the rural areas in Pakistan have Mosques where you can find 10-20 toilets, showers and running water for sanitation and mandatory cleaning before five daily prayers.

Unlike India if a poor Pakistani family is given access to a toilet and sanitation unit, they'd prefer to change their practices rather quickly. In the rural areas the Mosques are usually the places where they have a power connection, plus a reserve water tank for communal sanitation.
This is by no means an issue to be underestimated. With no disrespect to UNICEF, the rural areas in Pakistan have Mosques where you can find 10-20 toilets, showers and running water for sanitation and mandatory cleaning before five daily prayers.

Unlike India if a poor Pakistani family is given access to a toilet and sanitation unit, they'd prefer to change their practices rather quickly. In the rural areas the Mosques are usually the places where they have a power connection, plus a reserve water tank for communal sanitation.

no need bring in India here and make it a troll thread.
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