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The rise of Hindutva.. only 20 muslims in Parliament of Modi..

Are you an INDIAN citizen? Did you vote? WHY THE HEADACHE ?
Instead worry about protecting the rights of the muhajjirs in karachi

as a neighbour i have the right to criticize anything bad happening in india.
It is hard for Pakistanis to understand the complexities of Indian election. The other day one even declared the election results to be a ratification of two nations theory. :lol: They need something to feel good about themselves and I have my sympathies with them, as the situation there appears so sad that they have to find happiness in Indian election results.

Do you know, almost all parliament members of ruling Nawaz Sharif comes from Punjab and there is hardly any representation to Pashtun, Sindhi and Baloch in his cabinet. :lol::lol:
Do you know know almost all members of ruling Nawaz Sharif comes from Punjab and there is hardly any representation to Pashtun, Sindhi and Baloch in his cabinet. :lol::lol:

As long as they are Muslims it's ok. :laugh:
Secular India ka niqqab uttar gaya....
but why?Muslims need atleast 20-25% representation in indian parliament

Muslims in India need nothing just like any other religious group . Those who needed something have Pakistan . India is democracy not religion based state .
In Pakistan seats in provinces are based off population.punjab has more population hence more seats,Balochistan has less population hence less seats.

Pashtuns, Baloch and Sindhis who are 40% of the population are discriminated in this Punjabi domination of Pakistan having no presence in the government of Nawaz Sharif. :lol::lol:
Are you an INDIAN citizen? Did you vote? WHY THE HEADACHE ?
Instead worry about protecting the rights of the muhajjirs in karachi

Indian democracy is an example for many nations and we Indians let everyone to have their opinions.

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