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The truth is Muslims are guilty!

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If a muslim fart in India and that thread goes on for 20 pages then what is the problem with this thread ? This is hot subject now a days.


I like your style.. Only 2 other people on this forum speak like this.. vsdoc and Jana.. You sure you are not a dual id of either of these folks ;)

Well.. India-Pakistan distrust and even hatred.. I get it... What I dont is when people make it a religious thing.. 90% of cr@p that goes around in the world today is because people make it as a battle of religions.. :disagree:
Dude, exactly. I was in the armed forces once upon a time. As an officer, on orders of command, I would bomb the **** out of you, however, that would be due to protocol, nothing to do with hatred. The new generation, on both sides, I see is intolerant to a point that, they don't want to even discuss anything without going thermonuclear on each others faith!

What a ***** loss of generation! :blink:
Muslims on whole the are guilty?No way..Even in this forum we can see so many muslims as liberal and tolerant as any humans can be..On the other hand can we imagine christians or hindus or buddhists going on rioting and rampaging against inflammatory materials published against their religion?Not that they dont have bigots but the fact is this religion based extra sensitive mob mentality is overwhelmingly seen in muslims and in muslim nations..Can any honest muslim deny that?Instead of finding bizarre justification and pointing out odd incidences,realizing and accepting this simple fact will
be the first step in solving this problem,which is a responsibility that mainstream muslims owe to themselves,islam and to the whole world.
Dude, exactly. I was in the armed forces once upon a time. As an officer, on orders of command, I would bomb the **** out of you, however, that would be due to protocol, nothing to do with hatred. The new generation, on both sides, I see is intolerant to a point that, they don't want to even discuss anything without going thermonuclear on each others faith!

What a ***** loss of generation! :blink:
buddy new generation of indian is very - very less religious(specially non muslims) compare to their older generation .
buddy new generation of indian is very - very less religious(specially non muslims) compare to their older generation .
The ones abroad are all beautiful people, I don't know why I feel very close to most of them, besides, religion never bothered me in the least! This forum on the other hand is slightly a different story, maybe it's an internet thingy? :blink:
The ones abroad are all beautiful people, I feel very close to all of them, besides, religion never bothered me in the least! This forum on the other hand is slightly a different story, maybe it's an internet thingy? :blink:

I think so too.. Outside this forum, I have not met a single (no exaggeration) Pakistani who I have not got along with fabulously.. As a matter of fact I took a break from this forum for about an 8 months when I realized that my interactions on this forum had started impacting (though very minutely) my interactions with my real life Pakistani friends..

Now I just treat my time on this forum as one those online MMRPGs where I play a character ;)

A secret.. One of my Pakistani friends is here as an Indian and is a senior member ... 2-3 Mods really hate him for his anti Pakistani posts (He is playing a character too ;) )
Funny thing about we Indians is we target Muslims while at the same time allow heinous crimes and acts within our Hindu dominant society.

Stop looking at problem in other part of the world and start looking at our own problem. Targeting one religion for cause of a problem is an easy excuse of many Hindus which is used by leaders like Advani and then get cozy with same Muslims whom he hated (pretended).

Instead of demolishing Babri Masjid, if we had built a university dedicated to Vedic knowledge and Science, it would have presented our religion as science and logic based.

No need to compete with other, we have and will have our own place.

All the fight is based on water, oil, fertile land, mineral resources etc. Religion is being used for hot-headed, irrational and easily manipulated general populace to achieve certain geo-political, strategic, economic goals.

You know why this "Religion" works....because its easier for people to accept certain ideas and theories as they don't have or want time to research. Voting with informed decision is not prevalent in India. Its easier to point fingers rather than sit and trace back the root of the problem.

Stop using other religion as your problem, goes both for Hindus and Muslims, the real problem is within your own people.
No we are not..
karr lo gall :cheesy:

yeah right..
respect works both ways....
So does tolerance..The infidels need to learn how to "Tolerate" our beliefs.

Tolerate intolerance? tolerate hatred? tolerate violence?
Then why do certain Jewish and Christian communities cults groups in large numbers point out at Prophet of Islam and Quran [with baseless accusations] you are contradicting yourself.
You're too general and in order to charge me with "contradicting myself" assume I hold these unsaid [baseless accusations]. You must be more specific.

I think you forgot the burning of 7 Mosques in US a similar attack by US christian-jewish -
I don't know what you've been reading but there has never been a single attack in the U.S. that resulted in the burning of 7 mosques. Since 2001 I've heard of two attacks on mosques - you might say just one attack, since one of these was an Ahmadi mosque. Law enforcement was pretty good about rooting out the perpetrators, none of whom was Jewish or Pakistani, as far as I recall.

Try to be more focused and specific in your writing, please.

yes all jews are saints.....we get it:D
No. Not even all those who do saintly work. Yet I don't doubt Israel and America are more successful countries than Pakistan because its citizens are more honest and civic-minded than Pakistanis. Whether its because they have Jews or not doesn't matter as much as the fact this is the way citizens have chosen to act.

Have you read Josephus? 2,000 years ago it was the Jews who succumbed to intolerant terrorist thinking.
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