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New Recruit

Jun 10, 2010
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LARA CARTER has slept with 20 strangers in the past year - in a desperate and reckless bid to get pregnant.

The self-confessed "sperm hunter" uses ovulation kits to tell her when she is most fertile then pretends to be drunk, throwing herself at unsuspecting fellas and making it obvious she wants ***.

If Lara, 25, meets a man who wants to use a condom, she will offer one from her purse - which she has already pierced a hole in.

Lara, an assistant office manager, says: "This is absolutely the right time for me to have a baby and nothing is going to stand in my way.

"All my friends have babies and I desperately want to be a mum.

"I don't have a steady boyfriend and feel my time to have a baby is running out. I only need a man to provide his sperm - I would have no interest in seeing him again. That is why I'm a sperm hunter."

Her obsession with getting pregnant started a year ago, when she attended the birth of a friend's baby.

She says: "The moment I saw my friend hold her newborn child, I had a huge desire to feel that love too.

"I've always loved babies and wanted to be a mother from a very young age but from that moment it become an obsession. I have made it my mission in life to get pregnant."

With no regular boyfriend, Lara's desire to have a baby has driven her to target strangers as potential fathers to her unborn child.

She says: "I've had a couple of proper relationships in the past two years.

"But each time I have mentioned the idea of having a baby, the bloke has run a mile.

"Men my age aren't that interested in settling down with a kid so quickly into a relationship, so I have given up on trying to have a baby with a partner. I've looked into getting a sperm donation but it's too expensive.

"My nearest private clinic costs £295 for a consultation then it would cost a further £2,000 for a donation.

"There are plenty of men out there willing to have a one-night stand for free."

Lara - who often wears a wig to protect her identity when she goes out - has a strategic system in place before she goes out on a night out.

She says: "First, I check if I'm ovulating. I have spent a fortune on the expensive tests. They cost £20 for a pack of five but there is no point going out and meeting a man if I'm not at my most fertile. After getting dressed up - and putting on a wig - I meet some friends at a bar and instantly start looking for potential sperm donors.

"As I am big-busted and like to have fun, guys are instantly interested in me.

"I immediately make it obvious I'm only after a one-night stand and most blokes are always up for that. As I need to stay in control, I don't get drunk but pretend to be tipsy and flirty.

"Men like it when a girl is a bit drunk. It gives them more confidence. Most of the time I drink soft drinks when I'm out but pretend they are a vodka and mixer.

"When I find a potential sperm donor, I get their first name and ask if they have any STDs. If they haven't and we end up spending the night together, I'll sneak out in the morning.

"When I don't want to spend the whole night with a man, I'll get the deed over and done with before I go home. I've had *** in some unusual places, including a car and even nightclub toilets.

"Obviously, I encourage them to have unprotected ***, but some men want to use a condom.

"If they do, I always have one that I have pre-pricked in my handbag. That way the *** isn't a waste of time."

Lara, from Penryn, Cornwall, heads to nearby Falmouth to snare her male victims. She knows she is playing a lottery with her health but says: "Most guys are now very STD-aware. My generation are educated about STDs and any man I've been with has always been honest with me. I am tested regularly and have never had any infections.

"In the past, I have encountered four guys who told me they had an STD, so I refused to have *** with them. Most people are very honest when asked if they have an STD. I trust my instincts."

Lara has already spent hundreds of pounds on baby clothes.

She says: "Whenever I see a lovely baby outfit, I have to buy it for my future child.

"I've also chosen the names my children will have. They will be Tilly and James or Matthew. I also take pregnancy vitamins, even though they are expensive.

"I haven't taken a pregnancy test yet but every month I feel devastated when I get my period and have to face I have failed again."

Lara admits her yearning for a baby is made worse by her circle of 20 close female friends - 17 of them have had children.

She says: "I look at my friends with envy and know I would make such a good mum. They know about my quest to be a mother and support what I'm doing.

"However, I haven't told my family, and am worried about their reaction. I'm happy to be a single mother and I wouldn't want anything to do with the father. Being a single mum means I can focus all my attention on the baby.

"My parents are still together, so I didn't grow up in a single-parent family, but plenty of people do it these days. I have plenty of savings to give a baby a loving, well-rounded home and lots of friends close by who can babysit. I have it all planned out."

She adds: "When I do get pregnant after a one-night stand, I won't contact the father.

"I never give out my number or ask for his, so I wouldn't have any way of finding them. Anyway, I want a baby, not a man.

"When the child is old enough, I will tell them that me and their father had a magical night together but never saw each other again.

"I'm sure lots of people will judge me and think I am insane - but I'm simply being honest.

"To me, it's exactly the same as going to a sperm donor but in my case no money changes hands.

"I am more than ready to become a mother and willing to accept all the responsibility that comes with it."

See her pic(Source)
What kind of a sad person posts such news on members forums. I mean seriously, is this worth discussing or are you just venting your own *ahem* frustrations.
What nonsense..... Penthouse material has no place here. Come up with some thought provoking issues.
What a disguised and slap on humanity faces peoples..........like dogs or animals..........and still they called themselves modern............i think they are going again in the same era where peoples were using leaves to cover themselves instead of clothes.
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