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Truth be told; cheap attack by indian media on prestigious Muslim University !

36 Professional courses have Muslim reservation of 50%

One thing - Irfan Habib studied here and going by his own as well as the accounts of his contemporaries, it is clear that Aligarh Muslim University was certainly a bastion of liberal left thinking.

But its liberal environment has been eroded considerably over the years. Hindutvadis can't be conveniently blamed for this. Take this for example -
When the minority status was reaffirmed for AMU, Mr. Habib publicly spoke against it. But the other professors of AMU itself stated this -
"FMSA passed a resolution which strongly condemned the statement of Irfan Habib and demanded him to leave the university. In another resolution, FMSA has demanded the university administration to take suitable action against him."

Another issue of concern -

Yet another problem that deals with terrorist elements within AMU, those who have been arrested/convicted -

A counter to these is this well written piece - http://m.rediff.com/news/2000/sep/15alig.htm

But then the authorities state this, (which I find very worrying)

The diktat on women's dress code was also troubling. Only last year it was withdrawn.

There are problems, but one thing is certain. AMU is perhaps the only place where a lot of Muslim women go for higher education. Without women's education, regressive behavior is bound to multiply.
Irfan Habib is a closet mullah. Congress by given the Muslims complete charge of handling our education and re-writing History whitewashed all Muslim crimes in this country. Mushirul Hasan, Irfan Habib are all mullahs wearing a veneer of communism.
I think the problem is Hindusim in Indian Media. that extremism has always been a problem.

especially after Modi Terrorist becoming India PM, provocation seems to accelerate !

:lol: now that's a new one!
I think the problem is Hindusim in Indian Media. that extremism has always been a problem.

especially after Modi Terrorist becoming India PM, provocation seems to accelerate !

See you see a religion Hinduism as a problem, this is you are taught in Pakistan. And now you talk about a Muslim university in India.

Its like Hitler cursing US for stopping Israelis to attack Palestine!!! :lol:

You are funny.

India is not bad, but we Hindus are very very bad!!!! You hate Hinduism!!!! :lol:

A large percent population is still Hindu, though it shrank from 11% to 1% now.
The Indian media would have done the same even if it were a Prestigious Hindu or Christian colleges.. So much for secularism..lol
Did the VC say it or not. He should clarify it, not use students to politicize the issue.
And you cant bar one gender from a library, no gender segregation in a centrally funded university.
If the VC persists, he should be sacked.
50% M reservation in the two institution is the handiwork of UPA govt.

Another thing outlawed outfits like SIMI was founded in AMU

50% reservation is a norm in every minority institution, minority in either language or religion. There are gujarati, south indian colleges in mumbai which have reserved 50% for there communities.
Are you attempting to issue me a "character certificate" ? :lol: ......haven't you made a fool of yourself already ? You should stick to praising AMU, LET and SIMI before senility advances further.

Fool of myself? Well, why not? To be a fool in the eyes of creeps like you is quite all right, I should think. And I do praise AMU. That you conflate that university with LET and SIMI just shows your bigotry.
Fool of myself? Well, why not? To be a fool in the eyes of creeps like you is quite all right, I should think. And I do praise AMU. That you conflate that university with LET and SIMI just shows your bigotry.

If you think its all right, you should not protest so much and give people the impression its not fine by you. LOL. Since AMU incubated SIMI and SIMI incubated LET, the only apologist for terrorists is you. I guess that makes you "secular".
If you think its all right, you should not protest so much and give people the impression its not fine by you. LOL. Since AMU incubated SIMI and SIMI incubated LET, the only apologist for terrorists is you. I guess that makes you "secular".

Simi incubated let? You mean im..don't take the glory out of isi and it's creation - let.

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