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Turkey in Olympics - London 2012 - 2 Golds, 2 silvers and 1 bronze

Azerbaijan has five medals, as of today

We have two semifinalists in boxing, aswell several wrestlers in freestyle.

Gerçekten hakkını yeme, Rezazadeh Türk çünkü. :D

Hossein Rezazadeh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Doğum yerine göz gezdir.

Rezazadeh is ethnic Azeri Turk guys.

2004 Yay Olimpiya Oyunlarında Türkiyə yığmasına dəvət edilsə də "Mən İranlıyam və öz vətənimi və xalqımı sevirəm" deyərək bu təklifdən imtina etmişdir.

Congratulations with the first gold metal BTW.
I don't think ASQ claims he was from Senegal :D of course he's an Iranian, ASQ was talkig about his ethicity.

Whatever, don't bring those stupid flame wars to here(to everybody).
Bla bla. ^ Our sportsmen completely destroyed you guys this year.

So our guys offered him a luxury villa and 10 million dollar if he were to bring gold medal not bad deal and he refused.Hımm without doubt a patriot , its just a well known news come to my mind : 5-6 months ago an iranian boxer who brings medals and honor to iran arrested by revolutionary guards , as usual a confession video(about hes a zionist agent) published in state television and he hanged by crane.I just hope his end would not be same :help:
just one question: why the heck we must fight with each other?

Soheil is a troll as everyone become troll for sometimes! agree but don't fight!

and when i started a thread like this in iranian defence , we gained just a bronze ! so you can't say that i am troll :P
I was not aware of that we were that good in tae kwon do :D

Yes I'm expeting few medals from wrestlers and runners, c'mon boys&girls, don't make that tournament a complete disappoinment for us :D
Riza Kayaalp was very promising for Gold but faced someone as good as him cuban wrestler that he beat a year ago

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