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Turkey most popular country among Arab nations, poll finds

It is good to know that Turkey is popular amongst the Arabs, given that they were under Turkey till the Europeans liberated them.

20 years ago Saddam was most popular guy in Arab world.
is turkey secular,democratic, has no extremism?
as far as i know turkey is a developed nation

does turkey have sharia law,burqa system?
is it a islamic republic?
Are people of turkey extreme muslims like in arab countries or are they modern where women are allowed to wear wat they like,and is there any blapshemy law in turkey?

Any answer?
I am saying that popularity among the Arabs is not something to be proud and happy. Nasser, Saddam, Assad - all these were stars in Arab world.

So if any one has been praised by an Arab or in their good books... he should be seriously worried
is turkey secular,democratic, has no extremism?
as far as i know turkey is a developed nation

does turkey have sharia law,burqa system?
is it a islamic republic?
Are people of turkey extreme muslims like in arab countries or are they modern where women are allowed to wear wat they like,and is there any blapshemy law in turkey?

Any answer?

Oh they are Muslims all right..... they are part of NATO so there army is needed... and they did not receive any foreign investment in terrorism like many Muslim countries have.

And Lots of countries have blasphemy laws .... google it .... you will be surprised.. England abolished it in 2008
I am saying that popularity among the Arabs is not something to be proud and happy. Nasser, Saddam, Assad - all these were stars in Arab world.

they where all war monging dictators, and they all hated israel. ofcourse their going to be popular!
is turkey secular,democratic, has no extremism?
as far as i know turkey is a developed nation

does turkey have sharia law,burqa system?
is it a islamic republic?
Are people of turkey extreme muslims like in arab countries or are they modern where women are allowed to wear wat they like,and is there any blapshemy law in turkey?

Any answer?

turkey is secular, wich means that state and religion is not togheter. like iran or pakistan for example. im not saying it's bad, but it can affect the country in bad ways many times.

as of right now, if we where to have ottoman empire back, it would be impossible to run a huge country like that. turkey has no intention on doing so. it had to come with the time, and sadly it didn't.

we dont have sharia law and burqa system. we do have extremists. if you google up you will see that there is suicide bombers that has happened in turkey several times. turkey is not an islamic republic. people in turkey aren't extreme muslims. turkey allows western clothes and culture to be adopted in the country. unlike some other european countries, multiculturalism hasnt failed here. women can wear whatever they want, even though there are some places where they dont. and that in many cases are villages and small countryside cities. blasphemy law in turkey? no.
I used to be a staunch supporter of Iran but I realised that they are cynical and play a destabilising role int he region. Iran uses America and Israel as a perpetual external enemy so the Ayotollahs can stay in power and Revolutionary Guards can keep control of the countries economy and enrich themselves.
overambitious but admiringly hopeful to say the least. The muslim world is divided in its core. Even two political parties in Palestine seem to be killing each other(Fatah And Hamas). Not to mention, the recent break up North and South Sudan, Gaddafis crime against humanity and many more. Your statement is undoubtedly true that the west is declining, but a notion that all muslims will unite in the sometime future seems a bit delusional to me based on the last hundred or so years. Matter of fact, the only two Countries on the East which are growing are both non Muslim: India and China.
I agree. A confusing mix of sentiments. The reasons that many stated as to why Turkey is admired; separation of religion and state, strong economy, democratic traditions, etc., ...followed by posts about a desire for a return of the Ottomans and/or that Turkey should lead the Muslim world. Turkey became the modern, prosperous, successful state that it is, precisely because Kemal Ataturk created a new Turkey that would NOT be a leader of the Muslim world.

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