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Turkish Students Win International Micro Satellite Competition

Because I thanked his comment that means I do not understand sarcasm? you poor al sauds get mind raped every second in this forum.:rofl:
لديك استخبارات لجمل لك البدو فقراء.

teach me how to fck myself and I might give it a go.:lol:

what r u saying

when i see u talk about CAMEL and laugh u make me feel ur country is in antarctica
, boy u r not far away from us , and for information the camel is in the Quran if u even read it
. .

and about other word is [ poor ] , here i don't wana talk much but look to this picture , i think we know who is the really poor :


after i see many posts from u , i think u really need to see a Dr , cuz ur mind have a problem
. .

before i forget i want apologize for all the turks member we r really fucked up this thread :(
Arkadaşlar, yeni konu açmak istedim ama açamadım. Yeni başlıkta olsa daha iyi olur.
Arkadaşlar, yeni konu açmak istedim ama açamadım. Yeni başlıkta olsa daha iyi olur.

Post sayın 50 olmadığından dolayı açamadın sanırım, bir dakika ben açıyorum
Year old news, but congrats anyways. :tup: Oh wait, you guys won it last year too! And this year! Nicely done.

Here's the full result, second and third from India:enjoy:


SRM university number 2 & 7 :woot:

Strange that i don't see any Japanese university.

University of Tokyo had strong contributions to Japanese space program
Year old news, but congrats anyways. :tup: Oh wait, you guys won it last year too! And this year! Nicely done.

Here's the full result, second and third from India:enjoy:


Yea... We are cool like that... Nothing important... Just casual, us being cool and sh't

Congrats to the Team that represented Turkey, but the truth is every one who participates in any event (win or lose) represent all of MAN KIND in performing some thing that inspires the rest of the 7 billion on the planet.

Having said that, Congrats once again to the winning Turkish team
Turkey or India winning such competitions doesn't mean much I'm afraid, scientifically we remain backwards compared to the West.
Satellite technology and propellant technology are two very different things. In fact satellite technology is much much harder than propellant technology. The only reason why Iran and N.Korea are trying to launch their own satellites is because no one would launch it for them. Turkey can easily work on a satellite launch vehicle and be done with it from 4-6 years but it is not cost effective.

It is much cheaper to book a space in a SLV than to start the whole Multi-Bilion dollar process.

S.KOREAN 's ROCKET had failed 2 times and still without any success

I hope Turkey to decide their rocket,just like Japanese H-2A/B
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