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unconfirmed reports F-16 sufa shot down in gaza

Unfortunately Iran has a real interest in this conflict happening, it shifts international attention from it to Israel.

Of course Iran knew what would happen when it sold those missiles. We can hope that the US, Turkey, Egypt, can mediate this, but there is not much that can be done if Hamas doesn't cease, because Israel can't keep quiet when its unofficial and official capital cities are targeted by missile attacks. It is not a status quo that they will accept at this time, as evidenced by the large amount of reservists called up. Unfortunately its looking like another Israeli-Palestine conflict will happen.

So was the F-16 shot down or not?

no confirmation, Hamas is the only one saying so. Until we get other confirmation it is just rumor and possible propaganda, nothing more.
So was the F-16 shot down or not?
Yes. I don't recall one single case where Aljazeera reporters had lied. Israel denied the F16 downing by I believe the Aljazeera reporter.
It said:
Hamas is looking for the plane wreckage but Israel is bombing the area on purpose to inhibit them.
Lets wait until when they bring the pieces of the wreckage.
now these rumors are confirmed Tango down by military wing of Hamas,
When someone head is full with delusions called "ummah brotherhood" then this behavior will be evident.

whats wrong with you? You are running all over PDF and advocating against muslim brotherhood! Why?? The whole world recognized Bangladesh in 1972, but your ummah brothers did that only after your recognition! Does it ring any bell? The first man who had this ummah delusion was Muhammad pbuh and we claim to be his followers! So if you don't like it, keep quiet!

Here is a part of delusional sermon we call farewell sermon.
Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood.
Yes. I don't recall one single case where Aljazeera reporters had lied. Israel denied the F16 downing by I believe the Aljazeera reporter.
It said:
Hamas is looking for the plane wreckage but Israel is bombing the area on purpose to inhibit them.
Lets wait until when they bring the pieces of the wreckage.

If the title is anything to go by, then the reporter is not lying, the reporter is saying that Hamas is reporting it. Which we already know.
1 Israeli life is worth a 1000 Arab lives, this has been proven in the Gilad Shalit exchange.

They breed like a virus and willingly use their children as weapons with very little to no financial expense while Israel goes to hell and beyond to not only minimize casualties on the Israeli side(Because life is sacred for Israelis, unlike the Arabs) but even on the Arab's side.

The Nazis believed that one German life was worth the entire Jewish population in the world. Zionazis like you believe in the same philosophy. Therefore, the gas chambers are the right places for terrorists like you.
Well Here is an article on the subject that says it has corraborating testimony from Israeli sources, looking like this is more than spin, stand by for more news.

Hamas targets Jerusalem with rocket; Israeli F-16 may be down with pilot held captive in Gaza

Israeli Channel 2 news has reported that Hamas' armed wing has fired a rocket towards Jerusalem.

Yediot Ahranot (Ynet) Israeli newspaper reported on its website that an air raid siren was sounded in Jerusalem and surrounding communities, including Gush Etzion settlements, early Friday evening.

Israel's Army Radio said the rocket landed in the Jerusalem area, leaving a number of Israelis wounded, adding that more than35 rockets, including Iranian-made Fajr 5 long-range rockets, were fired this morning from the Gaza Strip into Israel.

Another spokesman for the Israeli army said the rocket fired from Gaza had hit an uninhabited area in the vicinity of Jerusalem.

An Israeli police officer acknowledged an explosion had been heard, but said there was no initial indication a rocket had struck the city, nor were there any immediate reports of casualties or damage.

Palestinians residents in Bethlehem, which is south of Jerusalem, observed a trail from a rocket above the city shortly before a blast was heard.

This is the first time in the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that a Palestinian rocket has landed in or near Jerusalem, located 65 km from Gaza Strip.

Hamas' armed wing, the al-Qassam Brigades, has claimed responsibility for the Jerusalem rocket(s) attacks.

Meanwhile, according to some Israeli sources, Israel admitted the loss of F-16 aircraft in the sky over Gaza. Moreover Israeli lost contact with the pilot, who is believed to have been captured in Gaza, as per Aqsa TV related to Hamas. No other sources have confirmed this news.
Al-Qassam Brigades announced the downing of an Israeli warplane in Gaza Strip. Hamas said in a statement their fighters are now searching for the plane wreckage, while the Israeli army intensifies its bombing on the place so as to prevent them from seizing it.

However, an Israeli army spokeswoman has denied the downing of a plane in Gaza. According to Al-Jazeera TV, she said this is a ridiculous claim.

It is worth mentioning that Israel previously denied the rockets being fired on Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, but 24 hours later they confirmed the same news.

Moreover, Hamas TV said that Grad and M-75 rockets are among dozens of missiles the Palestinian resistance groups have fired on Friday in Tel Aviv, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ashkelon, Ofakim, Eshkol and Beersheba. These weapons have breached the Iron Dome, which Israeli and American army officials bragged they processed, proving it futile.

The Israeli Defense Ministry said the Iron Dome missile shield had intercepted 192 rockets out of the rockets fired from Gaza Strip since Wednesday. It was unclear how many rockets had been fired.

Israeli media said that one rocket hit and demolished a home in a community near Gaza. No casualties were reported. Another rocket damaged a car in which cameramen from the Reuters news agency were traveling, but they were not hurt.

According to Israeli army radio, three soldiers were wounded Friday afternoon when Gaza terrorists hit the Eshkol region with a short-range rocket. One of the soldiers was seriously injured, and the other two are in moderate condition. The report said they were taken to hospital for treatment.

On the other side, the military escalation carried out by the Israeli army continues all over Gaza Strip. At least 25 Palestinians, including two senior Hamas commanders, have been killed and more than 250 others injured in Israeli attacks in Gaza since Wednesday, when the Israeli army launched the so-called "Operation Pillar of Defense" against the Gaza Strip.

On Friday, during the Egyptian prime minister's visit to Gaza, five people, including a woman, were killed in Israeli airstrikes. Seven others were wounded on a Jebalya refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip and Khan Yunis.

Israel's military denied carrying out the strikes at the time the casualties were reported, during Egyptian premier Hisham Kandil's three-hour visit to Gaza.
Shortly before, Palestinian medical sources in the Gaza Strip reported that four Palestinians dead from an Israeli airstrike on Al-Maghazi refugee camp in central Gaza.

According to Hamas media, Ahmed Abu Jalal, a senior commander in Hamas' military wing, was killed along with his two brothers, and another person was also killed in the same attack.

Hamas fires first rockets at Jerusalem - Israel News, Ynetnews
Palestinian rocket aimed at Jerusalem for 1st time - Yahoo! News
2 Rockets Aimed at Jerusalem Hit Open Area in Gush - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News
BBC News - Gaza conflict: Militant rocket targets Jerusalem
Sources in Arabic:
Mujaz.me |

This single line isn't much to work with, but it is the first sign of possible confirmation outside Hamas that i've seen.
whats wrong with you? You are running all over PDF and advocating against muslim brotherhood! Why?? The whole world recognized Bangladesh in 1972, but your ummah brothers did that only after your recognition! Does it ring any bell? The first man who had this ummah delusion was Muhammad pbuh and we claim to be his followers! So if you don't like it, keep quiet!

Here is a part of delusional sermon we call farewell sermon.

You know very well that Ummah brotherhood strongly betrayed Bangladesh yet you come back and troll for the same cause. This has got to be the most epic case of identity confusion!
It's the perfect propaganda. Trying to cheer up the Arabs in Gaza before the devastation that awaits them because of HAMAS.

In other news:
Israeli sources claim that Arabs worldwide chant "Death to America!" and "Death to Israel!" but Arab sources dispute this claim and say that the Arabs worldwide chant "Death to Israel!" first and only then "Death to America!".
Wow... now Indians can now cut & paste and steal peoples post on other forums ?.... interesting. There is also, using your own brain to think of your own answers instead of coping others, but then again you Bharti don't have one do you. Less shameful if you admit that fact :)

Lolllllll are u drunk or something like that.....so you think you r the only intelligent one to post a response and other just copy ..."M"...and by the way post you quoted was my personal response to childish comment..... i think you shld share that lollypop with him ...
Since the source is Press TV it won't be accepted here, i guess the only acceptable "reliable" news source here is CNN, BBC or at times even FOX. :S
Since the source is Press TV it won't be accepted here, i guess the only acceptable "reliable" news source here is CNN, BBC or at times even FOX. :S

Actually if they had been captured , it would be big deal by now. They once released 1200 Palestinian terrorists for 1 Israeli soldier.

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